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Ian Nairn, CTO, T-Learning Ltd ISA Autumn Study Conference 15 th November 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Ian Nairn, CTO, T-Learning Ltd ISA Autumn Study Conference 15 th November 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ian Nairn, CTO, T-Learning Ltd ISA Autumn Study Conference 15 th November 2008

2  Personalised Learning – today!  Listening to the Students  Personalised Learning Communities. o Taecanet Springboard – a case study o How it works o Listening to the teachers o Benefits  Personalised learning – tomorrow? Contents

3 1. Personalised Learning Today! Independent Schools have been at the forefront of Personalised Learning but in the 21 st Century what are the challenges and opportunities? Against the background of change not only in the UK but around the world this presentation will demonstrate how it is possible to establish new Learning Communities to meet the needs of Personalised Learning across Independent Schools. This presentation uses a mixture of video, Virtual Classroom and online services & the slides include links to these resources.

4 The Personalised Learning Agenda Is this our shared view of the challenges of delivering Personalised Learning?

5 The 14 Grand Challenges (USA) More information at: In 2008 the US National Academy launched their 14 Grand Challenges Make solar energy economical Provide energy from fusion Develop carbon sequestration methods Manage the nitrogen cycle Provide access to clean water Restore and improve urban infrastructure Advance health informatics Engineer better medicines Reverse-engineer the brain Prevent nuclear terror Secure cyberspace Enhance virtual reality Advance personalized learning Engineer the tools of scientific discovery Or should we get involved in Challenges such Advanced Personalised Learning in the USA.

6 2. Listening to Students - how they learn?

7 UK Schools - £3bn invested in IT infrastructure in last 10 yrs plus support for innovative content based services Headteachers wanted technology to help:  independent / personalised learning agenda  inclusion at both ends of the ability range  assessment for learning  primary / secondary school transition 3. Personalised Learning Communities Taecanet - a case study

8 Most useful source of e-learning material is the Internet * BUT …five BIG problems for teachers…  No time - to find the best authentic material  No time - to create valid learning experiences  No time - for additional marking  Issues over “open” Internet access  Confidence & access to ICT to teach the curriculum Solve these and the Internet becomes a great learning resource Challenges faced by Teachers * Source DfES

9 The Taecanet Learning Community - the creation & maintenance process Teacher PanelQCA Objectives Core Curriculum Stage 1 Stage 2 Internet – free Content plus Self publishing Chargeable Content Teachers Create / maintain LJs Teachers use LJs Improvement suggestions Learning Journey repository - Taecanet Springboard

10 The Taecanet Learning Community - User Generated Learning Journeys KS2 KS3 History Geography Science 2005 Teachers accessing that content >2000 LJ’s KS1 KS2 KS3 KS4 2008 Taecanet Repository Teachers creating and using content Teachers using content History Geography Science History Geography Science RE Citizenship >5000 LJs PE By teachers For teachers

11 Access to rich and diverse internet content 5,000+ learning journeys today & unlimited potential Ease of use Teachers learn within 30 minutes Modern, fun and motivating material - curriculum related Covers all QCA objectives and students enjoy & engage Safe & controlled access Teachers define “journey paths” Access to the service anytime, anywhere School, home, library, ICT suite, or any internet point A service that is adaptable to different teaching styles Whiteboard, 1:1, class work, homework, revision, exploration Reduced teaching workload Built in assessment and marking E-learning that compliments other teaching methods Blends and integrates ICT into teaching and learning Responding to teachers’ needs

12 The Taecanet Learning Journey - learning with assessment

13 Taecanet Springboard Demonstration For your own trial account please go to:

14 Listening to the Teachers – remote contributions from Teachers using the Taecanet Virtual Classroom Shared access over the internet to common learning materials with the ability for both teachers and students to interact using voice, text and other functions Recording function

15 Personalised Learning – the Benefits Claires Court School Located in the Maidenhead this school was founded in 1960 Mrs Ronell Selzer is Head of Science & the school has 900 students

16 Taecanet introduced at Claires Court in 06/07, initially to support teaching and learning in Science. Significant growth in usage across the school and major impact on attainment levels. Examples of Current Usage: Year 9 Science Revision (SATS & SOSCA testing) – significant increases seen for students as measured through SOSCA tests KS4 Science Module Tests Revision – ability to access Cambridge University Press resources used in school as part of home based online revision Personalised Learning – the Benefits Claires Court School

17 Personalised Learning – the Benefits Woodside Primary School Located in the Forest of Dean this school was founded in 1878 Mr Ian Fergus is the Headteacher & the school has 100 students

18 Taecanet introduced at Woodside 06/07, initially to support teaching and learning in Science. First year used solely in Y5 and 6 as revision for Y6 and development for Y5. Last year 07/08 rolled into Y3 and 4 using extended features, RE, Citizenship, History and Geography supporting class work. Very well received by pupils and staff Particularly effective with boys. Real enthusiasm for learning through Taecanet Personalised Learning – the Benefits Woodside Primary School

19 Impact on learning? Results at KS2 06/07100% L4 Science 35% L5 in a group with 33% SEN 07/08100% L4 Science 66% L5 much more able group but still exceeded targets. The Future Contribute to and see development of resources to support foundation subjects further. Personalised Learning – the Benefits Woodside Primary School

20 Students think learning is “fun” Through the combination of IT, self paced & rewards Teachers find the service easy to use In many cases schools are now subscribing for multiple years Positive Impact on Exam Results increased grades at both Primary & Secondary SATs Sustained & growing usage Over 2m learning journeys delivered & 100% year on year Community starting to lead new developments Schools and subject organisations participating in growth Personalised Learning – the Benefits

21 Leadership With the Government Agenda based on 32 students to a class how can the ISA lead new thinking to support and deliver Personalised Learning in the 21 st Century? The Government has chosen to spend significant sums to support the State sector – how can the ISA respond? The “ISA Learning Community” Our challenge to you is to work together to create a new Learning Community across Independent Schools to deliver:  Science & Humanities  100 participating Schools by Feb 2009 Your Challenge Join the Learning Community & make a difference 4. Personalised Learning – tomorrow?

22 Thank you For further information: E – T – 0044 7590 226 807

23 References 1. YouTube Assistant Professor Mike Wesch – A Vision of Students today 2. Using Web 2.0 to support Teaching & Learning Professor Burks Oakley 3. Advanced Personalised Learning – one of the 14 Grand Challenges (USA) 4. T-Learning Ian Nairn – CTO – further information on personalised learning & collaboration

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