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Published byEmory Morrison Modified over 9 years ago
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica NANO-HVAC GA no : 314212 Novel Nano-enabled Energy Efficient and Safe HVAC ducts and systems contributing to an healthier indoor environment Final Dissemination Conference Lavrio, 28 th August 2015 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems. Stelios Lampadakis HVAC Consulting Engineer
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Temperature (ex. Winter 20oC/Summer 26oC for houses) Humidity (ex. 45% - 55% RH for hospitals) Air Purity (ex. No dust, low levels of CO 2 ) Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Temperature The appropriate temperature is depended on: Period (summer/winter) Usage (office building, house, church,restaurant etc) Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Temperature Example Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems. HomeOffice building Church Summer26oC 28oC Winter21oC19oC16oC
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Humidity The appropriate Humidity is depended on the Usage Example * depended on stored materials Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems. HospitalHouseOffice buildingStorage* RH%45% -55% 40% -60%20% - 50%
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Air Purity The air purity needs a variation of indicators in order to be measured: CO 2 consentration (mailny indicates human activity and presence) VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) (outcome of chemical products such as cleanishing products) Microparticles (dust, bacteria etc) Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica CO 2 Consentration Cannot be the only indicator in air quality measurement ! Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems. Usual outdoor concentration OfficesHousesHealth Risk CO 2 (ppm)300 - 5001000 - 1200800 - 1000>5000
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems. <1ppm1-10ppm>10ppm EffectsokComplains maybe some health issues More serious health effects
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Microparticles Dust o Asbestos Fiber o Soil o Dead human sells Microbia – Bacteria o Staphylococcus o Tuberculosis o Streptococcus o Legionela o Fungus Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) When one of these indicators rises high we have the SICK BUILDING SYNDROME Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) (Health Effects) The SBS is related with the BRIs (Building Related Ilness) Such as Asthma, Fever, Itches, Rhinorrhea, Headache, lethargy or difficulty concentrating Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Impact of good IAQ Mental activity reaches maximum levels bettween 20 – 22oC and loses 4% for each 1oC rising Local control of temprature rises the efficiency of the employee more than 3% In room temperature 20oC achieved typing from 18 to 40% more words per minute Drivers in cars with no cooling device and driving in 27oC did not paied attention in 50% more signs and had 20% lowest reaction Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) (Economical Effects) The sick building syndrome can affect the productivity of the employes. Estimated the loss of productivity costs between 0,5 and 1% of GNP for the western countries. For example in Germany costs annualy 8 billion € (~100€/citizen) in the USA 44 billion € (~175€/citizen) Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Air Treatment Techiques Before starting the air treatment procedure we have to measure the indicators. Temperature Thermostat or temperature sensor Humidity Humidity actuator or humidity sensor Air Purity CO 2 sensors, VOC sensors, optical measurement devices, Polarisation devices, Laser devices... Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Air Treatment Techiques Temperature Once we measure deflection from the desirable temperature SET POINT we activate (or deactivate) the heating or cooling device of the space. There are many methods of doing this such as ON-OFF procedure, PID or PI control procedure, continuous feedback etc Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Air Treatment Techiques Temperature The impact of this procedure in the energy profile of the building is crucial. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems. Thermal oscillation (continuous feedback)
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Air Treatment Techiques Humidity In this case we have to procedures Humidification (Using humidifires mainly in air ducts to springle vapor or water in the air of the room) Dehumidification (Using cooling devices to abstract condentations from the air) Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Air Treatment Techiques Humidity Sometimes we need to cool the air to dehumidify it and then warm up again in order not to lose temperature set point. This procedure demands lots of energy and is better to be compined with a heat recovery system. Also latend load recovery heat exchanger could help if it is allowed to be installed ( cannot be installed in surgerys, HASP demand cuisins etc.) Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Air Treatment Techiques Example Using a double coil AHU and a water to water chiler. We use the cold water from the evaporator for the dehumidification of the air and we recover the energy from the condenser and sending it to the second coil of the AHU for rewarm the air. Common tactic in closed swimming pools. