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A Dedicated Multi-channel MAC Protocol Design for VANET with Adaptive Broadcasting Ning Lu 1, Yusheng Ji 2, Fuqiang Liu 1, and Xinhong Wang 1 1 Dept. of.

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Presentation on theme: "A Dedicated Multi-channel MAC Protocol Design for VANET with Adaptive Broadcasting Ning Lu 1, Yusheng Ji 2, Fuqiang Liu 1, and Xinhong Wang 1 1 Dept. of."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Dedicated Multi-channel MAC Protocol Design for VANET with Adaptive Broadcasting Ning Lu 1, Yusheng Ji 2, Fuqiang Liu 1, and Xinhong Wang 1 1 Dept. of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China 2 National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan IEEE WCNC 2010

2 Outline  Introduction  The DMMAC protocol  Performance evaluation  Conclusion

3 Introduction  Many advanced wireless technologies are being applied to transport systems Safe Intelligent Efficient  In particular, the Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication Vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communication

4 Introduction  The MAC protocol for VANET is critical to provide efficient and reliable medium access, but Fast topology change High node mobility Different Quality of Service(QoS) requirements

5 Introduction _goals  Authors propose a dedicated multi-channel MAC protocol, called DMMAC, for VANET Adaptability broadcasting provides collision-free and delay-bounded transmissions for safety messages Higher communication throughput Lower network latency

6 The DMMAC protocol_ Background  IEEE 1609.4 provide an important multi-channel MAC CCH(control channel) interval  Safety messages and control packets SCH(service channel) interval  Exchange data

7 The DMMAC protocol  Frame architecture of DMMAC BCH(Basic Channel)

8 The DMMAC protocol CCH Interval SCH Interval Sync Interval ABF CRP ABFL (ABF Length) ABFL min, ABFL max TDMACSMA/CA BCH Basic Channel

9 The DMMAC protocol ABF CRP CCH Interval

10 The DMMAC protocol 1. BCH Reservation process 2. Computation of ABFL 3. Virtual Slot operation

11 The DMMAC protocol  BCH Reservation process ABF CRP CCH Interval Each slot can only reused by one neighbor

12 The DMMAC protocol  BCH Reservation process FI (Frame Information) Free or Busy The slot occupation within One-hop and 2-hop Rule 1: if a packet has been successfully received or transmitting Rule 2 : to reserve a BCH not used within two hop

13 The DMMAC protocol  BCH Reservation process

14 The DMMAC protocol  BCH Reservation process Rule 3: to reserve empty slot Busy Status (BS) Transmitting Vehicle Identifier (ID) Slot information

15 The DMMAC protocol  Computation of ABFL ABF CRP CCH Interval ABFL i = max[AL k ]+SFL AL (Active slot)

16 The DMMAC protocol  Computation of ABFL Rule 4 : ABFL i =ABFL max

17 The DMMAC protocol  Virtual Slot operation ABF CRP CCH Interval Contend to CRP-REQ or CRP-BRD

18 The DMMAC protocol  Virtual Slot operation Rule 5 : if vehicle i want to send CRP. Wait for the ended of ABFs of one-hop Mute slot

19 The DMMAC protocol  Virtual Slot operation Rule 6

20 The DMMAC protocol  Virtual Slot operation Rule 7 : vehicle i can send the CRP-REQ to vehicle j(one-hop)

21 Performance evaluation  Simulator : NS-2  Parameters

22 Performance evaluation  Sparse scenario

23 Performance evaluation  Dense scenario

24 Performance evaluation  Results of BCH reservation in sparse scenario

25 Performance evaluation  Results of BCH reservation in dense scenario

26 Performance evaluation  Delivery ratio of safety packets

27 Conclusion  This paper presented a dedicated multi-channel MAC(DMMAC) protocol for VANET collision-free and delay-bounded transmission for safety applications

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