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ENVR 195 Viruses: Introduction and Overview
Chip Simmons And Mark Sobsey
Viruses Not cellular organisms Small: simple: shape:
µM diameter simple: nucleic acid protein coat (lipoprotein envelope) shape: spherical (icosahedral) rod-shaped (helical) complex
Virus Composition nucleic acid: RNA or DNA double- or single-stranded
one piece or multiple, genetically distinct pieces represent separate genes some have multiple copies of same gene linear, circular or circular+supercoiled
Virus Composition protein coat or capsid: envelope:
contains one or more distinct proteins; multiple copies of each proteins arranged in a stable array to form capsid some proteins on virus surface are glycosylated envelope: usually derived from cell membrane lipid bilayer with inserted virus-specific proteins (peplomers) acquired from cell upon exiting (“budding”)
Virus Replication and Infectivity
no biological activity outside of host cells/or host organisms obligate intracellular parasites; active only in host cell recruit host cells biosynthetic machinery and building blocks to make new viruses typically produce 1000s to 100,000s per infected cell often destroy (lyse) the host cell as a result of infection some viruses: host cell survives to shed viruses over time productive infection other viruses: host cell survives and is transformed by presence of virus genes tumor viruses
Taxonomy Classify into groups based upon common physical/chemical properties Viruses in same group often have similar biological properties Replication Disease Spread An attempt to bring order to the large number of viruses discovered in the last eighty years. It has a more practical purposes as well. All members of a group often have similar biological properties. Knowing something about the biological properties of a group sometimes tells you something about how a newly discovered member might behave. For instance, all herpesviruses have the same structure and look the same in electron micrographs. They also all become latent in their hosts and are reactivated periodically. A new member (the Brazilian Mugwump virus) would therefore also be expected to cause recurrent reactivations. Most members of the genus Flavivirus (West Nile Virus) are spread by insects. If a new virus, that has physical and chemical properties of flaviviruses, is discovered the chances are that it is spread by insects as well.
Classification based upon:
Genome (RNA, DNA, SS, DS etc) Morphology of virion, envelope Replication strategy Serological relationships (Serotypes) International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses
Important Definitions For Virus Replication
Virion – a virus particle; the virus nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat and sometimes, a lipoprotein envelope Messenger RNA (mRNA) – an RNA molecule transcribed from DNA that contains the genetic material necessary to encode a particular protein Plus-strand (+) nucleic acid – an RNA or DNA strand that has the same sense as the mRNA of a virus (can act as mRNA > make viral proteins) Minus- strand (-) nucleic acid – an RNA or DNA strand that has the opposite sense (complementary) of the mRNA of a virus
The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
Transcription Replication DNA RNA (mRNA) Translation Protein Transcription is carried out by RNA polymerase Translation is carried out by ribosomes in the cell Replication is carried out by DNA polymerase Reverse transcriptase copies RNA to DNA
Virus Replication Strategies Based on Nucleic Acid: The Baltimore Classification
Virus – “Life Cycle” Attachment / Adsorption Penetration Uncoating
translocation endocytosis fusion Uncoating Biosynthesis: Replication and Transcription segmented: monocystronic mRNA non-segmented: polycistronic mRNA Synthesis and assembly Release Maturation virus becomes infectious may be linked to release or may occur after the virus has been released
Non-segmented Viruses: Polycystronic mRNA
Replication of a Nonenveloped RNA Virus
Replication of an enveloped Virus
Infection of the cell OR by budding (without Release by lysis of cell
death of cell, non-cytopathic) Release by lysis of cell (cytopathic)
Viruses and the Environment
non-enveloped viruses are most persistent in the environment than enveloped viruses protein coat confers stability and resistance to stressors enteric viruses are important for environmental health transmitted by direct and indirect contact, fecally contaminated water, food, fomites and air. Most enteric viruses are nonenveloped respiratory viruses also important transmitted by direct and indirect contact, air and fomites (some by water and food, too) some respiratory viruses are nonenveloped (rhinoviruses and adenoviruses) others are enveloped (influenza viruses and coronaviruses)
Important Human Enteric Viruses (150+)
Viruses/Groups Animals Reservoirs? Enteroviruses: no (polios, echos*, coxsackies*, etc.) Hepatitis A virus no Hepatitis E virus pigs?; rats? Reoviruses yes Rotaviruses yes** Adenoviruses* yes** Caliciviruses*: Norwalk, Snow Mountain, etc. Cattle? Swine? Astroviruses uncertain *On EPA’s candidate contaminants list (CCL) **Humans & animals infected by different ones; but not always.
