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ECTS – FACILITATOR OF CHANGES Algimantas Tamelis Kaunas University of Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "ECTS – FACILITATOR OF CHANGES Algimantas Tamelis Kaunas University of Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECTS – FACILITATOR OF CHANGES Algimantas Tamelis Kaunas University of Medicine

2 ECTS Tool to describe studies: Tool to describe studies: CurriculumCurriculum Organisation and processOrganisation and process Students’ work (broad sense)Students’ work (broad sense)

3 Added Values Improved information and transparency Improved information and transparency Programme negotiations Programme negotiations Recognition Recognition Access to programs Access to programs Autonomy and responsibility Autonomy and responsibility New opportunities for cooperation New opportunities for cooperation

4 Main Points Credits Credits Grades Grades Information Information Course catalogueCourse catalogue Transcript of recordsTranscript of records Agreement Agreement To introduceTo introduce Bilateral with partnersBilateral with partners Learning with studentsLearning with students

5 Credits Cornerstone of ECTS Cornerstone of ECTS Measure of student workload Measure of student workload Full academic year – 60 ECTS creditsFull academic year – 60 ECTS credits ProportionalProportional Reflects all learning activitiesReflects all learning activities Basis for transfer and accumulation Basis for transfer and accumulation Proper allocation – transparent program Proper allocation – transparent program

6 Allocation of Credits Shift from teacher to student point of view Shift from teacher to student point of view Contact hours  Study hours TeacherStudent

7 Problems Within Within Central administration of UniversityCentral administration of University DepartmentDepartment Staff employmentStaff employment SalarySalary Solution Solution Contact hours  Study hours

8 Programme Challenge Allocation of credits Allocation of credits Standardized way to evaluate whole programmeStandardized way to evaluate whole programme Construction Construction Process Process TransparencyTransparency ComparisonComparison

9 Curriculum Problems at KMU Proportions between course units (from student perspective) Proportions between course units (from student perspective) Overload with contact hours Overload with contact hours Shortage of independent studies Shortage of independent studies Shortage of elective, free-choice subjects Shortage of elective, free-choice subjects

10 Reform of Curriculum Decision of Senate on 19th of February 1999 “Renovation of undergraduate studies during 1999 – 2005”. Decision of Senate on 19th of February 1999 “Renovation of undergraduate studies during 1999 – 2005”.

11 Revision and Correction Study program “Medicine” Study program “Medicine” Diminished proportion of lectures (overall) – 20% Diminished proportion of lectures (overall) – 20% Reduced number of course units Reduced number of course units 62 subjects62 subjects Creation of study modules Creation of study modules Combines 3 – 5 parallel subject areas:Combines 3 – 5 parallel subject areas: Similar forms of the teaching and learning, Similar forms of the teaching and learning, Common final examination Common final examination

12 Revision and Correction Changes in curriculum structure Changes in curriculum structure 52 compulsory courses52 compulsory courses 10 elective courses – 57 credits (15,8%)10 elective courses – 57 credits (15,8%) Could be chosen from the list of more than 60 subject Could be chosen from the list of more than 60 subject Number increase every year Number increase every year

13 Grading ECTS grades ECTS grades Instrument to transfer student’s achievements from one institution to anotherInstrument to transfer student’s achievements from one institution to another Do not value particular student’s knowledgeDo not value particular student’s knowledge Based on rankingBased on ranking

14 Unconformity KMU KMU 6 pass marks6 pass marks No rankingNo ranking ECTS ECTS 5 pass marks Ranking

15 Implementation of ECTS Grading System Evaluation of distribution of grades Evaluation of distribution of grades Within facultiesWithin faculties Within course unitsWithin course units Equivalents were found and established Equivalents were found and established

16 Equivalents at KMU

17 Problems With Grading Only best grades Only best grades Department of Orthopaedic surgeryDepartment of Orthopaedic surgery Department Eyes diseasesDepartment Eyes diseases Only poor grades Only poor grades Department of ChemistryDepartment of Chemistry Department of HistologyDepartment of Histology

18 Changes at KMU Revision of whole system of evaluation Revision of whole system of evaluation Anonymous students surveyAnonymous students survey Discussions at Deans officesDiscussions at Deans offices Discussion at Rector BoardDiscussion at Rector Board

19 Changes at KMU Everyday check of students knowledge Everyday check of students knowledge Written examination Written examination Multiple choice test Multiple choice test Cumulative system Cumulative system 60% of final grade – permanent60% of final grade – permanent 40% of final grade – exam40% of final grade – exam

20 Conclusions ECTS was designed to respect Institutional autonomy ECTS was designed to respect Institutional autonomy Implementation of ECTS Implementation of ECTS Disclose existing imperfectionsDisclose existing imperfections Initiate review for changesInitiate review for changes


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