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Advanced Practice Making progress. Lots of developments… Prescribing being expanded “Advanced Nurse Practitioners” to be registered Graduate Certificates.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Practice Making progress. Lots of developments… Prescribing being expanded “Advanced Nurse Practitioners” to be registered Graduate Certificates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Practice Making progress

2 Lots of developments… Prescribing being expanded “Advanced Nurse Practitioners” to be registered Graduate Certificates in –Clinical Assessment –Emergency Nurse Practitioner –Endoscopy Degree and Masters programmes for Advanced Practice NGD Advanced Practice Development Board Regional Workforce Group Training pathways being developed

3 Modules Increasing number of modules available –Foundations for the Nurse Practitioner –Clinical Assessment for Nurse Practitioners –Clinical Assessment and Management - Learning Contract –Emergency Nurse Practitioner –Minor Surgical Practices –Preparing to Advance Nursing Practice –Endoscopy: Lower GI: Knowledge and Skills –Endoscopy: Upper GT Knowledge and Skills –Safe Practices for Clinical Procedures –Sedation, Analgesia and Reversal Agent Practices During Therapeutic Procedures –Prescribing in Nursing –Minor Illness Management within Unscheduled Primary Care

4 Recognition & Management of the Acutely Unwell Adult Module Dr Mark Cooper Lecturer Practitioner North Glasgow Janice Turner Regional Education Project Manager NHS Education for Scotland (the IMPACT module)

5 A joint project …and local universities

6 Why? Need to educate and prepare nurse practitioners Hospital at Night teams Prepare medical and nursing practitioners in similar ways A number of accredited and unaccredited courses exist across the West of Scotland to partially prepare nurses for these roles –ALS –Patient assessment workshops –ALERT –Nurse Prescribing No local course was identified which would prepare nurses to comprehensively assess and initiate the medical and nursing management of acutely unwell medical patients

7 What? New module Built around the Federation of Royal Medical Colleges ‘IMPACT Course’ Learning will be Problem Based Clinical Simulation Labs Assessed by written exam, and two practical exams To be validated by one or more HEIs

8 Who? 32 places on 2 pilot courses Pre-requisites –ALS, Clinical Assessment Skills, Extended Role Skills, min. 6 years qualified –Nurse prescribing (recommended) Support/mentorship –Must be in an ‘Advanced Practice’ training post –Individual Health Board to ensure appropriate mentorship Sustainability –Further places may need to be financed at Board level Key stakeholder steering group to make final regional selection

9 Where? Delivered by the NHS Pilot courses to be run in Glasgow Higher Education Institutions will be invited to validate the course Anticipated that it will be at SCQF levels 10 and/or 11 Anticipated it will form part of future ‘advanced practice’ programmes

10 When? Module currently in development Six months to develop First cohort anticipated to begin –mid 2006

11 Where to find out more… See the Advanced Practice Education website Follow the link from the NGD Nursing & Midwifery site Or just go directly there

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