Enteroviruses distinct animal enteroviruses Icosahedral shape
~27-30 nm diameter single-stranded +sense RNA about 7,500 nucleotides icosahedral protein coat (capsid) 4 capsid proteins: VP1, VP2, VP3, VP4 (all cleaved from VP0) >71 antigenically distinct human types polioviruses (3 types) coxsackie B viruses (6 types) coxsackie A viruses (23 types) echoviruses (31 types) distinct animal enteroviruses
Hepatitis A Virus (HAV)
icosahedral 27 nM in diameter non-enveloped capsid ss(+) RNA genome At least 3 major structural polypeptides Single serotype Infects humans and non-human primates Cell culture reported in 1979 in fetal rhesus monkey kidney cells
Hepatitis A Virus (HAV)
Fecal-oral route of exposure Incubation period: 2-6 weeks Serious debilitating disease (general infection): fever, abdominal pain, headache, jaundice, nausea, diarrhea Fecally excreted at concentrations up to 106 infectious units per gram (>109 virions per gram) Infectious at relatively low doses Persistent in feces, sewage, soil and water and on foods and environmental surfaces for weeks to months, depending on temperature and other environmental factors. Heat resistant: requires >60oC for rapid inactivation.
Hepatitis A Virus cause of infectious or epidemic hepatitis
replicates in liver; viral shedding: 4 weeks
Geographic Distribution of HAV Infection
Anti-HAV Prevalence High Intermediate Low Very Low
Hepatitis E Virus 32-34 nM in diameter ss(+) RNA genome
May belong to the caliciviridae family Incubation period: Average 40 days Range days Case-fatality rate: Overall, 1%-3% Pregnant women, 17% - 33% Illness severity: increased with age
Geographic Distribution of Hepatitis E
Reovirus and Rotaviruses
~spherical; icosahedral ~75-80 nm diameter double-layered capsid nucleic acid: double-stranded RNA 11 segments (rota) 10 segments (reo) electropherotypes 7 Groups (A-G) by VP6 Subgroups, serotypes Group A most important in humans (children) Group C causes sporadic illness Group B has caused large outbreaks (adults), rare
ADENOVIRUSES: icosahedral ~80 nm diameter double-stranded, linear DNA
protein coat; at least 10 proteins Hexons, pentons, minor polypeptides attachment fibers with knobs At leat 41 human adenoviruses types 1-39 mostly respiratory but fecally shed types 40 and 41 are enteric Often the most prevalent viruses in treated sewage resistance to treatment? Highly resistant to UV radiation Distinct animal adenoviruses
Noroviruses and Other Caliciviruses
Icosahedral “structured”; cup-like surface morphology 30-35 nm diameter ss(+) RNA, ~7.7 KB 1 major capsid polypeptide, ~60 kD minor protein, ~30 kD 4 major HuNOV groups (G1 and G2 most prevalent Sappoviruses; genetically distinct human enteric caliciviruses NoVs and other caliciviruses are genetically diverse/variable No culture of human NoVs, (except in humans and maybe chimps) Distinct animal caliciviruses & noroviruses some genetically similar to human NoVs cross-species transmission?
Response of Human Volunteers to Norwalk Virus Infection via the Oral Route
Important Human Respiratory Viruses
Orthomyxoviruses (influenza): types A and B Paramyxoviruses: Respiratory Measles Mumps Coronaviruses Common cold viruses SARS Herpesviruses Rhinoviruses
Influenza Viruses Pleomorphic, spherical filamentous forms occur
nm diameter, or 20 nm diameter and nm long Segmented, linear -ssRNA genome 7 to 8 segments Enveloped, filamentous nucleocapsids Envelope is lipid bilayer with ~500 spikes (Hs & Ns) Hemagglutinin and neuraminidase Causes influenza – “the flu” Animal reservoirs of influenza viruses that “jump” to humans or co-nfect animals, usually pigs, along with human strains to create new strains that are highly transmissable and virulent
Paramyxoviruses Roughly Spherical, Pleomorphic -ssRNA genome, 17-20 kb
~200 nm diameter -ssRNA genome, kb Enveloped, helical nucleocapsid Envelope is lipid bilayer with glycoprotein spikes Includes Measles, Mumps, and RSV
Rhinoviruses Spherical +ssRNA genome Nonenveloped, icosahedral capsid
27-30 nm diamter +ssRNA genome ~7.2kb Nonenveloped, icosahedral capsid 50% of Common Cold 105 serotypes
Coronaviruses Irregularly shaped +ssRNA genome (27-31 kb)
nm diameter +ssRNA genome (27-31 kb) Enveloped particles with loosely wound nucleocapsid characteristic “club-shaped” peplomers 10 % of Common cold Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - SARS
SARS - Coronaviruses Discovered in March, 2003
pleomorphic, enveloped particles 60 and 130 nm Short incubation (2 – 7 days) Complete sequence known five major ORFs Very distinct group; not related to other HuCo-Vs Concensus genotype, but strain variability (epid studies) High rate of RNA-RNA recombination More environmentally stable than other HuCo-Vs Zoonotic pathogen? (civets)
SARS HuCo-V Phylogenetic Tree
SARS: Clinical Detection
Up to 109 particles per mL in sputum Detected in nasopharyngeal aspirates by RT-PCR in 32% at initial presentation (mean 3.2 days after onset of illness) and in 68% at day 14 Detected in 97% of patient’s stools and 42% of urine samples two weeks after the onset of illness
SARS Spread close person-to-person contact.
