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Middleware Roadmap for GridPP3 R.Middleton GridPP16- QMUL.

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1 Middleware Roadmap for GridPP3 R.Middleton GridPP16- QMUL

2 29th June 2006 Middleware Roadmap - GridPP3 Outline GridPP3 Goals for MSN Software for exploitation Areas –Data Management –Storage –WMS, Portal, R-T Map –InfoMon –Security –Networking

3 29th June 2006 Middleware Roadmap - GridPP3 MSN Goals GridPP1 Prototype testbeds & prototype code GridPP2 Production develop & deploy GridPP3 Exploitation support & maintain Important –interoperability with peer grids –gradual transition to common standards –…and fix the holes ! Criteria –mission critical –support UK products… our contribution to the wider picture –where leverage is high

4 29th June 2006 Middleware Roadmap - GridPP3 Software for Exploitation LCG-2.7.0 BDII R-GMA FTS DPM LFC LCG-UTILS GFAL LCG-RB/LB (called RB) LCG-CE (called CE) VOMS MYPROXY APEL Client libs Monitoring tools VOBOX(s) LCG-2.7.0 BDII R-GMA FTS DPM LFC LCG-UTILS GFAL LCG-RB/LB (called RB) LCG-CE (called CE) VOMS MYPROXY APEL Client libs Monitoring tools VOBOX(s) gLite-1.5 BDII R-GMA FTS DPM LFC Firemen gLite-I/O Crypted data Hydra AMGA DGAS GPBOX gLite-WLMS/LB Glite-CE VOMS Client libs MYPROXY gLite-1.5 BDII R-GMA FTS DPM LFC Firemen gLite-I/O Crypted data Hydra AMGA DGAS GPBOX gLite-WLMS/LB Glite-CE VOMS Client libs MYPROXY gLite-3.0 BDII R-GMA FTS DPM LFC LCG-UTILS GFAL VOMS MYPROXY APEL Monitoring tools VOBOXs LCG-RB/LB (called RB) LCG-CE (called CE) gLite-WLMS/LB Glite-CE Client libs gLite-3.0 BDII R-GMA FTS DPM LFC LCG-UTILS GFAL VOMS MYPROXY APEL Monitoring tools VOBOXs LCG-RB/LB (called RB) LCG-CE (called CE) gLite-WLMS/LB Glite-CE Client libs Affects Uis and WNs Requires duplicated services Ack: Marcus Schulz

5 29th June 2006 Middleware Roadmap - GridPP3 Data Management Critical to effective work on LCG –LFC, FTS, … Unsolved issues –e.g. replication management Bespoke solutions (4 times over !) Chaotic analysis –aint seen nothing yet Development –but important !

6 29th June 2006 Middleware Roadmap - GridPP3 Storage Maturity DPM, dCache, CASTOR –Responsible for SRM2 interface to CASTOR –Responsible other utilities (scripts), monitoring, accounting Drive Storage Group Reduce diversity over time 0 years6m un tested Simple ~1year Globus wuftpd Large rewrite CASTOR -1 years0 yearsSimple ~1year Java simple ~10 years dCache 0 years~1 year DPM SRM 2.2SRM 2.1SRM 1.1Grid FTP Disk cache

7 29th June 2006 Middleware Roadmap - GridPP3 WMS Accumulating performance data Regarded as important by EGEE Growth area in chasing job efficiency

8 29th June 2006 Middleware Roadmap - GridPP3 Portal / R-T Map Portal –Essential for small experiments R-T Map –widespread use –this is reality

9 29th June 2006 Middleware Roadmap - GridPP3 InfoMon R-GMA, Service Discovery, GLUE Schema Support for all EGEE/LCG not just UK GridView APEL CMS, ATLAS (?) DILIGENT, GridCC, …

10 29th June 2006 Middleware Roadmap - GridPP3 Security Operational Security The UK VOMS Service GridSite –website e.g. GridPP, GOC, Grid-Ireland –GACL e.g WMProxy, Logging & Bookkeeping –mod_gridsite e.g parsing VOMS attributes, … Vulnerabilities –analysis, tracking, resolution, disclosure, … Policy –certificates, AUP, …

11 29th June 2006 Middleware Roadmap - GridPP3 Networking Monitoring –understand operations … know whats going on –underpinning… Communicating HEP Requirements

12 29th June 2006 Middleware Roadmap - GridPP3 Effort Roadmap

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