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Social Welfare in Urban areas: health, education and housing James Carne and Harry Thorogood.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Welfare in Urban areas: health, education and housing James Carne and Harry Thorogood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Welfare in Urban areas: health, education and housing James Carne and Harry Thorogood

2 Local Urban vs Rural Migrants  Local Urban workers are entitled to social security coverage such as pension, unemployment insurance, medical insurance and subsidised public housing.  Compare this to: 5% of migrant workers are covered by a pension scheme, less than 2% by unemployment insurance, 3% by medical insurance whilst less than 10% live in public housing.

3 Housing  Majority of rural workers live in dormitories provided by their employees, in factories or on construction sites.  These facilities are crowded, lack basic furniture, sanitation facilities, heating and air conditioning.  22% of migrants have a living area of less than 5 square meters. 55% less than 10 square meters.  45% of workers live in housing without a toilet

4 Education  Majority of rural migrant workers children are excluded from public schools by city governments.  7-8 million migrant- children living in cities.  67% of migrant children pay more than urban children.  More money from government funds are giving to urban schools than rural schools even though over 60% of population live in rural areas.

5 Health  30% of rural migrant workers had insurance coverage for occupational injuries and disease.  10% by medical insurance  15% by pension scheme  3.8% of GPD is spent on health

6 Chongqing  Nankai secondary school (the best school in Chongqing) is located in central Chongqing. As a result, it suffers from noise problems and have had incidences involving outsiders damaging facilities and endangering the students.  This could be due to jealousy of rural migrants or poorer urban children who are unable to enter the school

7 Chongqing continued Also many problems seen within the public services:  Tap water is not drinkable  Many restaurants are un-sanitised  Health care does not meet the standards of European health care  Evidence suggests that hospitals also lack certain provisions

8 ….  In 1999 figures suggest 66% of urban residents owned their own homes, however there has been a noticeable decrease over the last 10 years.  This could be as a result of a lack of affordable housing due to commercial builders building too many luxurious houses; many of these remain unsold.

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