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How to Manage Quality in TVET Uwe Wieckenberg Institut für Bildungstransfer, Germany Fourth ECA Education Conference October 24-26, 2007, Tirana.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Manage Quality in TVET Uwe Wieckenberg Institut für Bildungstransfer, Germany Fourth ECA Education Conference October 24-26, 2007, Tirana."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Manage Quality in TVET Uwe Wieckenberg Institut für Bildungstransfer, Germany Fourth ECA Education Conference October 24-26, 2007, Tirana

2 Agenda 1.What is Quality? 2.What are the Functions of a Qualitymanagementsystem? 3.What Qualitymanagementsystems are relevant? 4.What do these Qualitymanagementsystems have in common? 5.What kind of Experience do we have on the Institutional Level 6.Problems in the Context of Quality and Education 7.Bottom-line Approach of Quality Assurance 8.Conclusion

3 1. What is Quality? There is no uniform definition of „Quality“! The definition depends on the particular context! A general definition from DIN EN ISO: Quality = fulfilment of requirements

4 What Levels of Quality do we have to Distinguish in the Field of TVET? –Level of Interactions: quality in teaching/training and learning –Level of Institution: quality of the institution –Level of the System: quality of the TVET system

5 What Scopes of Quality can be distinguished? Input: - resources - (legal) guidelines Process: - core processes of TVET Output/Outcome: - results

6 2. What are the Functions of a Quality Management System (QMS)? A QMS describes, how an Institution defines Quality tries to achieve Quality (Processes) tries to maintain Quality (Quality Assurance)

7 1. Plan Define goals and requirements 2. Do Plan and observe performance 3. Check Record, review and check 4. Act Measure, analyse and remove weak points PDCA- Zyklus (plan – do – check – act) Methodological Procedure

8 Procedure of the „Common Quality Assurance Framework“ (CQAF) for VET in Europe

9 DIN EN ISO 9001 The Excellence-Model of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Qualität by Evaluation and Development (Q2E) Learner-Oriented Quality Development for Further Education (LQW) 3. What Quality Management Systems are relevant?

10 DIN EN ISO 9000


12 Qualität durch Evaluation und Entwicklung (Q2E)

13 EduQua Six EduQua Quality Criteria:

14 Learner-Oriented Quality Development for Further Education

15 4. What do these QMS have in common? The general methodology (P-D-C-A) Specific goals are defined (continuous im- provement, excellence, good education, …) They have a definition of „quality“ They have different areas of quality They emphasise the relevance of (business) process management

16 5. What kind of Experience do we have on the Institutional Level? Quality Assurance and Management is still „new“ in the TVET sector Importance of „Process Management“ in Advanced Training Programmes of InWEnt

17 Architecture of Processes targets, strategy administration tasks of education processes of leadership support processes Core processes resultsresults

18 6. Problems in the Context of Quality and Education Cause and effect Who is the client? The specific contribution of the client

19 7. Bottom-line Approach of Quality Assurance How do we define „Quality“? What is our concern? What are our core processes and how do we design them? How can we check the results? How can we continuously improve our results? Mission statement Process Management Evaluation Kontinuierliche Verbesserung

20 8. Conclusion a)QMS are converging b)Reflexion is most important c)Reflexion is more important than the specific QMS d)We should keep the methodology as simple as possible

21 e)We should take care on the goals at system level, e.g.: Sustainability: - economical dimension - ecological dimension - social dimension - dimension of continuous learning

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