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NASA GRC ISS On-Orbit Facilities Combustion Integrated Rack SE & Operations Fluids Integrated Rack SE & Operations Mission Integration & Planning Space.

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Presentation on theme: "NASA GRC ISS On-Orbit Facilities Combustion Integrated Rack SE & Operations Fluids Integrated Rack SE & Operations Mission Integration & Planning Space."— Presentation transcript:

1 NASA GRC ISS On-Orbit Facilities Combustion Integrated Rack SE & Operations Fluids Integrated Rack SE & Operations Mission Integration & Planning Space Acceleration Measurement System Microgravity Acceleration Measurement System Principal Investigator Microgravity Services Multi-user Droplet Combustion Apparatus SE & Ops Light Microscopy Module SE & Ops Telescience Support Center Ops & Maintenance CIRFIR MDCALMM SAMSMAMS 1

2 Fluids and Combustion Facility (FCF) 2 GRC Project Manager: MSI/Robert Corban Chief Engineer: Dennis Rohn Safety Mission Assurance Lead: NASA Customer: SLPS/OB Key Contractor(s): ZIN Technologies Inc. Project Mission Statement: Operate and Sustain the Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR) and the Fluids Integrated Rack (FIR) on the International Space Station (ISS) thru GRC’s Telescience Support Center. GRC Scope: Planning, Operation and Coordination of FCF and associated payloads Mission Integration and Planning Telescience Support Center operations and maintenance Sustaining engineering on FCF Flight racks, spares, and GIU Project Life Cycle Schedule (Operations) MilestonesCIR LaunchCIR OpsFIR LaunchFIR OpsFIR CVBCIR FLEXFIR ARISFIR PACEFIR ACE-1CIR FLEX2Final Report Actual/ Baseline11/20082/20098/20091/20107/201011/20119/201110/20108/20122012N/A FIR Flight Rack on ISS CIR Flight Rack on ISS

3 3 Fluids and Combustion Facility Project Manager: Robert Corban WBS 825080.  Status  Variances SCHEDULE: FIR has no samples and is currently inactive. CIR has not been given limited operations time for last month. Key Issue/ConcernPotential ImpactAction Plan Resolution Date FLEX - motor position error associated with the fuel reservoir dispenser #2 Operational Impact Science Delay 1.Perform on-orbit Trouble-shoot (encoder or blockage)√ 2.Replace Fuel Reservoir #1 to continue current Ops (6/19) √ 3.Hold ERB to determine best plan forward √ 4.Install new needle set and/or fuel reservoir√ 9/2012 CLOSE Needle replacement tested successful. Data Management operational time will be excessive for future planned payloads (i.e, ACME) Limited Science Return 1.Perform options Assessment for future planning√ 2.Develop proposal for additional funding to support upgrades to enhance science return. √ 3.Implement some of the “low hanging fruit” options in FY12 – put in new SOW for CY12. 10/2012 CR in for funding IPSU-G Option w LMM Camera CIR Illumination Control Module Communications Loss of primary FLEX2 science instrument 1.Additional testing is planned on resolution of CIR loss of MRDL/LRDL, maybe thermal issue. √ 2.Accelerate spare for earliest manifest opportunity TBD (ATV4) – No On-orbit Spare. √ 3.Manifest spare ICM even if issue resolved 11/2012 ICM Completed. No issues w/ last operations. CostScheduleTechnicalMgmt. Current MonthGYGG Prior MonthGGRG  Key Issues

4 Technical/Cost/Schedule Review Monthly Status Review Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field 10 Oct 2012 1)Significant Activities OB activities (weekly telecons, FIR/CIR awareness, L&M Data, metrics, PPBE14) – Worked with JSC OB L&M on ORU listing for FIR and CIR (Facility vs Payload agreement w OZ) – Provided updates to the FIR and CIR “occupancy” metric – ITAs provided to OB (FCF SE & Ops, AMP) and OZ (MIP/TSC) – CRs provided to the ISS Program (OB) for ACME development and LMM Camera/IPSU upgrade CIR Operations −On-going FLEX-2 experiment (31 burns completed) −R&R on CIR’s main hard drive; fixed boot-up issue w/ CIR −R&R on CIR’s Igniter’s and Needle; fixed blockage in needle & burned out igniter −Proceeding, when necessary, in locked down configuration when crew time not available FIR Operations with Light Microscopy Module (LMM) -ACE-1A (colloids) operations successfully completed on two samples SpaceX-1 Manifest successfully shipped (and launched) −MDCA Fuel Reservoirs (5), CIR Manifold Bottles (4), FO Cable Spare, DCM-LCTF Spare Participated in OB SORRs (30S return/ATV-3 disposal, SpX-1/32S) Completed off-gas testing of the Gas Chromatograph Instrument Package (GCIP); manifested on ATV-4 Performed crew increment training at JSC Supported the POIWG meeting at Huntsville, AL. ISS video capability upgrade installed at the GRC/Telescience Support Center Tours/briefings of FCF GIUs/TSC provided to OB/OZ Management, CASIS, Northrup-Grumman Combustion Integrated Rack / Fluids Integrated Rack / TSC / MIP ITA Title: GRC On Orbit Facilities O&M– FY12 ITA #: N/A for FY12 PMII: 769347.05.08 (FY13) Division: MSI Name: Robert Corban 216-433-6642 4