respiratory droplets (droplet spread) from coughs or sneezes. propelled a short distance (generally up to 3 feet) through the air and deposited on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, or eyes of persons who are nearby. Also spread by fomites (person touches a surface or object contaminated with infectious droplets and then touches his or her mouth, nose, or eye(s). might spread more broadly through the air (airborne spread) Symptoms: high fever (>100.4°F; >38.0°C). Other symptoms: headache, malaise, and body aches. Some people also have mild respiratory symptoms at outset. 10 percent to 20 percent of patients have diarrhea. After 2 to 7 days, SARS patients may develop a dry cough. Most patients develop pneumonia. Source: Initially certain mammals in SE Asia (esp. China): palm civet cat; recent evidence in bats
Assay Methods for Viruses
Electron Microscopy (EM) and Immune EM Insensitive (>1,000,000 particles/ml) OK for clinical but not environmental virology Animal Infectivity Slow, cumbersome, expensive, ethical considerations Culture or infectivity Now widely used in environmental virology Cytopathogenic effects Growth, but no cytopathogenic effects detect viral antigens or nucleic acids Immunoassays insensitive for direct detection Amplify viruses in cell cultures Nucleic acid assays insensitive for direct detection by hybridization Amplify in cell culture or in vitro (PCR or RT-PCR)
Virus Infectivity and Infectivity Assays
Viruses differ in their their human infectivity Enteric viruses and some respiratory viruses are generally infectious at low doses As little as one cell culture or animal infectious dose has a high probability of infecting an exposed human Many enteric viruses in environmental samples do not cause cytopathogenic effects (CPE) will not be detected by microscopic examination require additional methods to detect their presence immunochemical methods detect antigens in infected cells nucleic acid methods nucleic acid hybridization nucleic acid amplification
Virus Detection in Cell Culture by Cytopathogenic Effects
Infected Cell Culture with CPE Uninfected Cell Culture From a public health and risk assessment standpoint, microbial assays based on infectivity are the most relevant and easily interpretable ones
Quantifying Human Virus Infectivity is a Challenge
Some infect only humans Some infect certain experimental animals, too Some infect experimental animals and cell cultures Different ratios of infectivity to virions (particles) 1 infectious unit ~ 1 virus particles some bacteriophages 1 infectious unit ~100 virions: some cell culture adapted viruses 1 infectious unit ~10, ,000 virions many “wild-type or field viruses
Progress in Virus Detection in Cell Culture
Some viruses (some enteroviruses, adenoviruses, rotaviruses, astroviruses and hepatitis A virus) grow poorly or slowly in cell cultures and produce little or no CPE. Greater detection with additional analytical techniques: Viral antigens Immunofluorescence assays, enzyme immunoassays, radioimmunoassays, etc. Viral nucleic acid assays: hybridization and/or amplification Combined cell culture + RT-PCR demonstrates presence of greater numbers of infectious viruses than CPE alone Post-disinfection, more viruses are detected than by CPE
Challenges in Assaying Viral Infectivity
Host susceptibility and variability in host susceptibility Type of host cells and cell culture assay methods: Plaque (enumerative) assays Quantal (liquid culture) assays Quantal assay endpoints: Cytopathogenic effects: visible changes in cells Immunodetection or nucleic acid detection Animal bioassays: used if no cell culture assay available Virus titer often increases with serial passages in hosts
Estimating Viral Dose: Relationship of Infectivity to Virus Particle Count
As little a one or a few intact, functional virus particles are capable of causing infection in a susceptible host. Ratios of virus particles to infectious units are highly variable and are subject to change: Passage of viruses in susceptible host cells reduces the ratio of virus particles to infectious units rotavirus: initial ratio: ~50,000 virus particles/infect. unit after cell culture passage: ~100 particles/infect. Unit Norwalk Virus appears to be infectious at doses corresponding to as little as virus particles.