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Air Treatment Techiques Air purity The control of the air purity of a building is the most complex of all indicators. Altough the “problem” could be easily solved by importing fresh air continously from the outdoors this is not possible. 1. Sometimes also outdoor air is not pure itself (ex. Industrial areas) 2.This demands huge energy ammounts to heat or cool the air. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Air Treatment Techiques Air purity Passive houses and sealed buildings appears mould (fungus) 15 to 30% of cases of building-related illness have been associated to indoor fungal or bacterial contamination. Certain fungi produce volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and odors under sufficient moisture content. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Air Treatment Techiques Air purity Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems. Mycotoxin and MVOC concentration 10% 30% 50% 70% 90% Week 1Week 2Week 3
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Air Treatment Techiques Air purity Filtering the incoming air might be “harmful” because of colonization phenomenon of the fungus. Filters has to be sterilised. Most effective technique is the use of UV radiation Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Air Treatment Techiques Air purity The most common set-up is the usage of filters such as: Fiberglass filter. This throwaway air filter is the most common type. Layered fiberglass fibers are laid over each other to form the filter media and typically are reinforced with a metal grating that supports the fiberglass to prevent failure and collapse. Polyester and pleated filters. These filters are similar to fiberglass filters but typically have a higher resistance to airflow and a superior dust-stopping ability. High efficiency particulate arrestance (HEPA) filters. These units filter the air passing through them at a very fine scale. Able to filter 99.97 percent of all particles 0.3 microns or larger. Washable air filters. These products are not as common and rely on the build-up of dust along the cloth to improve the efficiency of the filter. Industrial processes involving high volumes of coarse dust are typical applications. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Air Treatment Techiques Filters The most common set-up is the usage of filters such as: Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems. Bag filter Fiber filters HEPA Filters
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Air Treatment Techiques Air purity The air filters can be installed: Before the fan On the diffuser In the airduct Before the Heating/cooling coil Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Air Treatment Techiques Air purity The presence of an air filter born the need of furthermore maintenance A pure maintened filter can affect the air quality dramatically because favors colonization of microbia. The common technique for maintenance monitoring is the installation of two pressure sensors (before and after the filter) measuring the Δp. Once the Δp gets higher than a recommended value alarms for cleansing or replacing. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Air Treatment Techiques Air purity It is now clear that the presence of air filters in air duct network affects not only the cost of maintenance but also the cost of energy consumption. The available static pressure of the fan of the system has to be calculated in order to cover a range between clear and not clear filter. This causes unnecessary energy consumption at the period when the filter is clear. It is calculated to be more than 20% annually for office buildings. To reduce this cost we can use an inverter driven fan with input to inverter the Δp or the air volume but this rises up the cost of the installation. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems. Control of room temperature and air purity (Economizer) 1. Temperature sensor5. Max signal controller 2.Temperature controller6. Dumper motor actuator 3. Air quality sensor7. Ambient air temperature sensor 4. Air quality controller
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems. Humidification - Dehumidification 1. Temperature sensor5. Max signal controller 2.Temperature controller6. Inlet air temperature sensor 3. Humidity sensor7. Ambient air temperature sensor 4. Humidity controller
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems. VAV system (Variable Air Volume) 1. AHU 2.Air dumper with electric actuator 3. Heating system 4. Room
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems. Overpressure control (surgery) 1. Pressure controller 2.Δp sensor 3. Dumper with electric actuator 4. Inverter
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Conclusions IAQ is depended on Temprature Humidity Air purity Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Conclusions Temprature Use of heating/cooling devices Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Conclusions Humidity Use of aerization – cooling - sprinklers Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Conclusions Air purity Use of aerization, Filtration for microparticles, stirelazation for microbia, bacteria and fungus Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems.
August 28th, 2015, Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), Attica Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings. The “Sick Building Syndrome”. Air treatment techniques in HVAC systems. Thank You
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