5 Technical/Cost/Schedule Review Monthly Status Review Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field 10 Oct 2012 2)Technical Issues/Schedule Issues Lack of Crew Time (schedule impact): Agreement by Science team to proceed without PaRIS configuration for CIR 3)Planned Activities for next quarter Complete vibration testing for spares of ATCU Fan (Oct), ATCU Electronics Enclosure Unit (Oct), Illumination Control Module (Oct), Smoke Detector (Oct), IPSU (Nov) and HiBMS (Nov) Complete assembly on LMM Control Box spare Life Extension study (2028) for CIR, FIR, SAMS, MAMS –CIR & FIR ATCU HX Life Extension –Spares evaluation (completed) –Structural Impact assessment –Avionics upgrades (completed) Complete the CIR & FIR filter characterization testing on the GIUs Kickoff of new IPSU development and LMM Camera Upgrade to define requirements SpaceX-2 Manifest (Fuel Reservoirs, ACE samples, Return: IOP HD, Needle, Bottles) and associated documentation ATV-4 Manifest (Bottles, Needles, Fuel Reservoirs, FOMA Cal Unit, ICM, GCIP, CVB-2) and associated documentation Begin operating under OB ITAs and OZ ITA –13996 FCF SE & Ops (OB) –13997 AMP Program (OB) –14000 TSC & MIP (OZ) Combustion Integrated Rack / Fluids Integrated Rack / TSC / MIP ITA Title: GRC On Orbit Facilities O&M– FY12 ITA #: N/A for FY12 PMII: 769347.05.08 (FY13) Division: MSI Name: Robert Corban 216-433-6642 5

6 Fluids and Combustion Facility Sustaining Eng. Milestone Summary Next Milestone Risk SpaceX-2 Manifest SAR ERB (Nov 2012) Milestones (CY12)BaselineProjectedActualSchedule Variance HTV-3 Manifest SARMar 12 Apr 12HW shipped ATCU Fan/EEU SparesApr 12Jun 12 Assembly complete (March); Vibe (June); Thermal (June) MDCA Avionics Package spareMay 12Sept 12 Assembly complete (April); Vibe complete (May); EMI complete (June); Thermal complete (June) TSC Video UpgradeJun 12Aug 12TV Install & Operating; cables being installed CIR’s Gas Chromatograph (GCIP)Jun 12Sept 12 Assembly complete (March); Vibe complete (June); EMI complete (May); Thermal complete (June); Off Gas Complete ( Aug) LMM GIU “fixes”Aug 12 Technicians working to resolve issues Common IAM sparesNov 12 Assemble complete MDCA Color Camera replacementNov 12 Assemble complete DCM (2) & ICM sparesDec 12 ICM made higher priority; ICM Assemble complete LMM Control Box SpareDec 12 Parts Delivered; Board level vibe completed Project is less than 1 month behind planProject is less than 2 months behind planProject is greater than 2 months behind plan Schedule Color Key 6 Project Milestone Schedule CY 2012 JFMAMJJASOND ATCU Fan/ EEU Spares DCMs & ICM GCIPTSC Video Upgrade LMM GIU Upgrade HTV-3 SAR IAM Spar e MDCA Avionics Pckg Spare LMM Control Box MDCA Color Camera

