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Gender Justice and Democracy in the EU

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1 Gender Justice and Democracy in the EU

2 Reconstituting Democracy in Europe  Five-year project financed by the EU under FP6  Twenty partners, coordinated by ARENA, University of Oslo  Starting point: Democratic ‘deficit’ in the EU  Exploring three alternatives: Democracy reconstituted at the national level Democracy reconstituted at the supranational level Democracy based reconstituted in a post-national polity

3 A feminist perspective How can a feminist analysis contribute to the debate?  What we have: Feminist theorising on justice, citizenship, representation (in an already constituted polity)  What we lack: Feminist theorising of European integration  What difference would it make? Hypothesis: Different opportunities and constraints afforded by each model of democracy in the EU

4 Objectives 1.To provide a feminist perspective on the future of democracy in Europe What kind of gender politics/policies does each model of EU democracy give scope for? 2.To establish criteria for the assessment of EU policy/policy making 3.To explore the status of GJ in the EU Map EU institutional arrangements, policy processes and policy content Three case studies: Gender pay gap, gender balance in decision-making, gender violence 4.How can gender justice and democracy be fostered within Europe?

5 Cooperation  Other RECON partners  Wider academic/expert community (Quing, Femcit, Athena, IPSA, ECPR etc..)  Civil society (EWL, ICW, ETUC, Karat…)  ‘Critical’ actors

6 Contribution to Athena 3A  Share findings through submission of discussion papers  Cooperate in task of involving civil society actors  Input on sub-themes: Transformation of legal framework Role of international actors Gaps between policy design/ implementation

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