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Chapter 17 “The Age of Western Imperialism”

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1 Chapter 17 “The Age of Western Imperialism”

2 Africa Today


4 The “New” Imperialism, 1870 – 1914
A. Expansion of Western control of Af and Asia 1. What was “new”? a) More direct control by Westerners b) Occurred over a brief period of time and involved many nations c) Fewer settlers d) “Gold rush” mentality – the race for territory – Eu ruled 10% of Af – Eu ruled almost 100% of Af

5 fringes. Map 25–2 IMPERIAL EXPANSION IN AFRICA TO 1880 Until the 1880s, few European countries held colonies in Africa, mostly on its fringes.

6 “Steam and electricity have annihilated distance, and all the non-appropriated lands on the surface of the globe can become the field of our operations and of our success.” ~ King Leopold II of Belgium, 1861


8 In this 1906 cartoon, King Leopold II is depicted as a snake squeezing a Congolese rubber worker to death in his coils. In the background, a woman flees in horror, clutching a baby. Leopold’s policies in Belgium led directly to the death of half of the native population of his territory in only thirty years. © Mary Evans Picture Library/Alamy

9 Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution
Ivory was a prized possession used for decorative purposes and jewelry. Caravan with Ivory, French Congo, (now the Republic of the Congo). Robert Visser (1882–1894). c. 1890–1900, postcard, collotype. Publisher unknown, c Postcard Image No. EEPA Eliot Elisofon Photographic Archives. National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution

10 B – Berlin Conference 1. Otto von Bismarck of G, Jules Ferry of Fr 2. no single Eu power could control Af 3. stop slavery and slave trade 4. imperial ambitions did not lead to Eu war C. Imperialism in Asia 1. The Neth – Indonesia 2. Fr – Indochina 3. U.S. – Phillippines Otto von Bismarck


12 Works The Maxim was the first wholly portable machine gun, pictured here with its American-born inventor Hiram Stevens Maxim (1840–1916), who became a British citizen. Technological superiority in weaponry and naval ships accounted in large measure for the success of Western imperialism in the nineteenth century. © 2005 Roger Viollet/The Image Works

13 II. Motives for the New Imperialism A. Money, Jobs, Resources B
II. Motives for the New Imperialism A. Money, Jobs, Resources B. Security C. Power and Prestige 1. “There has never been a great power w/o colonies.” ~ Fr Journalist 1877 D. Social Darwinism 1. “The strongest nation has always been conquering the weaker…the strongest tend to be the best.” ~ Br Economist 1900 E. “Philanthropy” – The White Man’s Burden 1. the West’s “duty” to civilize the uncivilized F. Technological Gap 1. machine gun 2. disease awareness 3. steamship 4. telegraph “The Maxim gun will be of valuable service in helping civilization overcome barbarism.” Henry M. Stanley Charles Darwin

14 G. Religious Missions – spread Christianity
H. Humanitarian – to stop the slave trade III. Critics of the New Imperialism A. Imperialism by J.A. Hobson 1. Imperialism is caused by unregulated capitalism 2. Only the distrustful economically benefit from colonies 3. “O Evolution, what crimes are committed in thy name.” 4. “The Brown Man’s loss must never imply the White Man’s gain.”

15 B. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad 1
B. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad 1. “The pure selfishness of civilizing” 2. Contradiction in liberalism - rep gov’t at home, dictatorship in the colonies 3. Don’t the natives have the right to self- determination? “Despotism is a legitimate mode of government in dealing with barbarians, provided the end be their improvement.” John Stuart Mill in his book On Liberty

16 IV. Dutch and Br Rule in Southern Af
A. Resources: 1. fertile farmland 2. coal, iron ore, gold, diamonds, copper B. Partially inhabited by Br “Afrikaners,”Dutch Boers 1. Br arranged with the Boers for a white-only ruling class 2. Apartheid - “Separateness” – segregation of Africans in South Af

17 Global Inequality Conquest over Distance Social Darwinism Technological Gap Hobson Unregulated Capitalism Conrad Contradiction in Liberalism

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