7 FCF Operations (over last two months) 7 Increment WeekCIRFIR 31/3214 (8-2)No OpsACE 1 st Sample Pics & Installed; Ops began 31/3215 (8-9)Needle #2 R&R; Igniter R&R; FLEX-2 Data Points (4) ACE 1 st Sample Ops 31/3216 (8-16)IOP HD R&RACE 1 st Sample Ops 31/3217 (8-23)CIR Activated; Checked out; SW updates to HD ACE 2 nd Sample Pics & Ops; White Light Cable switched 31/3218 (8-30)FLEX-2 Data Points (3)No Ops 31/3219 (9-6)No Ops 31/3220 (9-13)FLEX-2 Data Points (4)No Ops 33/34A (9-20)No Ops 33/341 (9-27)FLEX-2 Data Points (5)No Ops 33/342 (10-4)No Ops 33/343 (10-11)FLEX-2 Data Points (4)No Ops 7

8 ISS OCCUPANCY -- CIR RACK 1 October 2012 (Data through 30 September 2012)[POC: Robert Corban/GRC] Rack Moves, Maintenance, Annual Cert Trouble-shooting or Crew- time/ sched conflict Rack not Occupied Avg. Historical Usage Greater than 1-sigma below the mean occupancy 8% 3% CIR As-Run Data CIR Utilization Plan CIR Occupancy & Powered Ops (Powered Operational Time/Monthly Available Time) % Occupancy (Powered and Unpowered) FLEX-2 2014201120122013 FLEX-2 FLEX FLEX-2 FLEX ICE-GA FLEX NASA Payload Powered Ops IP Payload Powered Ops NASA Payload Dwell Time IP Payload Dwell Time CIR Main Computer Hard Drive Failure resolved with quick-turn around R&R by the Crew ICE-GA 8

9 ISS OCCUPANCY -- FIR RACK 1 October 2012 (Data through 30 September 2012)[POC: Robert Corban/GRC] Rack Moves, Maintenance, Annual Cert Trouble-shooting or Crew- time/ sched conflict Rack not Occupied FIR As-Run Data FIR Utilization Plan FIR Occupancy & Powered Ops (Powered Operational Time/Monthly Available Time) % Occupancy (Powered and Unpowered) 2014201120122013 NASA Payload Powered Ops IP Payload Powered Ops NASA Payload Dwell Time IP Payload Dwell Time Avg. Historical Usage Greater than 1- sigma below the mean occupancy 7% 0% PACE-2 BIO ACE-1 CVB-2 BIO ACE-M ACE-M2 ARIS ACE-H First two ACE-1A Samples provided necessary data for PI. Other three samples will not be imaged. 9

10 Technical/Cost/Schedule Review Monthly Status Review Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field 10 Oct 2012 ITA Title: GRC On Orbit Facilities O&M– FY12 ITA #: N/A for FY12 PMII: 769347.05.08 (FY13) Division: MSI Name: Robert Corban 216-433-6642 ITA N/A (FY12) 4a. Current FY Budget Status (Cumulative) · Procurement - Performance to Plan Month OctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSep Obl ($K) 47801522,2882,3642,4302,9984,0954,6434,7214,6014,677 Plan Cost Labor ($K)*58113169228284343399460516575637690 Plan Cost Materials ($K)*2467651174160221672533289832653631419545624927 Actual Cost Labor ($K) 68102173228273339398473513573649709 Actual Cost Materials ($K) 2466321185146318382297261730563537397545374883 · CS FTE - Performance to Plan Month OctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepAvg Plan (FTE)4.6 4.8 Actual (FTE) 4.34.1 4b. Cost variance explanation: 4c. Civil Service FTE variance explanation: 5. Travel Budget Status (Cumulative): Month OctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSep Adjusted Cost Plan ($K) 0.0 1.0 2.03.0 4.0 Actual Cost ($K) 0.0 1.10.0 2.3 4.9 5.0 Travel obligations are $1.1K WBS Numbers: 904211. (O&M) 904211. 904211. TSC 10

11 AMP – SAMS/MAMS/PIMS 11 GRC Project Manager: MSI/Kevin McPherson Chief Engineer: Alan Linne Safety Mission Assurance Lead: NASA Customer: SOMD/Brad Carpenter, JSC ISS Structures and Mechanisms Key Contractor(s): ZIN Technologies Inc. ZIN Task Lead: Jennifer Keller Project Mission Statement: Acceleration Measurement Program will measure, process, analyze, and interpret the ISS acceleration environment as measured by SAMS and MAMS for research payloads and vehicle customers GRC Scope: Planning and operation functions for the SAMS and MAMS acceleration measurement payloads Acceleration data analysis and dissemination for microgravity Principal Investigators Sustaining engineering functions for the SAMS and MAMS acceleration measurement flight systems and associated ground equipment Project Life Cycle Schedule MilestonesSCRHCRPDRCDRVRRSafetyFHALaunchOpsReturnFinal Report Actual/ BaselineN/A 12/19959/19971/20009/200012/20004/2001Inc. 1 ->N/A SAMS Interim Control Unit MAMS Front Panel SAMS acceleration data

