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Intercollegiate Exam Chris Gandy. Applying vWhen? l Satisfactory 4 th clinical year (RITA) confirmed by SAC. vCurriculum vitae v2-3 page summary of operative.

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Presentation on theme: "Intercollegiate Exam Chris Gandy. Applying vWhen? l Satisfactory 4 th clinical year (RITA) confirmed by SAC. vCurriculum vitae v2-3 page summary of operative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intercollegiate Exam Chris Gandy

2 Applying vWhen? l Satisfactory 4 th clinical year (RITA) confirmed by SAC. vCurriculum vitae v2-3 page summary of operative experience vApplication form x2 & Passport size photo Secretariat of the Intercollegiate Board Central Administration Office 3 Hill Square Edinburgh EH8 9DR

3 Subspecialty?  YES l Predict what comes up in 1/3rd of the exam l Greater knowledge l International exams  NO l Most people fail on clinical subspeciality l Why risk two vivas with difficult and searching questions. l It is not recognised

4 Preparation vSyllabus vWork *** l ITU teaching l MDT’s, X-ray meeting, IBS meeting etc. l Journal club vMates

5 Preparation BOOKS

6 Preparation WEB





11 Preparation COURSES

12 Timetable

13 Examiners and candidates vPreamble from head examiner vTwo examiners +/- observers vQuestions set and agreed prior to exam l Format - introduction, pass/fail question & supplementary questions vDress vConduct

14 Structure vClinicals l General l Subspeciality vVivas l Academic l Emergency and critical care l Subspeciality/General and General

15 Clinical Examination vStethoscope & pen torch v2 sessions (general & subspecialty/general) vAll Short cases l History taking l Examination l X-Rays l Discussion vSubspecialty - Most difficult. vGeneral - No more difficult than FRCS.

16 Academic Oral v2 Photocopied Papers - 1 hour to study and make notes vOne good paper one poor paper vSystematic discussion as for journal club vStatistics - basic knowledge required vImpact factor

17 Emergency/Critical care Surgery vEmergency l ATLS based “I would first resuscitate the patient according to ATLS guidelines with simultaneous diagnostic and therapeutic manoeuvres…. l Familiar clinical scenarios Take Perioperative care vCritical care l Systems based approach MOF SIRS ARDS

18 Subspecialty/General & General vVery general!! l Tongue cancer l Testicular cancer vSpeciality l Detailed questions

19 Table 1 - Examination Results to June 2004 Examination Results to June 2004 Specialty 2002200320042005 % pass A& E Medicine918767 Cardiothoracic625733 General Surg596469 Plastic Surg605953 Trauma & Orth6268 Urology767084 Total No. of exam Presentations incl resits 785821420 Total No. candidates passed536558298 Overall Average % pass to date68% 70%

20 Spend time with family

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