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How does interprofessional education stimulate or develop professional identities and capabilities? Hilary Pengelly Sheffield Hallam University 10th UK.

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Presentation on theme: "How does interprofessional education stimulate or develop professional identities and capabilities? Hilary Pengelly Sheffield Hallam University 10th UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 How does interprofessional education stimulate or develop professional identities and capabilities? Hilary Pengelly Sheffield Hallam University 10th UK Joint Social Work Education Conference with the 2nd UK Social Work Research Conference Homerton College, Cambridge 9th-11th July 2008

2 Background First year module - Foundations of Interprofessional Practice (FIPP) ◦14 professional groups ◦800+ students ◦32 staff Professional issues & research introduction ◦self-awareness and reflection ◦value and significance of research evidence ◦interprofessional understanding and collaboration

3 Research Aim and Method: ”Appreciative Inquiry” (AI) Focus Groups Aim: To explore and identify beliefs and behaviours associated with current and future IPE delivery Method: Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Methodology: Underpinned by a world view of Social Constructionism An approach that explores what people value in their practice, AI seeks to: develop ways to build on these activities enhance positive responses to challenge and change at individual, team and organisational levels

4 The 4 “D’s” 1. Discovering the best… 2. Dreaming – in an ideal world… 3. Designing – how to support the dream… 4. Destiny – how to sustain the developments…

5 3 focus groups Academic and support staff ◦12 participants in total 2 researchers ◦Observer/note take ◦Facilitator Focus group discussion recorded ◦Transcript to be produced to inform evaluation ◦Notes taken in session

6 Findings Themes emerging: ◦Personal gain & enjoyment of staff e.g. challenge, stimulus, learning with and about colleagues, being part of a large team, promoting respect for each other ◦Benefits for students e.g. IP dynamics, authentic content, opportunity for new perspectives ◦Organisation and approach to delivery e.g. use of external experts, pioneering blended e- learning within the faculty, developing expertise in IPE delivery, team ownership

7 Personal Gain & Enjoyment “I think it (IPE) is incredibly important stuff…!” “I learned about what Radiographers do!” “It was great seeing the way the group developed” “I learned more of what we have in common!” “Being asked for input (to help other facilitators) makes you feel needed and valued”

8 Benefits for Students Opportunities to establish friendships they take right through their courses Challenging stereotypes early on Learning about each other – different perspectives Relevance to practice – modelling collaboration skills

9 Organisation and Delivery Dedicated time for IPE is essential IPE needs to be prioritised across all programmes in the faculty Timetabling set up early and notice of teaching early on makes all the difference Well-prepared resources relevant to practice (and well-prepared presenters)

10 What about the AI approach to the Focus Group? I liked the guided approach with someone facilitating the session Liked - informal but structured approach … I really enjoyed it too It was clear what the purpose of the session was and how the information would be used and what the wider focus of the research is

11 Conclusions and Ways Forward Interprofessional education seems to develop professional identities and interprofessional capabilities Respect for those delivering IPE should be embodied in the approach taken by the organisation to the delivery of IPE ◦Resourcing of the teaching ◦Staff development and training Delivering IPE in interprofessional teams promotes respect for each other’s differences and requires willingness to take on other perspectives in order to provide a quality learning experience to the student

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