12 12 Acceleration Management Program Project Manager: Kevin McPherson WBS 904211. WBS 401769.  Status  Variances COST: Delays in repair and re-certification of TSH-ES SN08 (some fasteners sent out for a locking mechanism) for ATV-4 Key Issue/ConcernPotential ImpactAction Plan Resolution Date SAMS ICU ReplacementNo SAMS Operations if fails 1.Requested by ISS Program to find solution for use of unsupported station laptops√ 2.Investigate integration of SAMS and IWIS √ 3.Obtain CR approval√ 4.Implement new ICU October CR Approved; Directive in-work Lack of SAMS SparesNo SAMS Operations if lack spares 1.Request by ISS Program for additional spare builds 2.Refurbish TSH-ES SN03 as a spare 3.Determine # spares to meet 2020 goals 4.Obtain CR approval 5.Implement spare builds January 2013 CostScheduleTechnicalMgmt. Current MonthYGGG Prior MonthYGGG  Key Issues

13 Technical/Cost/Schedule Review Monthly Status Review Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field 10 Oct 2012 1)Significant Activities 100% measurement availability when ISS resources allow SAMS and MAMS equipment to be powered On-orbit SAMS File Repair procedure performed by the crew to recover after an extended power outage. On-going support of ISS Loads and Dynamics team for daily monitoring of structural mode regime. Statistical analysis of acceleration data toward peer-reviewed publication of SAMS/MAMS analysis results for first year of ISS assembly complete. SAMS TSH-ES sensor SN 08 is completed, EMI testing completed, scheduled for vibe testing. SAMS TSH-ES sensor SN 03 updated; EMI testing completed. SAMS cable lost in Progress 44P failure completed (longer than original). SAMS ICU Upgrade to the ISS Laptop approved by VCB and the SSPCB (out-of-board approval) “ The SAMS Upgrade CR 13240 has received all evaluations and they were all concur or concur with comments. The upgrade will use the current laptop (T61p) instead of the obsolete 760XD and be aisle mounted instead of in an ISIS drawer in an Express Rack. The SSPCB selected this implementation option and the cost is $260K for the SAMS Team to perform the work in approximately 9 months.” Kathy Koerner 2)Technical Issues/Schedule Issues None 3)Planned Activities for next quarter Complete all hardware testing and verifications for turn-over to MSG for manifest on ATV-4 CR for SAMS TSH-ES spares (w/ wireless capability) Begin the SAMS ICU Upgrade software SAMS/MAMS/PIMS ITA Title: GRC On Orbit Facilities O&M– FY12 ITA #: N/A for FY12 PMII: 769347.05.08 (FY13) Division: MSI Name: Kevin McPherson 216-433-6182 13

14 FCF Project Review Action Items Action Number Date Initiated Date Due Person(s) Responsible ProjectActions - Notes/Status Date Completed MSI-Rev-1808/26/1102/27/12CorbanFCF Evaluate the cost/schedule impact of replacing/upgrading the IPSUs. 08/15/12 MS-Rev-2501/19/1202/29/12CorbanFCFAdd State of Health Chart for FCF (Jalopy) 02/29/12 14

15 15 Project Manager’s Top Concerns o Increasing CIR (and FIR) data management efficiency (ACME needed for sure) o Maintaining trained and certified CIR and FIR Operations Team o Keep TSC operational and properly maintained with minimal staffing (CoNNeCT operations may impact need for more staffing) o Delays and gaps in FIR operations o Completing the Long-Term Life study (2028) for CIR and FIR o MDCA and LMM lack of sparing for long-term operations (FCF Sustaining Engineering inheriting the risk) o Failures of DCM and similar designed, ICM. No Spare ICM on-orbit. o Long-term upgrades to the CIR and FIR (Cameras, IPSUs, LMM, Software, etc) o ISS Program requests for data and various information with multiple processes.

