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EUONYMUS Famili Celastraceae Spesies : Euonymus alatus, E. americanus, E. Fortunei 'Harlequin' E. japonicus var. microphyllus pulchellus - Euonymus.

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Presentation on theme: "EUONYMUS Famili Celastraceae Spesies : Euonymus alatus, E. americanus, E. Fortunei 'Harlequin' E. japonicus var. microphyllus pulchellus - Euonymus."— Presentation transcript:



3 EUONYMUS Famili Celastraceae Spesies : Euonymus alatus, E. americanus, E. Fortunei 'Harlequin' E. japonicus var. microphyllus pulchellus - Euonymus japonicus 'Silver Queen' Silver Queen Euonymus

4 Evergreen Euonymus (E. japonicus var. microphyll pulchellus) A scrub plant which has high 3-4 m, little shape leaf, green colour, glossy texture, lenght 1,25-4,25 cm. Euonymus grows up under half light to full light, a good watering. Plant propagation by vegetative (cutting) and genetative (seedling). A wonderful matter of evergreen Euonymus as fillers such as ; - green colour - long stem - thickness - long vase life

5 Harvesting Evergreen Euonymus To get harvest about 80 after cultivation. Harvest quality : - Long stem about 31 – 40 cm (grade A) - Long stem about 25 – 30 cm (grade B) GA 3 application in levels; 100 ppm, 200 ppm, 300 ppm has effect on a long stem up to 13,33%, 30,03% and 31,21%, but it doesn’t effect on number of leaf, square of leaf, thick of leaf & vase life.

6 LEATHER LEAF FERN (Rumohra adiantiformis) Famili : Polypodiaceae A fern plant that grows on above field. Spora under leaf sides. Leather leaf fern is easier grows in condition; - less than light - humidity about 60%.

7 Rhyzoma is well known as stem like. Root that grows horizontal type. Adventivious occurs. Soft stem of young plant has spiral type.

8 LEATHER LEAF FERN PROPAGATION A. To separate of rhyzoma B. To separate of spora : - brown colour of spora. - a good plant parrental. - to prepare steril medium (compost). - to innoculate. - to maintain humidity.

9 Seed has vigoured in 9 months after planted (prothallus). Seedling removed into pot before planted at field. Leather leaf fern has produced about 6 months. Leaf criteria in harvest; good look in colour, normal shape. Consumer is demanding: - large size: 30-33 cm - Medium size : 25-29 cm - Little size: 21-24 cm Post harvest; cleaning, maintaining, storaging.

10 FLORIDA BEAUTY Famili : Liliaceae Florida beauty, common name is Dracaena godseffiana or Dracaena surculosa. As fillers, because ; - unique leaf, by spoting colour - long vase life. Annual plant. Dracaena javita

11 Florida beauty grows better on 300-750 m above sea level. Optimum temperature 21-24 C Light intensity 50-60% Plant propagation; - leaf cutting - Stem cutting (± 10 cm +leaf) Rootone-F or Rhizopon B application to encourage root development.

12 Harvest criteria; - long stem 30-50 cm - leaf has good shape - no insect symptom Sortating and grading

13 PHYLODENDRON XANADU/FILO Famili ; Araceae Araceae has strigh type and is not climber type. Plant has stem about 1 m. Filo is recommeded under 50% light intensityand medium on humidity. Plant propagation ; - stem cutting and Rootone-F application. - Using sand medium have sterilized.

14 -To split of filo clump. -To remove a clump in to pot. Post harvest Phylodendron xanadu; cleaning, grading and storaging.

15 RUSCUS HYPOPHILLUM Ruscus has on special caracter such as; - cylindrical stem, stiff stem, and white colour on base stem. - a good shape leaf and long vase life. Ruscus is recommended in medium watering, about 70% shading. Plant propagation by spliting. Harvest criteria; green, thick and shiff. Stalk of leaf is cutted on surface of land, are cleaned, and a bundle contains 10 stalks.

16 Famili : Liliaceae Type of plant has the long term of periode to grows. Twig is a appearance leaf, is known Cladode/ Cladophyl. Appearance leaf is like needle ordered triangle pattern (Asparagus setaceus), Asparagus meyeri’s leaf resemble gangster tail. Growing on lowland up to highland, under light about 60%.

17 ASPARAGUS Asparagus spengeri Asparagus setaceus Asparagus virgatus (Asparagus cemara) Asparagus meyeri (ekor bajing)

18 PLANT PROPAGATION Generative propagation is easier than cutting & rhizome propagation. Mature seed are taken is storaged about 1 month. Planting pattern by 2 x 2 cm. Seed vigorous about 1 month. Seedling has appearance leaf about 10 cm to remove in pot. Seedling about 15 cm is removed to field. Asparagus setaceus can grow up long stem, so need stick.

19 HARVEST AND POST HARVEST Asparagus virgatus & Asparagus meyeri can be cutted on base of stem. Asparagus setaceus, is cutted on middle of stem part. Criteria of harvest; - green colour - non both flower and fruit - strong and fresh stem - non both pest and disease Each of bundle leaf consist of 10 leaf stalk.


21 Cycas palm leaf Raphis Palm Leaf Sanseviera Laurenti Monstera Dra. Messengeana Cordyline Leaf Epipremnum Dra. Sandriana Yellow White


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