Emerging Microbial Indicators of Fecal Contamination for Enteric Viruses
Somatic and F+ (male-specific) coliphages may be useful indicators of enteric viruses in water, wastewater and other fecally contaminated samples. Plentiful in raw sewage Reduced less effectively than are conventional indicator bacteria by sewage treatment processes. Superficially resemble enteric viruses (F+ coliphages) Easy, rapid and economical to detect and quantify by reliable methods somatic F+
Localized Infections Organism enters the body and reaches target site of infection Organism adheres to or enters host cells and multiplies at site of infection Infection spreads within the site (e.g., respiratory tract; intestines) Symptoms of illness appear Organism does not spread through the lymphatic system or reach the bloodstream Infection subsides due to host defenses (e.g., immunity) Agent eliminated from the body; infected cells replaced; "cured"
Generalized/Systemic/Disseminated Infections
Organism enters the body and reaches target site of initial infection Organism adheres to or enters host cells and multiplies at initial site of infection Infection spreads within site and to other sites via tissues, lymphatic system, bloodstream (bacteremia, viremia, etc.) and possibly other routes Symptoms of illness may appear Organisms infect other organs, tissues and cells; more spread via bloodstream Symptoms of illness become severe Host defenses eliminate organisms leading to cure or disease continues, possibly leading to irreversible damage or death
Virus Infections: Some Important Viruses Cause Localized Infections and Others Systemic Infections
Enteric Viruses: Localized: caliciviruses astroviruses adenoviruses rotaviruses Generalized: enteroviruses hepatitis A and E viruses Respiratory Viruses: Localized: rhinoviruses coronaviruses Orthomyxoviruses(Flu) paramyxoviruses Generalized: herpesviruses measles mumps
Factors Influencing Virus Infection and Illness
The probability of infection varies with: Virus factors Host factors Route and site of infection and vehicle Ingestion, inhalation, eye, skin, etc. Water, food, droplets, aerosols The probablility of illness from infection is high (>50%) for many enteric viruses Varies with age of host and with type of virus: Some: high rates of illness in infants and children Others: high rates of illness in adults Varies with health status: “sensitive populations” Elderly: high risk of illness with adverse outcomes Immune compromised: high risk of chronic, lethal illness Pregnancy: high risk of illness and death (ex: HEV)
Role of Immunity in Virus Infections: Generalized/Systemic/Disseminated Infections
Immunity against generalized/systemic/disseminated infection is usually lifelong, unless immune system is severely compromised Localized (e.g., gastrointestinal) re-infection is possible Hepatitis A and E and many enteroviruses cause systemic/generalized/disseminated infections Typically, immunity against severe illness is long-term and probably lifelong. Proof of concept: live, oral poliovirus vaccine and poliomyelitis eradication; susceptibles are newborns and infants Antigenic changes in viruses may overcome long-term immunity and increase risks of re-infection or illness.
Role of Immunity in Virus Infections: Localized Infections:
Immunity to infection is usually short-term and transient Gut (secretory or IgA) immunity wanes over time Proof of concept: live, oral rotavirus vaccine: immunity declines over time and reinfection with “wild” type rotaviruses occurs Repeated localized (e.g., gastrointestinal) re-infection is possible Rotaviruses, caliciviruses, adenoviruses and some enteroviruses, cause localized infections
Role of Selection of New Viral Strains in Susceptibility to Infection and Illness
Antigenic changes in viruses overcome immunity, increasing risks of re-infection or illness Antigenically different strains of viruses appear and are selected for over time and space Constant selection of new strains (by antigenic shift and drift) Partly driven by “herd” immunity and genetic recombination, reassortment and point mutations Antigenic Shift: Major change in virus genetic composition by gene substitution or replacement (e.g., reassortment) Antigenic Drift: Minor changes in virus genetic composition, often by mutation involving specific codons in existing genes (point mutations) A single point mutation can greatly alter virus virulence
Factors Influencing Exposure and Infection: Host Factors and Host Susceptibility
Opportunities for host exposure transmission routes host availability Susceptibility factors Dosage (quantity) and "quality" of infectious organisms, including their "virulence"; age immunity nutritional status immunocompetence and health status, genetics behavior (personal habits) of host.
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