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Brockton PBIS: Tier 2 Coaches Meeting March 2014 Adam Feinberg

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Presentation on theme: "Brockton PBIS: Tier 2 Coaches Meeting March 2014 Adam Feinberg"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brockton PBIS: Tier 2 Coaches Meeting March 2014 Adam Feinberg

2 Agenda Items: Housekeeping Items Tier 2 Social Skills Check-in TFI Glows & Grows

3 Housekeeping Items Coaching Schedule

4 SWIS Access Any SWIS Questions?SWIS

5 Coaching Schedule Tier 1 Coaches Meeting Dates 9:30 to 11am Tier 2 Coaches Meeting Dates 9:30 to 11am October 1 st – Baker ElementaryNovember 5 th December 3 rd January 7 th February 4 th March 4 th April 1 st May 6 th – HOST?? June 3 rd

6 Data: Fidelity Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) Pros We’ve been using it Comprehensive Research-Based Cons Long Really only for Coaches Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Pros Will be the new standard in the future Briefer Has multiple tiers in on measure Research-based Cons Change Difficult to compare to BoQ (Macintosh apples to honey crisp apples)

7 PBIS Assessment School Codes Arnone Comm School 100029 Barrett Russell 145475 Edgar B Davis 161164 Downey 620593 Goddard Alternative School 100773 Hancock 196504 Huntington Elementary School 117146 John F Kennedy 182980 Louis F Angelo Elementary School 196450 Manthala George Jr School 810500 Mary E. Baker School 828896 Oscar F Raymond 104677

8 Tiered Fidelity Inventory

9 Why Another Fidelity Measure? SET TIC BoQ SAS ISSET BAT MATT Phases of Implementation (POI) Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)

10 The purpose of the School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory is to provide an efficient and valid index of the extent to which PBIS core features are in place within a school. –Tier I (Universal PBIS) –Whole School Universal Prevention –Tier II (Targeted PBIS) –Secondary, Small Group Prevention –Tier III (Intensive PBIS) –Tertiary, Individual Support Prevention Purpose of the PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory

11 The School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) is intended to fulfill the same functions as the: –Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) –Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) –Benchmarks of Advanced Tiers (BAT) –PBIS Self-Assessment Inventory (SAS) –Phases of Implementation (POI) The TFI addresses all three tiers, and focuses on those elements of PBIS that are most “core” to achieving student outcomes. There is no problem continuing to use prior measures. The TFI is intended to be more efficient, but other measures may be more comprehensive, and will remain available. Fit with Existing Assessment Instruments Note: At this time SET, ISSET and BoQ remain the preferred research-quality fidelity measures

12 Primary purpose of the instrument is to help school teams improve Primary audience for instrument results is the team, faculty, families and administrators of the school. Effective use of the instrument requires multiple administrations (progress monitoring) SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory is a Self-Assessment (done with a COACH)

13 Formative Assessment –Determine current PBIS practices in place and needed prior to launching implementation Progress monitoring –Self-assess PBIS practices by tier to guide implementation efforts, and assess progress by tier –Build action plan to focus implementation efforts Annual Self-Assessment –Self-assess annually to facilitate sustained implementation of PBIS State Recognition –Determine schools warranting recognition for their fidelity of PBIS implementation. Uses of the SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory

14 Technical Adequacy


16 Total Score Subscale Sub-subscale Individual Items Summary Data and Reports Note: Pending Beta Test we continue to use the 80% benchmark at each tier to indicate “implementation at criterion”

17 Total score (TFI)

18 Sub-scale report

19 Sub-subscale report Tier I Teams Implementation Evaluation Tier II Teams Interventions Evaluation Tier III Teams Resources Assessment Support plan Monitoring and adaptation

20 Item Report

21 Action Planning

22 TFI Administration and Action Planning



25 TFI Walkthrough Tool


27 Tier I: Teams Composition Operating Procedures Tier I: Implementation Behavioral Expectations Teaching Expectations Problem Behavior Definitions Discipline Policies Professional Development Classroom Procedures Feedback & Acknowledgement Faculty Involvement Student/Family/Community Involvement Tier I: Evaluation Discipline Data Data-based Decision Making Fidelity Data Annual Evaluation