16 Backup Charts 16 Back-up charts will not be briefed unless specifically requested.

17 National Aeronautics and Space Administration CIR State of Health – Sustaining Engineering MDCA Subsystems Radiometer Avionics Box Color Camera Flex Consumables Flex 2 Consumables HiBMSSpare Focus PrismSpare ATCUSpare EPCUSpare IOPSpare DiagnosticsEnvironmentalAvionicsFacility Ground Systems (Nominal status only) Diagnostics Data Subsystems Environmental PRCU Avionics MDCA CIA GIU Facility Grey Shadow – Resolution in Work Red Shadow – Resolution Not in Work LLL-UV CIA FOMA Cal WFCAIPSU FDSS IPSU-A FOMA Control PaRIS SAMS TSH-ES Windows Seals Spare RECIR Pumps Spare GCIP Spare Fuel Stowed: 6 mo. Bottles Stowed: 9 mo.Spare OperationsSpares YELLOW – Spare On Ground RED – No Spare GREEN – Spare On Orbit YELLOW – Off-Nominal RED – Not Operational GREEN – Nominal Illumination Spare 17

18 National Aeronautics and Space Administration YELLOW – Spare On Ground RED – No Spare FIR State of Health – Sustaining Engineering GREEN – Spare On Orbit White LightSpare ATCUSpare EPCUSpare IOPSpare DiagnosticsEnvironmentalAvionicsFacility Ground Systems (Nominal status only) Diagnostics Data Subsystems Environmental PRCU Avionics Facility YELLOW – Off-Nominal RED – Not Operational GREEN – Nominal OperationsSpares Grey Shadow – Resolution in Work Red Shadow – Resolution Not in Work PACE ACE WFCAIPSU FSAP ARIS SAMS TSH-ES Seals Spare Microscope LMM Subsystems Control Box Camera X-Y Stage Objectives Samples Stowed: 0 m FDSS Spare 18

19 Facility Risks Top 10 Risks LIKELIHOODLIKELIHOOD 5 4 F1 3 F2, F3 2 F4, F5 1 12345 CONSEQUENCES Risk IDRisk TitleRisk StatementLCApproach F1 Technical Corban 10/04/2011 FCFSE: DCM LCTF failure Given the DCM LCTF fails on the CIR flight rack; then there is an inability to accomplish full FLEX2 science. 43Mitigate: Manifest DCM LCTF S/N2001 on the next DO period of performance. Add procurement and assembly of a second spare LCTF DCM to the DO period of performance. Status: Plans to add procurement and assembly of a second spare to the DO Close Date: 07/31/2012 F2 Technical Corban 10/18/2010 FCFSE: Unknown cause DCM failure Given that the LCTF DCM had a communication failure on the CIR aboard ISS without a known cause; there is a risk of subsequent DCM failures on remaining DCMs will occur. 33Mitigate: The flight spare on the ground is in the process of being certified for flight. This unit will need to be manifested as a flight spare to mitigate this risk. Status: There is currently additional troubleshooting going on as additional issues have arisen and need to be better understood to resolve.. Close Date : 02/29/2012 F3 Technical Corban 10/04/201 1 FCFSE: LMM GIU does not fully emulate the flight unit Given that the LMM GIU does not fully emulate the flight unit;; the possibility exists that future LMM flight experiments will not operate correctly. 33 Mitigate: Plan is to review LMM GIU non-flight design issues and add task to update LMM GIU to the next DO period of performance. Status: Task has been added t the DO to upgrade to LMM GIU. Close Date: 07/02/2012 F4 Technical Corban 02/10/201 0 FCFSE: Lack of critical spares aboard ISS Given that there is a lack of critical spares aboard the ISS; then there is the possibility that a lack of meeting all science requirements will occur. 23 Mitigate: A priority list for flight critical spares has been established. ZIN has shipped and manifested flight White Light EPCU IOP FSAP. Additional flight h/w for ULF5 include: IPSU-A FCU Q-Imaging camera and IPSU (Remora). ZIN is in the process of verifying additional spare hardware(FIR &CIR velocity probe White Light lamps IPSU-A FCU and an IAM. Status: Working to add next set of spares to DO; will include spare fiber-optic cable to backfill for suspect cable on-orbit Close Date: 04/06/2012 F5 Technical Corban 02/10/201 0 FCFSE: IOP removable hard drive shelf life Given that the IOP removable hard drives have a limited shelf life; then there is the possibility that these hard drives won't work over time and the FIR and CIR racks will not be able to provide support for their payloads to perform science operations will occur. 23 Watch: Awaiting to see if funding issues will be resolved. Status: Funding for new design functional model IOP hard drives in the current DO. Close Date: 12/31/2012 CriticalityL x C Trend High  Decreasing (Improving)  Increasing (Worsening)  Unchanged * New since last month Med Low Approaches: Mitigate, Watch, Accept, Research 19

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