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DEMOCRACY, CITIES AND DRUGS II Thematic Platforms Presentation Young wanderers and drugs Presentation ANIT is the French federation of health centres and.

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Presentation on theme: "DEMOCRACY, CITIES AND DRUGS II Thematic Platforms Presentation Young wanderers and drugs Presentation ANIT is the French federation of health centres and."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEMOCRACY, CITIES AND DRUGS II Thematic Platforms Presentation Young wanderers and drugs Presentation ANIT is the French federation of health centres and all the drugs and addiction workers Created in 1980, ANIT has a national (board of directors) and regional (regional unions) organisation. Our last general assembly decided in June 2008 to change the name of the organisation to ANITEA in order to enlarge our scope also to alcohol addictions Martine LACOSTE – Director of a NGO in Toulouse; Head of the ANIT commission on drug related harm reduction. Expert on harm reduction policies, care and social inclusion of drug users. Karl CERNY – Head of service in Lille; Expert on early intervention for young drug users Nathalie LATOUR – ANIT General Coordinator

2 DEMOCRACY, CITIES AND DRUGS II Thematic Platforms Presentation Young wanderers and drugs Mission statement The goals are : - To offer places of confrontation and expression for the professionals in the drugs field developing diversified practices (treatment, harm reduction, prevention, research, education, social inclusion, justice..), - To take care of the users as citizens, - To promote a global approach of the drug phenomenon design depending on the social, ideological and economic context in witch it fits, to represent professionals and specialized agencies up to the public and French institutions.

3 DEMOCRACY, CITIES AND DRUGS II Thematic Platforms Presentation Young wanderers and drugs Activities ANIT organises each year a national conference on drugs, organise trainings for professionals (550 participants) and several thematic seminars (like “Quit the shit” with German partners). ANIT has a training department and organises around 10 different training per year on different topics such as prevention, evaluation, drugs knowledge… Our organisation is composed of Commissions open to its members. Created in 2003, the harm reduction commission, which will carry out the Work Plateform is used to organise training sessions, conferences and investigations on the Human Resources issues. ANIT is supported by the French health general direction and the direction of the cities policies.

4 DEMOCRACY, CITIES AND DRUGS II Thematic Platforms Presentation Young wanderers and drugs ANIT and DC&D II Context: This project was set up because big European cities are often not able to manage young wanderers using drugs cumulating problems of exclusion and immigration. Cities are facing 3 levels of problems related to young wanderers using drugs: Health problems (mental health, HIV, hepatitis etc.), Social (exclusion related to precariousness), Urban safety (antisocial behaviours and violence). As a public health actor, we are not satisfied with only repressive answers. Different answers are proposed by different actors but without real briefing. The target audience is marginalized youngsters without occupation, either living in the city or wandering, sometimes accompanied by animals.

5 DEMOCRACY, CITIES AND DRUGS II Thematic Platforms Presentation Young wanderers and drugs ANIT and DC&D II Objectives: The Work Platform aims to increase the threshold of health protection, urban safety and social cohesion among EU Cities. In this way, we will reinforce the thresholds of competence of the actors, will intensify the possibilities of joint actions and of public safety, in comparison with the users of drug. Final aims: Building a common charter with recommendations and a welcome guide for young people and local actors adapted to each city

6 DEMOCRACY, CITIES AND DRUGS II Thematic Platforms Presentation Young wanderers and drugs ANIT and DC&D II Methodology and timetable June 2008: DC&D Strategic seminar – Paris – Participation of the WP in the DC&D strategic seminar. Presentation with cities and finalisation of the project after the cities exchange. September 2008 : Experts' group workshop / Paris / 8 stakeholders from France and Europe + 1 from the WP management - 1 day - implementation of the concrete axes of the platform: Selection of experts/bibliography/research Preparation of the needs assessment among partner cities 2nd drafting of exchange platform Drafting the good practices guidelines.

7 DEMOCRACY, CITIES AND DRUGS II Thematic Platforms Presentation Young wanderers and drugs ANIT and DC&D II Methodology and timetable November 2008 : DC&D Implementation seminar – Bucharest – 5 municipal stakeholders (from 5 cities) + 5 people from the WP (management and experts' group) - 2 days – presentation of the exchange platform to the DC&D II partners. 1 st training workshop involving the 5 participating cities. May 2009 : Experts' group workshop - Paris - 8 stakeholders + 1 from the WP management - 1 day – Preparation of the second training workshop. November 2009 : 2 nd training workshop – Paris - 5 municipal stakeholders (from 5 cities) + 5 people from the WP (management and experts' group) – 2 days. Drafting of the common charter with recommendations and a welcome guide for young people and local actors adapted to each city.

8 DEMOCRACY, CITIES AND DRUGS II Thematic Platforms Presentation Young wanderers and drugs ANIT and DC&D II Methodology and timetable November 2009 to May 2010 : 5 refinement meetings x 2 expert stakeholders x 2 days – Practice sharing among the 5 involved cities and the experts' group to support local. May 2010 : Experts' group workshop - Paris - 8 stakeholders + 1 from the WP management - 1 day – Preparation of the dissemination conference – validation of the common charter with recommendations and a welcome guide for young people and local actors adapted to each city - evaluation of the project. November 2010 – Dissemination conference – Vienna – 2 days - 5 people from the WP (management and experts' group)

9 DEMOCRACY, CITIES AND DRUGS II Thematic Platforms Presentation Young wanderers and drugs ANIT and DC&D II Contact details ANIT website : Nathalie LATOUR – Martine LACOSTE –

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