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Patient Centered Medicine 1 Aaron Michelfelder, M.D. - PCM 1 Course Director Amy Blair, M.D. – PCM 1 Co-Course Director James Winger, M.D. – PCM 1 Co-Course.

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Presentation on theme: "Patient Centered Medicine 1 Aaron Michelfelder, M.D. - PCM 1 Course Director Amy Blair, M.D. – PCM 1 Co-Course Director James Winger, M.D. – PCM 1 Co-Course."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patient Centered Medicine 1 Aaron Michelfelder, M.D. - PCM 1 Course Director Amy Blair, M.D. – PCM 1 Co-Course Director James Winger, M.D. – PCM 1 Co-Course Director Diane Stancik – PCM 1 Course Manager Katherine Walsh, M.D. – Overall PCM Co-Course Director Paul Hering, M.D. – Overall PCM Co-Course Director

2 Welcome PCM-1Small Group Facilitators/Advisors!! Aaron Michelfelder, M.D. PCM 1 Course Director Amy Blair, M.D. PCM 1 Co-Course Director Ms. Diane Stancik PCM 1 Course Manager Katherine Walsh, M.D. Overall PCM Co-Course Director James Winger, M.D. PCM 1 Co-Course Director Paul Hering, M.D. Overall PCM Co-Course Director


4 Line Up for This Session Brief Intro to the Course Course Changes Mentor/Preceptor Programs Advisor Program

5 What is PCM 1 About?

6 PCM 1 PCM 1 Website –Administration –General Information –Core Curriculum –Attendance Policy –Grading/Evaluation –Facilitators

7 6 Components to PCM 1 –Lectures/Panels/Workshops –Small Groups (8-10 Students/Small Group) –Standardized Patient Exercises –Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCE) –Mentor/Clinical Skills Preceptor Programs –Written Exams

8 PCM-1 Organization

9 Temporal Blocks: Bioethics, Clinical Skills I, Healthcare Systems and Delivery, Clinical Skills II, Behavior and Health Promotion Longitudinal Block: Personal and Professional Development



12 Patient Centered Medicine I Semester ISemester II Core Curriculum Ethics, Justice, & Professionalism Communication Skills Interviewing/History Taking Behavioral Development Physician Well Being US Health Care System and Global Health Evidence Based Medicine Prevention Counseling Risk Factor Screening Integrative Medicine Cultural Medicine Nutrition Clinical Skills Experiential Components Student, & Chaplain Mentor, and Physician Preceptor Programs SP Workshops HPI/complete History Difficult Topics Standardized Patients Combined Structure/Function Physical Exam Skills Real Patient Interviews SP Practice Exercise SP Exercise I Complete Medical History Head & Neck Abdomen Thorax/Lungs Musculoskeletal PE OSCE I PE OSCE II Patient Interview I Patient Interview II SP Workshop Intimate Partner Violence SP Workshop Challenging Patient-Physician Relationships SP Exercise Counseling Heart Harvey Cardiac Simulator SP Exercise Hypothesis-Driven History

13 Newer This Year –General Year Two Neuroscience Course Dissolved MCBG/ Behavioral Medicine More Content Early Anatomy Starts 3 Weeks Earlier –PCM-1 4 Small Groups Removed And/or Compressed Fewer and Updated Readings Students/Facilitators encouraged to bring in topical media resources Ethics Block Compressed and Revised Behavioral Medicine Small Group Removed Revised EBM/Biostats/Patient Safety Curriculum Service Project & Reflection – Centralized Added Social Determinants of Health Section Removed Emotional Intelligence Section

14 Newer This Year –Added SP Workshop –HPI Workshop modified to be Complete History Small Group Workshop Over Two Sessions –Continued Electronic distribution of weekly small groups –Facilitator corner on PCM-1 home page –Decreased Paper Use in the Course –Utilizing More Student/Facilitator Feedback

15 PCM-1 Medical History Skills Changes James Winger, M.D. PCM 1 Co-Course Director

16 PCM-1 Clinical Skills Programs Amy Blair, M.D. PCM 1 Co-Course Director

17 Clinical Skills Preceptor Program (CSkiP) Observe physician in practice setting Clinical reinforcement of concepts learned in courses Practice new skills learned in PCM-1 Develop broader understanding of your own future direction

18 Student Mentor Observe on clinical rotations Opportunity for inter-medical school class communication Clinical reinforcement of concepts learned in courses and opportunity to practice PCM-1 skills

19 ProgramSEMESTER 1ProgramSEMESTER 2 Clinical Skills Physician Preceptor (Visit = 1 – 3 hrs) Encounter #1 by Nov. 30 One Joint Reflection Paper, Due for Sm. Group Week of Dec. 3, 2012 BOTH Visits Need to be Completed and Logged by December 7, 2012 Clinical Skills Physician Preceptor Encounter #1 by March 3 One Joint Reflection Paper, Due for Sm. Group Week of May 6, 2013 ALL 4 Visits Need to be Completed and Logged by May 3, 2013 Encounter #2 by May 3 Student Mentor (Visit = 1 – 3 hrs) Encounter #1 by Nov. 30 Student Mentor Encounter #1 by March 3 Encounter #2 by May 3 Chaplain Mentor 1 Chaplain encounter is required per year. Each encounter includes an orientation and debriefing session. 2 or 3 PCM-1 groups rotate through the program every month. Service- Learning Project One project write-up due by the end of the academic year. To be completed for the week of May 6, 2013 Patient Centered Medicine 1, AY 2012-13 Requirements for the Clinical Skills Preceptor, Student Mentor and Chaplain Mentor Programs Both Joint Reflection Papers must be submitted to your Small Group Facilitators.

20 Timeline M1-M3 Student Mentor Pizza Party is September 12 Physician Preceptor Assignments to follow

21 Ground Rules Contact your mentor and preceptor early and often You can do more than the required number of visits! Contact me early with any concerns Incomplete mentor visits will prevent you from passing PCM-1

22 Service-Learning Project A structured learning experience that combines service in the community with preparation and reflection How is community service different now that you are a medical student?

23 Service-Learning Project August - October – Identify population or health need you would like to serve –Write a (2 page) summary of the particular disparity you will be addressing, including facts that demonstrate the disparity and need (e.g. epidemiologic/public health data, census, figures from national or local organizations) – October 15 –Identify the community agency that you will work with or develop a unique project –Decide on a community-identified concern October - March –Provide the service (“Experiential” or Activity Phase”) April – May –Reflection –Written Project and Presentation »Total 4-6 pages (2 pg. summary disparity, 2 pg reflection) »Presentations during last small group of the year

24 Service-Learning Project The Center for Service and Global Health and University Ministry Student Organizations The Department of Bioethics and Preventive Medicine Local, regional and national community service agencies through which you already have experience or would like to establish a relationship

25 Service-Learning Project Link: Direct questions to: – –

26 Guidelines for Reflection “The four-year process of taking a disparate selection of college graduates and forming a cohesive professional identity frequently involves the abandonment of many preconceived notions about oneself, others and the medical profession in general. The purpose of the reflection process is not to generate a series of “touchy-feely” essays about your thoughts and emotions in given clinical situations. The goal of reflection in any context, is to encourage an approach of critical self-analysis as the experience and knowledge of medical school accumulates.” ectPaperInstruct.pdf ectPaperInstruct.pdf

27 This Week –Elect Small Group Representatives

28 Advisor Program Keith Muccino, S.J., M.D. Assistant Dean for Clinical Simulation

29 Thank You Facilitators!! Questions and Collective Wisdom Time

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