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Design and Layout Making Things Look Good. Why Worry About Design? Do you want to make your printed pages look better, but don’t know how? Can you tell.

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Presentation on theme: "Design and Layout Making Things Look Good. Why Worry About Design? Do you want to make your printed pages look better, but don’t know how? Can you tell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design and Layout Making Things Look Good

2 Why Worry About Design? Do you want to make your printed pages look better, but don’t know how? Can you tell that someone’s pages look better but don’t know why? Do you want people to read what you create? So listen up!!!

3 Major Design Principles Balance Repetition Alignment Proximity Contrast

4 Balance Give equal weight to different elements on the page Don’t make things lopsided, for example, all pictures at the bottom of the page and all copy at the top

5 Repetition A.k.a.- Consistency Repeat some aspect of design through the entire piece The repeated element may be a typeface or set of typefaces, a certain line, a page format, etc.

6 Alignment Nothing should be placed on the page at random. Every element on the page should have a visual connection with something else on the page. When items are aligned on the page, it creates a strong cohesive unit.

7 Which is the nicer business card? Andy Dole Geffen Records 35 Frog St. Morrow, Ohio(513) 555-1313 Geffen Records 35 Frog St. Morrow, Ohio Andy Dole (513) 555-1313 Why? Alignment.

8 Proximity Group related items together (move them physically close to each other). The related items should be seen as one cohesive group rather than a bunch of unrelated bits. Organize your page!

9 No order…

10 Grouped by Proximity

11 Contrast Avoid elements on the page that are merely similar. If the elements are not the same, then make them very different

12 Common Design Pitfalls Unbalanced shaded boxes Words on top of lines Centered pictures messing up word readability Weak, tiny headlines Unaligned

13 Categories of Typeface Oldstyle Slab Serif Sans Serif Script Decorative

14 Oldstyle Based on the handlettering of scribes Good for extensive copy Has slanted serifs Serif- extra line Garamond Palatino

15 Slab Serif Clean, straightforward Vertical and horizontal serifs Very high readability Good for extensive copy Often used in children’s books Georgia Sylfaen

16 Sans Serif Without serifs Good for titles and headings Arial Comic Sans Tahoma

17 Script Appears to be hand lettered Use sparingly Looks good L arge Monotype Corsiva

18 Decorative Fun and distinctive Use sparingly according to the occasion 

19 The E nd

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