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Resources for teaching languages at Emory Bumyong Choi.

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Presentation on theme: "Resources for teaching languages at Emory Bumyong Choi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resources for teaching languages at Emory Bumyong Choi

2 Contents  OPUS  Blackboard  EPASS  Classroom Technology  Other Educational Technology  Workshop & Training  Available Courses  Available Fund

3 OPUS  What is OPUS?  Online Pathway to University Students  Emory's online student information system  What can you do with OPUS as faculty?  Check your class schedule in each semester  Find your class rosters  Email students in your class  Submit your grade at the end of the semester  Access the data of your advisees  Search other courses  The link to OPUS  & &

4 Blackboard  What is Blackboard  Blackboard is Emory’s web-based Learning Management System. Blackboard allows faculty to build sophisticated web-based learning environments without a lot of time, resources or technical expertise.  What can you do with BB  It can be used both as a supplement to lecture-based courses or for fully online courses. ( )  Post a syllabus  Post a class announcement  Send an email to your class  Run a discussion board  Develop a test  Receive students assignments  Post the grades for assignments and tests  Where can you find more information 

5 EPASS  What is EPASS?  EPASS Peer Tutoring is designed to provide content specific support while fostering the development of the independent learner.  What can you do with EPASS?  You can send your students who is struggling in your class  You can send your students who missed your class to make up the class and check their performance later  Where can I find more information of it?  support/epass/tutoring.html support/epass/tutoring.html  Contact Julie Loppacher, Associate Director of EPASS Peer Programs, at

6 Classroom Technology  Websites   Check my classroom  Live 25  A Smart classroom usually has  Computer, projector, video, document camera…  Starting the computer (code:1836)  If you encounter any problem during your class, please call to (404)-727-6853  Echo 360 (  Echo360 is a class capture and video delivery system, with user-friendly tools for capturing, transcoding, publishing, and viewing recordings of class sessions  You can use either Podium Capture in the Echo360 podium capture classroom or Personal Capture Software on your laptop  To deliver the captured video to student, you need to request an Echo360 course site on you BB

7 Other available educational technology at Emory  File sharing  Emory Box:  Sync your folder:  Invite people to share the file or folder  Dropbox vs. Emory Box  More space (25GB)  Technical support from Emory IT technology  Account for every Emory faculty, staff and students  ECDS EdTech Toolkit 

8 Workshops & training opportunities  Emory College Language Center (ECLC)   Emory College Digital Scholarship (ECDS)  workshops/index.html workshops/index.html

9 Courses/Mentoring Program  FREN 505 - Problems Foreign Language Teaching  Korean Internship Program and Mentoring program  Korean Teaching Fellow Internship program  Two teaching fellows from Korea every year  Teach two courses each semester and take course as a graduate students  KRN620: Seminar on Korean language pedagogy  Theory + Practicum  Discussing the real issues on classroom situation  Planning and sharing lessons  Observing lead teacher’s class and observed by peers and lead teachers

10 Funding opportunities  The Center for Faculty Development and Excellence  The Fund for Innovative Teaching (FIT)  Classroom Mini-Grants  Eligible for anyone currently teaching at Emory  This Fund supports:  Honoraria for guest presenters (non-Emory)  Food and travel expenses for off campus class visits  Classroom materials that may not be covered by regular departmental funds.  Usually open at the end of the semester for the following semester   ECLC  ECLC curriculum development fund  ECLC Faculty mini Travel grant  Each department has some fund to support teaching and researching  E.g., REALC support a travel for both permanent and temporary faculty to present at a conference

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