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The Final Study Period Report on MFI 6: Model registration procedure SC32WG2 Meeting, Sydney May 26, 2008 H. Horiuchi, Keqing He, Doo-Kwon Baik SC32WG2.

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Presentation on theme: "The Final Study Period Report on MFI 6: Model registration procedure SC32WG2 Meeting, Sydney May 26, 2008 H. Horiuchi, Keqing He, Doo-Kwon Baik SC32WG2."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Final Study Period Report on MFI 6: Model registration procedure SC32WG2 Meeting, Sydney May 26, 2008 H. Horiuchi, Keqing He, Doo-Kwon Baik SC32WG2 N1129 1

2 Table of Contents Current status of MFI standard development The Study strategy Recommendations The Requirements Scope of the MFI 6 Basic structure of MFI-6 Schedule for the standard development Annex 2

3 The study strategy (Confirmed in the Seoul Meeting, Dec., 2007) The tentative goal was the preparation of a draft WD on “Model registration procedure ” to the coming Australia Meeting (May, 2008) Investigate and Stock take requirements on the Registrations as widely as possible. Implement a prototype MFI facility and investigate the registration procedure Propose a common procedure consolidating both procedures of MDR + MFI 3

4 Recommendations Recommendation : The Registration Procedure should be standardized as a part of MFI standard (to be the part 6) by the project sub-dividing, under the name of “The model registration procedure”. The part 6 should take the MDR(ISO/IEC 11179) part 6 in to the core of the standard Additional portions to the MDR pat 6(registration ) as the MFI 6 should cover procedures and constructs to be used for improving the interoperability among various types of models and registries A draft WD should be submitted to the WG2 Sydney meeting, following requirements. 4

5 Scope of MFI 6 MFI 6 should specify the normative registration procedure and normative references for the domain model (ontology) registrations to the registry which is conform to MFI standards. MFI dose not specify any type of modeling facility and repository implementations 5 MFI Registry Model Repository Administered Item Ontology Repository Model Registration Information Model Registration

6 MFI and MDR A model to be registered to MFI registry consists from Classes and their relationships Each class has attributes which are supported by metadata as data type or value domain in MDR Class Name Attribute: Model Metadata Concept Definition Value Domain Administered Item Data Type 6 Target of Registration MFIMDR

7 Difference between MDR & MFI Registries No Need for checking on the duplication of contents 7 Model Data element set With No Duplication, Clear Definition. Strong harmonization must be needed. DEC CD VD DE Sign MC MI SO Accumulation of contents is the Value of the registry. Duplication of contents may be allowed. However, to keep trust of the contents, some sort of the registration rules and metamodel should be enforced. RO

8 What out of the scope are; Harmonization process of the contents for each domain. (To be standardized within each domain) Change Propagation and Notification among registries (To be discussed in ROR) 8

9 SO IRDI UUID Publisher Termnet Other Dictionary Registered Objects Registered Model Registration Authority Model Registration Information USER Registrar JTC1 Name Space MFI Registry Maintenance Harmonizer Registry Quality Criteria Registry Quality Guidelines Data Formulation Rules (11179-4) Subject matters of the Part-6 9

10 Requirements MFI 6 should make it clear that things to be registered and how to be used MFI metamodels Requirement-2: (Interoperability ) MFI 6 should be considered as a core part of an infrastructure which enables the interoperability by the conceivable higher lever registries (ROR) Then, all models and ontology to be registered are required to be identified and to classified by those schema specified by MFI 6 10 Requirement-1: thing to be registered

11 Registration Requirement Registrar Things to be Related at the Registration 11 Model Concept Administered Item RA MFI Registry Information ID Publisher Model ComponentSet MFI Registry Normative Model Components Model Name Space UUID Model Resources URI Registered Organization ID MFI Metamodels Actual Model or Ontology to be Registered Translate Model Category MDR SO RO


13 Registration Concept of MDR 13 Authority Metadata Elements Request for Approval Registry Approval Regulation & Standards Register Use of standardized Data element Trust Steward Submission MDR Harmonization

14 MDR Registration Process 14

15 Requirements; (Cont’d) Requirement-3: (Procedure enforcement at implementations) Normative contents of the Part 6 should be enforced in both human processes and machine executable processes Requirement-4: (Self registration) The Part 6 should provide facilities for the encouragement of registrar to complete their model registrations through the interactive processes. These facilities could enables the promoting of the accumulation of registry contents. 15

16 RA: Registration Authority Model Registry Information MFI Registry ISO/IEC 11179 Registering User Watch Trust Registration Metamodel Registration Process Registration Requirements ROSO ISO/IEC 19763 MFI Model registration

17 MFI Registration Process 17 Submission Of Model SubmitterSteward (RA) Registry Control Model Registered Published Submission Help Requirements Checking Submitter Registration Submitters Registered Registration Help Watching Registry Status LC Stages

