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By Ritesh Reddy Nagaram.  Organizations which are developing software processes are facing many problems regarding the need for change of already existing.

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Presentation on theme: "By Ritesh Reddy Nagaram.  Organizations which are developing software processes are facing many problems regarding the need for change of already existing."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Ritesh Reddy Nagaram

2  Organizations which are developing software processes are facing many problems regarding the need for change of already existing structure.  There are many issues that have are being raised to develop a process. To overcome the issues many models have been published.  One of the best and most popular model in use is Capability Maturity Model [1,2].

3  A software process is a collection of artifacts, attributes, activities, methods and procedures.  We use software process to build up a new software or maintain a already existing one.  In the way of developing or maintaining a software, introducing new methods for further refinement of product quality is called Software Process Improvement.

4 A Process is defined in 3 steps: 1)Policy: It represents general statements or guidelines of an organization. 2)Process: It describes about “what to do” in the process. It has a overview of key areas like key activities, planning, staffing, scheduling, risk management etc. 3)Procedure: It describes about “how to do” in the process. It identifies tools, methods and techniques to be used in the process [3].

5  CMM is a model used to improve the software process of an organization.  It was first described by Watts Humphery.  Later it was developed by Software engineering Institute at Carneige Mellon university.  It is the most popular and efficient model used for software process improvement [2].

6 Fig 1 Phases of Capability Maturity Model (CMM)

7  It is the starting phase of the process.  It is the stage where the process is ready to be nurtured.  Documentation not yet prepared.  Initial knowledge about requirements, cost, schedule will be discussed [4].

8  For consistent results some of the processes in the project are repeatable.  Key Process Areas are 1)Requirement Management. 2)Software Project Planning. 3)Software Quality Assurance. 4)Software Configuration Management. 5)Software Project Tracking and Oversight. 6)Software Subcontract Management [4].

9  Its prime focus is on tailored engineering and process management.  Defined processes are subject to change as the time progress.  Key Process areas are: 1)Organization process Focus. 2)Integrated Software Management. 3)Software Product Engineering. 4)Training program.

10 5)Organization Process Definition. 6)Intergroup Coordination. 7)Peer Reviews [4].

11  The main focus of this phase is about the quality of processes and products.  Key Process areas are: 1)Quantitative Process Management. 2)Software Quality Management [4].

12  This is the final and important phase of the process  The focus in this phase is to increase the process performance continuously.  Key Process areas are: 1)Process Change Management. 2)Technology Change Management. 3)Defect Prevention [4].

13  CMM is the best model for process improvement.  Step by step procedure makes it easy to implement.  Covers all the important areas of the process.  Good Documentation.

14  CMM is a very good model for big organizations, but what when coming to smaller ones.  Quality Assurance or Checking should be done at the end of every phase.  Importance to staffing should be given.  It cannot be assured with defined results but gives the most efficient result.


16 [1] Beth Layman, “Planning for Process Improvement” Implementing an Organizational Software Process Improvement programme, P.279- 288. [2] Cusick, k, “The System Engineering Capability Maturity Model: Where to start?” Aerospace and Electronics Conference, Volume 1, P. 410-416,1997. [3] Mark C. Paulk, “An Overview of Software CMM” Using the Software CMM in Small Organizations, P.1-13, 1998. [4] experience-process-impr-tr008_95.pdf

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