28 Tier II: Teams Composition Operating Procedures Screening Request for Assistance Tier II: Interventions Tier II Intervention Options Tier II Critical Features Practices Matched to Student Need Access to Tier I Supports Professional Development Tier II: Evaluation Level of Use Student Performance Data Fidelity Data Annual Evaluation

29 Tier III: Teams Composition Operating Procedures Screening Student Support Team Tier III: Interventions Staffing Student/Family/Community Involvement Professional Development Tier III: Support Plans Quality of Life Indicators Academic, Social, Physical Indicators Hypothesis Statement Comprehensive Support Formal & Natural Supports Access to Tier I & Tier II Supports Tier III: Evaluation Data System Data-based Decision Making Level of Use Annual Evaluation

30 TFI Tier III Support Plan Scoring

31 Item Current Score ActionWhoWhen 1.1 Team Composition 1.2 Team Operating Procedures 1.3 Behavioral Expectations 1.4 Teaching Expectations 1.5 Problem Behavior Definitions 1.6 Discipline Policies 1.7 Professional Development 1.8 Classroom Procedures 1.9 Feedback & Acknowledgment 1.10 Faculty Involvement 1.11 Student/Family/Commu nity Involvement 1.12 Discipline Data 1.13 Data-based Decision Making 1.14 Fidelity Data 1.15 Annual Evaluation

32 Item Current Score ActionWhoWhen 2.1 Team Composition 2.2 Team Operating Procedures 2.3 Screening 2.4 Request for Assistance 2.5 Options for Tier II Interventions 2.6 Tier II Critical Features 2.7 Practices Matched to Student Need 2.8 Access to Tier I Supports 2.9 Professional Development 2.10 Level of Use 2.11 Student Performance Data 2.12 Fidelity Data 2.13 Annual Evaluation

33 ItemCurrent ScoreActionWhoWhen 3.1 Team Composition 3.2 Team Operating Procedures 3.3 Screening 3.4 Student Support Team 3.5 Staffing 3.6 Student/Family/Community Involvement 3.7 Professional Development 3.8 Quality of Life Indicators 3.9 Academic, Social, & Physical Indicators 3.10 Hypothesis Statement 3.11 Comprehensive Support 3.12 Formal & Natural Supports 3.13 Access to Tier I & Tier II Supports 3.14 Data System 3.15 Data-based Decision Making 3.16 Level of Use 3.17 Annual Evaluation


35 Evaluation— SWIS was installed for data collection and analysis

36 Riverbend Action Planning TFI “subgroup” completed the TFI and developed goals and action items for subcommittees Subcommittees for: 1.3 & 1.4 Behavioral Expectations & Teaching Expectations 1.6 Discipline Policies 1.9 Feedback & Acknowledgement 1.11 Student/Family/Community Involvement TFI “subgroup” members led subcommittee work –Communication –Recruiting workers –Setting meetings

37 Riverbend Action Planning Behavioral Expectations –Established school-wide behavior matrix –Drafted lesson plans –Designed and ordered signage Discipline Policies –Established a response to problem behavior flowchart –Established a student-friendly flowchart –Developed training on referral form completion and problem behavior definitions Feedback & Acknowledgement –Established a system for how an individual’s acknowledgement benefits the group (e.g., Party in a Bucket) –Created signage to advertise the acknowledgement system –Established language to be used by all staff when delivering acknowledgement Student/Family/Community Involvement –Established calendars that can be distributed to all families; each month of the calendar highlights a different PBIS component –Developed a survey to garner community feedback Subcommittees prepared 20-30 minute rollout trainings for all staff




41 Evaluation— SWIS was installed for data collection and analysis

42 Hamlin Action Planning PBIS Team used TFI results to identify items of importance 1.3 & 1.4 Behavioral Expectations & Teaching Expectations 1.6 Discipline Policies (e.g., flowchart) 1.9 Feedback & Acknowledgement (e.g., menu of reinforcers) PBIS Team worked on items during team meetings –Solicited feedback from whole faculty –Revised as needed Created lesson plans to teach all staff the aspects of school-wide PBIS during in-service week



45 Training & Administration Resources Tier I—TFI Walkthrough Tool Tier III—Student Support Plan Scoring Guide PowerPoint Training Slides

46 Glows & Grows: CICO Re-Roll out

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