18 RA and Registrar A registrar of models to the MFI registry should be recognized by the Registry Authority of the MFI registry 18 Administered Item MFI Registry Information MFI Registry Registrar Registration Authority Authorization


20 Requirements; Requirement-5: (Related other MFI standards) Part-6 should be used for the registration of any kind of models including ontology those could be acceptable for MFI-2 (core) & MFI-3 in order to promote sharing and reusing of those for the sake of interoperability among domains. Requirement-6: (Relation to MDR standards) The part-6 should take the MDR(ISO/IEC 11179) part-6 in to the core of the standard 20

21 Difference between MDR 6 & MFI 6 MDR 6MFI 6 Inherited as it are; Designation of RA, Registration of Administered Item Identification of Administers Item Added as new; Model Identification Model classification Quality requirements Interoperability Requirements <> Change Notification Change Propagation Inherited with Changed; Administered Item Administration Work Registration Process Excluded; Harmonization process 21

22 Structure of MFI 6 ISO/IEC 11179-6 ISO/IEC 19763-6 Designation of RA, SO, RO Registration of Administered Item Identification of Administers Item Procedure Degree of Conformance Model Registration Concept Designation of Submitter classification Identification of model registration Model Classification Quality Requirements Interoperability Requirements Degree of Conformance Model Registration Procedure 22

23 Scope of Part 6 Metadata Registry Model Registry Ontology Registry Metadata specific Registration Process Ontology specific Registration Process Model specific Registration Process MFI-6: Model Registration Process ISO/IEC11179-6 Value Domain Normative Model Constructs vocabulary 23

24 Model Repository 24 MDR Administered Item MFI part 2 Metamodel MFI part 3 Metamodel > Any kind Model To be Registered Model Repository Model Registration Information Describe MFI Registry > Ontology Registration Information > Any kind Ontology To be Registered Describe > M1 M2 M3

25 REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS 25 MFI Registration Information

26 Quality Requirements Quality of Registration Quality of Registry Quality of Information Registry contents Registry Registrar Registration 26 Requirement- 7: Requirements on Quality

27 Quality of Data The quality measurements and guideline of each data element or set of data elements should be domain dependent.( e.g. ISO8000) In MFI 6, It should be out of the scope 27

28 Quality of the Registration To maintain the Quality of the registry, the MFI 6 should specify the processes and guideline Those processes should be possible for software automated checking and enforcement 28

29 Quality of the Registry The Quality of Registry means that consistency and compliances to all of mandatory criteria should be kept among all of model instances in the registry These compliance maintenance should be responsible to the steward of the MFI registry. 29

30 Requirements (Con’t) Requirements-7 Identification Schema MFI 6 should stock take major UUID providers as widely as possible including ID schema that were used in MDR standards (e.g. IRDI) MFI 6 should take one of those as the recommended identification scheme MFI 6 should provide an own ID scheme for miscellaneous object (attached model profiles), e.g. Note: DOI (Digital Object Identification), Ubiquitous Center (Japan), 30

31 Classification Schema MFI 6 should provide an own model classification scheme Those schema should consist of; – Purpose and mission – Industrial sector – Modeling View point – Domin Context Note: UN/CEFACT TMG is discussing the Business Context Method 31 Requirements-8: Classification Schema

32 Object Collaboration 32 Model ID Publisher Metadata Registry MFI Registry Quality Requirement Model Construct MFI Register Information Model Classification Organization ID Registrar

33 Requirements; (Cont’d) Requirement-8: (contents standardization) The MFI-6 should not to try to standardize any domain specific contents of registries. The harmonization processes for each contents may be responsible for domain specific organizations. Requirement-9: (Identification & Classification ) However, the MFI-6 should provide normative bases for referencing the identification and classification schema 33

34 Schedule The Final report : May 2008 Draft procedure : May 2008 Candidate of WD : May 2008 Proof of Concept : Oct., 2008 CD : Oct., 2008 34


36 Additional Requirements Requirement-9: (Discover of a target registry) Requirement-10: (Change Notification & Propagation) 36

37 ROR : Registry Of Registries 37 MFI Model Registry PLIB Metamodel ITEM Master Metamodel PLIB Model ITEM Master schema Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Search JAITA JAMIMA PLIB Model Inquire M1 M2 Registration Inquire URI contents Model Registration User

38 Scope ID Center Authentication Center User Level 1 Registry Level 4 Registry Level 3 Registry Level 2 Registry Level 2 レジストリ Level 3 Registry Level 2 レジストリ Level 3 Registry Discovery Layer Interoperate Layer Domain Layer RA ROR Notification RSS 38

39 Targets to be studied Registration Procedure Model Registration Procedure MFI ISO/IEC11179-6 ISO Directive JTC1 Directive ISO 15000 (ebXML RS) IEC Common Database Procedure ISO 29002 ISO 8000 ISO 13584 ISO/IEC 11179-4; Formulation of data 39 ISO 9000

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