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Food safety Training Course Co-financiado:. Pre-Requisites Physical and operational conditions that guarantee the production of safe foods.

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Presentation on theme: "Food safety Training Course Co-financiado:. Pre-Requisites Physical and operational conditions that guarantee the production of safe foods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food safety Training Course Co-financiado:

2 Pre-Requisites Physical and operational conditions that guarantee the production of safe foods

3 —Quantity —State of the package —Expiring date —Hygiene and maintenance conditions —Characteristics —Temperature 3| 20 Pre - Requisites Reception (Verification) Hygiene and maintenance of transports Colour Taste Appearance Texture Thermopar Bimetallic thermometer Digital thermometer Infra-red Thermometer

4 Wholesome or other identification mark Refrigerated meat Frozen meat -12ºC Deeply frozen meat -18ºC Reception of meat — Bovine, swine, ovine, caprine and solipedes 7ºC; — Poultry, rabbits and prepared meat 4ºC; — Viscera 3ºC; — Minced meat and prepared minced meat products 2ºC. 4| 20 Pre - Requisites

5 Organoleptic characteristics Fresh or thawed fish, cooked crustaceans and molluscs 0ºC Whole salted frozen fish for making conserves –9ºC Frozen fish –18ºC Reception of fish 5| 20 Pre - Requisites

6 Vehicles without canvas 3ºC Reception of bread and bread products Reception of milk and milkk products Pasteurized milk, soft cheese, fresh dairy cream, butter and margarines 4 ºC / 6 ºC Fresh cheese and yogurt - transport at 8 ºC/10 ºC and conserve between 0 ºC-6 ºC Cured cheese - transport at 14 ºC and conserve at 10 ºC 6| 20 Pre - Requisites

7 Storage FEFO, when not applicable FIFO 15 cm away from the floor, walls and ceilings Appropriate separation Identification Dry storerooms Adequate ventilation Fresh Without direct sunlight Without humidity 7| 20 Pre - Requisites

8 StorageRefrigerating chambers Stable and even temperature (5ºC) With a temperature screen Storage Rules : - Correct circulation of cold air between foods; - Do not introduce hot foods; - Minimize opening the doors; - Products should be correctly arranged; - Different types of foods should be placed in different chambers. 8| 20 Pre - Requisites

9 StorageCold stores Temperature ≤ -20 ºC Storage Rules : - Dry, well ventilated and clean; -Periodic thawing; - Foods should be properly packaged, identified and separated by groups; - Keep at mind the expiration dates; - Should not be used to freeze products! 9| 20 Pre - Requisites

10 Food preparation Rigorous control of Time e Temperature —Thawing; —Preparation (cold or hot); —Treatment of leftovers; —Re-heating; —Freezing. 10| 20 Pre - Requisites

11 Thawing - Refrigerating chamber Preparation -Cold: Product temperature 3 ºC Maximum conservation period: 3 days -Hot: Product temperature: 65ºC Consume on the same day 11| 20 Pre - Requisites Food preparation

12 Treatment of leftovers -Unprepared foods Refrigerate at 4 ºC Consume in 72 hours OR Process food, freeze, cook without thawing - Unprepared foods Refrigerate at 4 ºC Consume in 72 hours -Ready to eat Hot: 65 ºC (12 hours); ≤ 60 ºC (3 hours) Cold: 10 ºC (4 hours); 10 ºC to 21 ºC (2 hours) 12| 20 Pre - Requisites Food preparation

13 Re-heating -Food temperature ≥ 74 ºC (15 seconds) -Hold food at ≥ 65 ºC (maximum 2 hours) Freezing -In freezing tunnel or chamber -Temperature of all parts of the food : ≤ - 18ºC 13| 20 Pre - Requisites Food preparation

14 Sauces Preparation of fruits and vegetables Utilization of eggs Caned foods Frying oils 14| 20 Pre - Requisites Food preparation (attention to)

15 Should be done in a way to avoid contamination and alteration of foods. Persons responsible should respect good practices of hygiene. Food stuffs transport vehicles should comply with requirements specified by law. Distribution 15| 20 Pre - Requisites

16 Allows Retrieval from the market in an oriented and precise way Informs consumers Avoids eventual disturbances in case of problems related to the safety of foods. Traceability 16| 20 Pre - Requisites Ability to trace and follow a food, through all stages of production, processing and distribution

17 Cleaning Removal of debris, food residues, soil, grease or other undesirable matter – utilization of detergents Disinfection Reduction of the number of microorganisms in a certain environment to levels that do not comprise food innocuity Utilization of disinfectants (Bactericides, anti-fungi) Cleaning and disinfection 17| 20 Pre - Requisites

18 Do not accumulate waste in food handling or storing areas or in work areas or surrounding zones. Waste management Pest Control Reduce as much as possible the probability of occurring an infestation. 18| 20 Pre - Requisites

19 Regulation (EC) nº 1935/2004 of the European Parliament and Council, of 27 October: Mention: “To contact with foods” or symbol: Declaration of conformity Packaging 19| 20 Pre - Requisites

20 Labelling Decree-Law n.º 560/99 of18 December; Decree-Law n.º126/2005 of 5 August. – Makes the indication of all ingredients mandatory, namely those that are potentially allergenic. 20| 20 Pre - Requisites

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