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Following up SLU environmental goal, june 2014. SLU has the following environmental goals since 2013: Energy Business trips Purchases.

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Presentation on theme: "Following up SLU environmental goal, june 2014. SLU has the following environmental goals since 2013: Energy Business trips Purchases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Following up SLU environmental goal, june 2014

2 SLU has the following environmental goals since 2013: Energy Business trips Purchases

3 SLU’s environmental goals within energy SLU will be self- sufficient in all forms of energy used (self- managed properties) in 2020. Fossil fuels for heating will be phased out as soon as possible, latest in 2016. SLU shall save energy by at least 1% per m2 per year, from 2012 at all its properties

4 Following up on Energy goals Use of EnergyStatus 2014-05 SLU has a primary goal to be self- sufficient in all energy (electricity and heat) in terms of its own managed properties at year-end in 2020. OK Fossil fuels for heating will be phased out as soon as possible, latest in 2016. NOT OK SLU shall save energy by at least 1% per m2 per year, from 2012 at all its properties NOT OK

5 SLU’s environmental goals within business trips SLU will reduce carbon emissions from travels by 10% per employee by 2020. The number of video conferences will increase by 15% by 2016. Carbon dioxide emissions from domestic trips will be cut by 20% by 2016 by reducing air travel. In addition: there will be an opportunity for climate funds to be investigated education and information will be implemented

6 Following up on travel goals TjänsteresorStatus 2014-05 SLU will reduce carbon emissions from travels by 10% per employee by 2020 NOT OK Carbon dioxide emissions from domestic trips will be cut by 20% by 2016 by reducing air travel.. NOT OK The number of video conferences will increase by 15% by 2016. OK

7 SLU’s environmental goals within purchases SLU will impose relevant environmental requirements in 90% of all purchases of consumables. 2016, 40% of all contracted supplies will be labeled "good environmental choice" and will be available in SLU's e- commerce Proceedo. SLU shall implement the environmental risk assessment for all goods and services by 2015. SLU needs to look into: goods and services negative environmental impact, possibilities for controlling and monitoring the environmental field with system support The follow-up in 2014 of at least one procurement: has the reduced environmental impact achieved?

8 Following up on purchase goals InköpStatus 2014-05 SLU will impose relevant environmental requirements in 90% of all purchases of consumables. OK SLU shall implement the environmental risk assessment for all goods and services by 2015. OK 2016, 40% o all consumer products should be labeled "good environmental choice" and will be available in SLU's e-pruchase system Proceedo. OK In 2014 of at least one procurement: has the reduced environmental impact achieved? OK

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