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Quality Management (WP5) Roman CHIRCA Agency for Innovation and Technological Transfer TecTNet ………... This project has been funded with support from the.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Management (WP5) Roman CHIRCA Agency for Innovation and Technological Transfer TecTNet ………... This project has been funded with support from the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Management (WP5) Roman CHIRCA Agency for Innovation and Technological Transfer TecTNet ………... This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Tecnological Transfer Network

2 TecTNet Kick-off meeting, December 16, 2013 Duration START – 1(month number) END – 36 (month number) Roman CHIRCA

3 TecTNet Kick-off meeting, December 16, 2013 Quality assurance The quality monitoring objectives of TecTNet, such as working procedures and methods to be applied, inspection and examination techniques to control the quality of the project implementation and deliverables are foreseen to be monitored. Developing a quality strategy for each WP and deliverable of the project will ensure a constant monitoring of the scientific, technical and administrative development of the project in order to guarantee effective and timely project activities, both at the scientific and at the administrative level. AITT, as leader of WP5, Quality Management, will act as quality control unit of the project elaborating a quality plan and continuously verifying its implementation. Each partner of TecTNet project will be responsible for implementing the quality plan while it develops its specific tasks during the project life. Periodic reports regarding to the TecTNet project advances, feedback forms during testing and pilot activities will be used for monitoring activities and to write a Final Report about the quality of the project.

4 TecTNet Kick-off meeting, December 16, 2013 As leader of WP5 (quality management), AITT will be responsible of: internal management responsibility at all management levels; collections, analysis, communications and use of information on the physical and financial progress of the project and on the achievement of the results; monitoring through formal reporting and informal communication. In order to improve the quality control AITT have to: ·Involve external experts/professional bodies to the project management to ensure impartiality and credibility of the evaluation findings; Presuppose stakeholders participation to ensure that different perspectives and views are taken into account.

5 TecTNet Kick-off meeting, December 16, 2013 List Of Deliverables - Outcomes Deliverable N° TitleType or nature of deliverable Delivery Date D 5.1Design of the quality management system Methodology2014-02-28 D 5.2Coordination of quality control Report2016-11-30 D 5.3Quality monitoringReport2016-11-30 D 5.4Project documentation Report2016-11-30 D 5.5Final Evaluation of the master Report2016-01-29

6 TecTNet Kick-off meeting, December 16, 2013 D 5.1 Design of the quality management system  Definition of quality criteria and indicators. Ex:  Deviation from budget (Measure the actual cost of the project relative to the initial estimate of the Costs. May it be a year over the initial budget or Below the Estimated initial framing.)  Problems identified project (Measures the number of new problems related to the project have been identified and that must be solved during the project.)  framing deadlines  Definition and establishment of quality procedures for each activity of the project.  Realization of the quality manual for the partners.

7 TecTNet Kick-off meeting, December 16, 2013 D 5.2 Coordination of project quality control and monitoring activities The partners will be coordinated by the AITT in the assessment of the quality indicators in order to reach the aims of the project in the most effective way. The definition of milestones during the project development are important to evaluate indicators of progress and, in case of negative evaluation, to decide for corrective actions.

8 TecTNet Kick-off meeting, December 16, 2013 D 5.3 Day-to-day quality monitoring Periodic reports on project advances, quality of the outcomes and compliance with project deadlines, critical situations and possible solutions will be produced during the project. At the end of the project all the intermediate reports will be collected and organized in a final report. Feedback forms during test and pilot activities will be used for monitoring activities and for writing the final report section concerning test activities

9 TecTNet Kick-off meeting, December 16, 2013 D 5.4 Project documentation keeping and analyzing Project documentation keeping and analyzing is essential in the quality monitoring. The realized ICT platform (WP3) will be used for information management purposes to share documents, procedures and protocols. This will be useful not only to support the OTTs activities but also for the management of the project documents related to quality.

10 TecTNet Kick-off meeting, December 16, 2013 D 5.5 Final Evaluation of the master The final evaluation of the pilot edition (first edition) of the master is essential to improve the further editions of the master programme about transfer of innovation. The students of the master program at the end of each module and at the last lesson of the master have to fill-in a well structured anonymous course evaluation form. The form will allow the evaluation of the teachers, the module subjects, the teaching material, the e-learning contents.

11 TecTNet Kick-off meeting, December 16, 2013 Role and tasks in the workpackage AITT will coordinate WP5 activities. AITT will be responsible with UNISANNIO to the design of the quality system (D 5.1) and to the coordination of the quality control (D 5.2) helped by the other MD agencies, in particular of MTNN and AGEPI. All the partners will contribute to the quality monitoring (D 5.3), project documentation keeping and analyzing (D 5.4) and the final evaluation of the master (D 5.5).

12 TecTNet Kick-off meeting, December 16, 2013 Assumptions and risks The project quality plan structure is to guarantee the correct implementation of the activities, the achievement of the project objectives and the valorisation of the project results.

13 TecTNet Kick-off meeting, December 16, 2013 Quality means delivering:  functionalities agreed  of costs agreed and  in terms agreed functionalities costs terms

14 TecTNet Kick-off meeting, December 16, 2013 Thank you for your attention!

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