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Functions of Political Parties

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1 Functions of Political Parties
Discussion Questions 1. Where in the Constitution are political parties discussed? 2. Why do we have them? 3. What type of party system do we have in the United States?

2 What Did Washington Say?
“However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.” ~GEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, Sep. 17, 1796

3 Topical Outline What are the Functions of Political Parties?
Parties Recruit Leaders/Candidates Parties Run Campaigns Parties Give Cues to Voters Parties Articulate Policies Parties Coordinate Policymaking Provides loyal opposition Spawn civic engagement

4 Recruit Leaders/Candidates
Modern governments need quality leaders. Political parties serve as personnel agencies to identify, recruit, endorse, and promote competent public servants. Almost no one gets elected without winning a party’s endorsement.

5 Parties Run Campaigns Through the national, state, and local party organizations, parties coordinate political campaigns. However, candidates can usually run their own campaigns without the help of party organization because television has made it easier for them to do so. als/2012

6 Gives Cues to Voters-Simplify Choices
Most voters do not have the time, resources or inclination to study every candidate and issue. The parties help simplify their choices. If you know which party you agree with on most of the issues, then you can know who you “should” vote for by simply relying on the informational shortcut provided by their party affiliations

7 Parties Articulate Policies/Help Educate Citizens
Parties help define issues and educate voters about their positions on public policy by advocating specific policy alternatives. Party Platforms are written every 4 years at the National Nominating Conventions held in late summer.

8 Parties coordinate policymaking-Organize Government
Major political parties serve as a buffer to soften the class of extremism. They do so by building coalitions and brokering compromises. Parties are essential for coordination among the branches of government. Without some mechanism to organize the law-making process, legislative bodies would be nearly impossible to function. Party leaders set legislative priorities and help enact laws.

9 Provide Loyal Opposition
The party out of power serves as watchdog to keep the governing party from abusing its authority. Latest News Weekly Address: “Mr. President, You Owe Our 11 Million Workers An Explanation” “GOP Rep. demands answers after report says Obamacare will raise premiums” - See more at:

10 Spawn Civic Engagement
Parties help register voters and organize get-out-to-vote drives. Voter turnout in partisan elections, all things being equal, is significantly higher than in non-partisan elections.

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