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Dangerous Marine Organisms Objectives: 1. Identify dangerous marine organisms. 2. Recognize types of wounds. 3. Discuss treatment for injury. 4. Describe.

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Presentation on theme: "Dangerous Marine Organisms Objectives: 1. Identify dangerous marine organisms. 2. Recognize types of wounds. 3. Discuss treatment for injury. 4. Describe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dangerous Marine Organisms Objectives: 1. Identify dangerous marine organisms. 2. Recognize types of wounds. 3. Discuss treatment for injury. 4. Describe the most common water activity hazards.

2 Pre-Survey List all the things that you think could cause harm to you in the ocean.

3 What do you think is the most dangerous organism?

4 Ocean Safety Tips NEVER swim alone. Wear sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses. Know your surroundings and know how to call 911. Know how to swim and never swim alone. Don't stick your hands or feet into any holes. Swim perpendicular to rip currents. Don't use drugs or alcohol. When in doubt, don't go out …. Or touch!

5 1. Coral – sharp edges cause cuts

6 –stinging tentacles 2. Sea Anemone

7 3. Cone Snail – poisonous dart-like mechanism near tip

8 4. Barracuda - sharp teeth

9 5. Moray Eel - razor sharp teeth

10 6. Needle Fish long, pointed jaw and sharp teeth long, pointed jaw and sharp teeth

11 7. Portuguese Man-of-War – long, blue thread- like stinging tentacles

12 8. Box Jellyfish – stinging tentacles

13 9. Scorpion Fish poisonous spines on fins poisonous spines on fins

14 11. Sea Urchin (Wana or Ina) – long, brittle, sharp spines

15 12. Surgeonfish – spine and knife-like razors on tail

16 13. 13. Squid or Octopus – sharp beak

17 14. Tube Snail – razor sharp opening

18 15. Fire/bristle worms – bad sting

19 16. Crown of Thorns Sharp and Toxic spines

20 Common Wounds and Treatment Sunburn – aloe Stings (anemone, man-o-war, jellyfish) – rinse wound with saltwater and apply ice; use vinegar and/or meat tenderizer Stings (rays, scorpion fish, crown of thorns)- apply heat Cuts and abrasions – clean wound, apply pressure, bandage

21 Practice Question You should use vinegar when… a. Stung by a jellyfish b. Stung by a ray c. Stung by a portuguese-man-o-war d. All of the above e. Two of the above

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