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Junior History Ch 24 review.  IBM- Developed the first successful commercial computer in 1954  Microchip a tiny fragment of silicon containing a complex.

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1 Junior History Ch 24 review

2  IBM- Developed the first successful commercial computer in 1954  Microchip a tiny fragment of silicon containing a complex circuit  Microprocessor- is a silicon chip that contains the central processing unit

3  Biotechnology- the use of living organisms in the development of new products  Satellites- mechanical devices that orbit the earth in space sending and receiving information filled signals  globalization- the process by which national economies, politics, cultures and societies become linked to other nations

4  multinational corporations-corporations that might have their headquarters in one country but manufacture in another Companies formed by the following  Bill Gates- Microsoft;  Steve jobs- Apple;  Jeff

5  NAFTA- North American Free Trade Agreement which eliminated trade restrictions in the North America

6  Al Qaeda- Led by Osama bin Laden is a terrorist organization  Ethnic Cleansing- mass murder and violence against an ethnic group

7  EU- European union formed to coordinate economic and monetary policies in Europe  World Bank- founded in 1944 to help rebuild Europe after the war has focused on many social as well as economic affairs

8  Patriot Act-gave the government more power to monitor suspected terrorists  No Child Left Behind-Education program from the Bush Administration designed to hold schools accountable for performance standards

9  Taliban-Islamic extremists in Afghanistan  Weapons of Mass Destruction-weapons designed to kill millions with chemical warfare  Operation Iraqi Freedom-beginning in 2003 the United States led an attack of Iraq to search for weapons of mass destruction and to remove Saddam Hussein from power

10  Department of Homeland Security- cabinet position created after 9-11 attack to coordinate domestic security  (9-11) 2001-Terrorist attack on World Trade Center in New York city killing more than 3000

11  Bill Clinton-President during prosperous times of 1990’s balanced budget and created a surplus, was impeached for lying to Congress  George W. Bush-President during terrorist attacks on trade center and called for operation Iraqi Freedom and search for terrorists

12  Saddam Hussein-Iraqi leader removed from power in Operation Iraqi Freedom and executed for crimes against humanity  Osama bin Laden-leader of al Qaeda terrorist group attempting to end American involvement in Muslim countries

13  Barack Obama-44th president of the United States and first African American elected to the position  Bush vs Gore-supreme court ended the recount in Florida of the 2000 election giving George Bush the presidency

14 What was the outcome of the Clinton impeachment? 1. Clinton was not removed from office as congress ruled the infractions of lying about his affair with the White House intern did not warrant removal

15 Why has fighting terrorist activity been so difficult?  Terrorist attack unexpectedly and usually in small groups or individually. They are not coming from a specific country and it makes it difficult to target them

16 What was the Bank Crisis of 2008? 1. Ill advised loan practices and a loss in home values led to massive foreclosures and bank closings.

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