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1 Improving Teacher Supply and Effectiveness Meeting of OECD Education Ministers Raising the Quality of Learning for All Dublin, 18-19 March 2004 Phillip.

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1 1 Improving Teacher Supply and Effectiveness Meeting of OECD Education Ministers Raising the Quality of Learning for All Dublin, 18-19 March 2004 Phillip McKenzie and Paulo Santiago Directorate for Education

2 2 Why are teachers a focus?  Research shows that teaching quality is a key influence on student learning  Teachers are the largest item in school budgets: -- The teaching workforce is large (2.5% of total labour force) -- Teachers’ compensation averages 63% of spending on schools  Efforts to improve schools will fail if there are serious shortfalls in teacher supply and quality  Teachers’ roles are changing

3 3 Principals are concerned In half the OECD countries the majority of 15 year-olds are enrolled in schools where principals report learning is hindered by a teacher shortage/inadequacy % of 15-year-old students enrolled in schools where principals report learning is hindered ‘to some extent’ or ‘a lot’ by a shortage/inadequacy of teachers: Source: OECD PISA Database, 2001.

4 4 Concerns about hiring teachers There are major difficulties in hiring qualified teachers in key subjects Cross-country mean % of upper secondary students attending schools where the principal reported that hiring fully qualified teachers is difficult, 2001 Source: OECD International Survey of Upper Secondary Schools (ISUSS) database, 2003.

5 5 Teacher workforce is ageing In some countries a large % of teachers will retire within the next decade % of teachers aged 50 years and over, lower secondary education Source: OECD Education database.

6 6 Teachers’ relative salaries are falling Teachers’ relative salaries are declining in most countries Source: OECD Education at a Glance 2001 and 2003. Ratio of salary after 15 years of experience to GDP per capita, public institutions, lower secondary education, 1994 and 2001

7 7 Teacher quantity and quality are linked Quantitative shortfalls raise quality concerns % of upper secondary students attending schools that use the following methods to respond to teacher vacancies, as reported by school principals Source: OECD International Survey of Upper Secondary Schools (ISUSS) database, 2003.

8 8 Improving teacher supply - Responses  Improving the image and status of teachers  Making incentives more differentiated and flexible  Improving non-salary conditions in teaching  Improving geographical mobility  Making teacher education programmes more flexible  Developing targeted policies rather than “one size fits all” policies

9 9 Improving teacher supply - Responses  Greater school involvement in teacher recruitment and selection  Broadening the criteria for teacher selection  Changing the nature of appointments  More flexible responses to short-term staffing needs  Expanding the supply pool of teachers / Creating alternative pathways into teaching

10 10 Improving teacher effectiveness - Concerns Teachers face new demands to improve their skills -- more diverse student populations -- new curricula and broadened expectations -- teacher education programmes are low quality and lack relevance to school needs -- instruments to reward the work of teachers are limited -- there are limited opportunities for career growth -- teacher mobility is limited -- attrition rates are high for some types of teachers But concerns that: And...

11 11 Improving teacher effectiveness - Concerns Some countries face considerable difficulties in motivating teachers % of 15-year-old students enrolled in schools where principals ‘strongly disagree’ or ‘disagree’ with the following statements: Source: OECD PISA Database, 2001.

12 12 Improving teacher effectiveness - Concerns Large differences in teachers’ participation in professional development % of teachers who attended a prof. development programme in previous 3 months Source: OECD PISA Database, 2001.

13 13 Improving teacher effectiveness - Responses -- school leaders support teacher development and link it to meeting school needs -- teaching becomes more “knowledge rich” Teacher effectiveness and retention will improve if: -- school systems provide incentives for teachers to continue improving Teaching needs to be seen in a lifelong learning framework -- recognition and rewards for effective teaching is improved -- greater career diversity is created -- workload and stress are reduced -- flexible working hours and conditions are offered

14 14 Further information Documents and updates are available from:

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