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5/21 Take out your review book and Aug 2013 answer sheet. Put Truman note sheet, #1, into new table of Contents.. Aug. 2013 Please make sure your name,

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Presentation on theme: "5/21 Take out your review book and Aug 2013 answer sheet. Put Truman note sheet, #1, into new table of Contents.. Aug. 2013 Please make sure your name,"— Presentation transcript:

1 5/21 Take out your review book and Aug 2013 answer sheet. Put Truman note sheet, #1, into new table of Contents.. Aug. 2013 Please make sure your name, the title of the test and total correct over 12.5 is on your paper or 3 points will be taken off your score. 26. 2 27.4 28.1 29.1 30.2 31.3 32.2 33.3 34.1 35.2 36.4 37. 4 38.2 39.2 40.1 41.4 42.4 43.3 44.1 45.2 46.4 47.3 48.4 49.1 50.2 History Channel-Harry S. Truman

2 Truman Domestic and Foreign Policy I can explain the domestic programs and foreign policy actions of Pres.Truman.

3 Baby Boom- Population explosion

4 What does this lead to? Levittown- Rise of prefab homes in the suburbs to meet the needs of soldier coming home from war. 1950's Building in Levittown

5 Domestic THE FAIR DEAL -Economic controls, an increase in the minimum wage, expansion of the Social Security program, a housing bill, national health insurance, development projects modeled on the New Deal's Tennessee Valley Authority, liberalized immigration laws, and ambitious civil rights legislation for African-Americans. VETO of Taft-Hartley Act- However Congress’ override of the veto put limits on the ability of Unions to strike.

6 Domestic Policy GI Bill of Rights- Benefits included low-cost mortgages, low-interest loans to start a business, cash payments of tuition and living expenses to attend university, high school or vocational education, as well as one year of unemployment compensation. Executive Order 9981- Desegregation of the Armed Forces (1948)

7 Domestic Effects- McCarthyism HUAC – House of Un-American Activities Committee Senator Joe McCarthy – claims Communists in the Department of State Alger Hiss, government employee named a Soviet spy Ethel and Julius Rosenberg – arrested for selling secrets to the USSR, sentenced to death for treason

8 Hollywood Black list Victims of Hollywood Blacklist

9 Foreign Policy- CONTAINMENT Truman Doctrine- “Truman likes greasy turkey”. Truman asks Congress for aid to Greece and Turkey, $400 million in aid to defend against Communist rebels. Marshall Plan enacted, billions of $ in aid for 16 European nations. Korean War-1949-1952 United Nation defends South Korea after invasion from North. War ends in an armistice, border returns to 38th parallel

10 Foreign Effects Berlin Blockade: USSR blockades all access to West Berlin, US airlifts supplies. The Soviet blockade ends after nearly a year. Hotline - direct phone link between US President Kennedy in the White House, and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in the Kremlin Space Race – April 1961 Soviet Union was the first to put a man in Space. July 20 th 1969 – US put Neil Armstrong on the Moon “That’s one small step for man and….one giant leap for mankind”

11 5/26 Take out your Truman Hw. Pick up Rosenberg Case #2 Review your Truman homework and be ready to answer the I can…..explain the domestic programs and foreign policy actions of President Truman. Read and complete the Core Idea worksheet about the Rosenberg case. Opportunities for greater learning (homework)…. Regents Exam June 2013 m/c 1-25 due Core Idea # 5- use Sacco & Vanzetti Case to compare and contrast.

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