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From MPL to VPL Upping the visibility of Management Practice & Law Joëlle Darby 3 rd March 2015.

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2 From MPL to VPL Upping the visibility of Management Practice & Law Joëlle Darby 3 rd March 2015

3 The players

4 Year group of approx 110 3 rd year BA Architecture and Interiors Little or no practice experience Little or no knowledge of MPL

5 The players Year group of approx 110 3 rd year BA Architecture and Interiors Little or no practice experience Little or no knowledge of MPL Module leader 25 years in practice 1 in teaching

6 The players Year group of approx 110 3 rd year BA Architecture and Interiors Little or no practice experience Little or no knowledge of MPL Module leader 25 years in practice 1 in teaching Specialist lecturers from industry

7 The Script Extract from Module Descriptor ‘The module covers issues that arise from the practice of architecture and interior architecture within a diverse society. The module introduces the cultural, legal, organisational and managerial conditions that affect the architectural and interior architectural professions, and is intended as a preparation for students about to enter practice on successful completion of their degree (and Part 1 exemption for AR students).’

8 The Script There are NINE Learning Outcomes that need to align with professional body (RIBA) criteria. Here are three: 1. Statutory Procedures Knowledge of current planning policy and development control legislation, including social, environmental and economic aspects, and the relevance of these to design development; 2. Duties & responsibilities Understanding of the nature of professionalism and the duties and responsibilities of architects to clients, building users, constructors, co- professionals and society as a whole; 3. Project & financial management Ability to critically examine the financial factors implied in varying building types, constructional systems, and specification choices, and the impact of these on architectural design;

9 The Script ….and Graduate Attributes of : Research Literacy Global Citizenship Academic Literacy Critical Self-awareness Personal Literacy Digital and Information Literacy For a 15 credit module……. It’s a heavy load

10 The Theatre

11 The Story so far…. Theme 1… Theme 2…etc

12 The Challenges Largely unfamiliar subject area & language ‘cultural, legal, organisational and managerial…’ Students have range of expectations ‘…help me answer the assignment’, ‘…prepare me for practice’, ‘…greater understanding of architecture as a business’ Inclusivity diverse cohort – different subjects, large number of overseas students Delivery method misaligned with learning outcomes passive rather than interactive Unglamorous image Students are more interested in design (80 credits)

13 knowledge comprehension application analysis synthesis evaluation Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956)

14 knowledge comprehension application analysis synthesis evaluation Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956)

15 ‘Students need to build mental models’ Eric Mazur Assimilate knowledge Apply knowledge Mentoring scheme – experiential, improved knowledge, language, application….. ….then analysis, synthesis and evaluation – professional attributes

16 Feedback (40% return on feedback) Keen to learn but struggled with concepts & ‘dry’ lectures Lectures variable & engagement depended upon good delivery Lecture sessions too long Group work session were more successful as led to discussion between students & with tutor but few people did any preparation Demand for more tutorial style sessions Submission at end of each theme Make design tutors aware of MPL content Lecture room too warm & stuffy, not conducive to group working Learnt a lot from the mentoring scheme

17 Aims & Actions Go back to basics HOW rather than WHAT (Eric Mazur) Variety of methods of delivery Make it personal – learn by doing, use studio project Shorten delivery session to 15 min blocks with activity between Consider introducing seminar sessions Submission at end of each theme Make design tutors aware of MPL content Change venue - room too warm & stuffy & not conducive to group working Continue dialogue with colleagues, attend workshop session EXCITEMENT

18  Atherton J S (2013) Learning and Teaching; Bloom's taxonomy [On-line: UK] retrieved 4 March 2015 from  presentation presentation  Atherton J S (2013) Learning and Teaching; SOLO taxonomy [On-line: UK] retrieved 4 March 2015 from 

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