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10 th Annual TICAL Conference A Decade of... Innovation February 20, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "10 th Annual TICAL Conference A Decade of... Innovation February 20, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 th Annual TICAL Conference A Decade of... Innovation February 20, 2014

2  Beginning September 2014, All Praxis Exams Will be Paperless  Live Scans for Electronic Finger Printing Purchased and will be placed in ALL Educational Cooperatives and at ADE  Electronic Transcripts from Colleges/Universities through SPEEDE Server  Educator Competencies updated and online

3 AELS Website to comply with § 6-17-428 By March 1, 2014, the ADE will establish and maintain a website providing a school hiring officer with the ability to determine if the State Board has acted upon a complaint involving the sexual abuse of a student by an applicant for a teaching position. School hiring officials will be required to check the website to determine whether the applicant has been found to have committed sexual abuse of a student. The law also covers students who are eighteen (18) years of age but who are still enrolled in school.

4  AELS ◦ The Arkansas Educator Licensure System Public Site allows public access to educator licensure data. Educator licensure data may be searched for any Arkansas-licensed educator by entering known public information, such as the educator’s last name and first name. The public view shows applicant information, professional license effective and expiration dates, background check information and licensure areas. Confidential data is restricted from the public view. ◦

5  Course Code Management System ◦ The Course Code Management System (CCMS) may be used to verify course codes are entered on student and master course schedules in accordance with the ADE’s published course code guidelines. The CCMS also contains the licensure codes required to teach a course at certain grade levels. The CCMS may be printed online or exported into a spreadsheet. ◦

6  Initial Licensure for Counselors – Currently Five Programs: Harding, John Brown, UA – Fayetteville, ASU, and UALR  Future Issue with Mentoring for These Candidates  Same Issue with Library Media Specialist – Initial Licensure  Monitor Progress on ALPs  Non-Traditional Licensure Rules and Educator Prep Program Rules Were Released for Public Comment at the January State Board Meeting  Educator Prep Program Statistics to Be Published in Near Future

7 Utilizing Moodle Modules to Deliver Training


9  In 2012 APPEL implemented a blended learning model.  ADE/Educator Effectiveness working in conjunction with ADE Distance Education, developed an online Learning Management System via Moodle

10 Moodle has prepared a way for:  program instructors to model for future teachers how they should incorporate and use online components and technology in their own instructional practice.  more flexibility for participants to attend four of the eight monthly modules offered during the school year in a completely online format  a central location to keep all attendance and grades for each participant in the seven APPEL sites located around the state.  the program to save several thousands of dollars for the program and participants by reducing travel and expenses.

11 The Moodle online classroom provides participants a way to access:  all of the resources and materials used during a face-to-face module  books in an e-book format  grades and attendance  a direct line of communication with their instructors

12 Moodle participants:  practice using their technology and online skills  extend their learning beyond the classroom  upload completed assignments for grading  receive timely response on grades and focused feedback on assignments  get instructor insight and advice via discussion forums and private online reflection journals

13 Moodle allows instructors to:  Add and upload resources and materials for participants  Share best practices with participants  Participate in focused online discussions with participants and share ideas, helpful tips and tricks  Have private discussions via the online reflection journals  Offer a way for participants to share their fears, frustrations and successes in a private online conversation.

14 Novice Teachers Beginning Administrators

15  The Arkansas Induction Mentoring Model (AIMM) and the Beginning Administrator Mentoring Program are now online systems  Both programs are facilitated through online modules through an online Learning Management System via Moodle  The structure of mentoring is a blended learning approach, with both face-to-face and online learning components.  All activities can be stored in the Moodle system and accessed by the novice or BA to use for his/her teacher or administrator evaluation

16  The Novice or BA completes module assignments on his/her own time so that time at work is spent with students, focused on teaching and learning.  All modules consist of online reading, videos and activities to apply in practice.  Modules are aligned with the state’s new evaluation systems, TESS and LEADS.

17  Novice Teachers and Beginning Administrators (BAs) have variety and choice of various topics in completing modules  The modules are designed to be relevant to the teacher administrator role.  The trained mentor provides support to the novice teacher or beginning administrator, offering support, assistance, and encouragement so that the novice learns the skills he or she needs to become effective in the new position.

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