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Heidi Atha Diane Look Buena Vista School District.

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Presentation on theme: "Heidi Atha Diane Look Buena Vista School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heidi Atha Diane Look Buena Vista School District

2 What is Moodle? Course Management System (CMS) CMS’s give educators tools to create a course web site and provide access control so only enrolled students can view it.

3 What else can Moodle Do? Moodle can provide an easy way to upload and share materials. Participants can hold online discussions and chats. Teachers can give quizzes and surveys. Students can collaborate with ideas, stories, and assignments. Students can journal either privately or publicly. These are just a few things Moodle can do…..

4 Moodle is Open Source Community of Developers Moodle can be Modified Moodle Software is Free!

5 Moodle Worldwide Over 13,000 sites from 158 countries 73 languages Primary school through University level

6 Getting to Moodle (Today) To get to Moodle, go to

7 Where Do We Go From Here? Click on the TIE link

8 Click on TIE Moodle Class 2008

9 Signing In Username and password –No spaces

10 Here We Are!

11 Left Side Tools The tools on the left hand side of the screen are: People ◦ These are the people who have been set up in this class. Activities ◦ These are the various activities that this class has access to…there are many more. Search Forums ◦ This is a search tool for various forums by this class Administration (You have to be logged in as an administrator to view it this way) ◦ This is where you would edit the pages of your class. Course Categories ◦ These are the courses and classes that have been created in your school.

12 Right Side Tools These can be personalized Messages ◦ You can see any messages from individuals in the school Moodle community. Blog Menu ◦ You can create your own blog, review past blogs, define your blog, and review others blogs. Online Users ◦ This shows the people who are currently logged on to the course. Calendar ◦ You can add events, due dates, and your own personal time management.

13 Right Side Tools (Cont.) These can be personalized In the administrative role, you will be able to add blocks to the right side toolbar if you wish. Here are some that are offered

14 Administrative and Teacher Functions: Moodle Modules Assignments ◦ Enable teachers to grade and provide comments for uploaded files and assignments created on and offline. ◦ The teacher may choose whether to prevent late submissions, whether to allow students to resubmit their assignment (for re-grading) and whether to receive email alerts when students add or update their submission. ◦ This is where you can submit documents, lesson plans, etc.

15 Chats ◦ The chat module allows participants to have a real-time synchronous discussion via the web. ◦ This is a useful way to get a different understanding of each other and the topic being discussed. Administrative and Teacher Functions: Moodle Modules

16 Choices ◦ Here a teacher asks a question and specifies a choice of multiple responses. ◦ This can be useful as a quick poll to stimulate thinking about a topic; to allow the class to vote on a direction for the course; or to gather research consent. Administrative and Teacher Functions: Moodle Modules

17 Databases ◦ Here you can create various databases that the whole class can contribute to. Administrative and Teacher Functions: Moodle Modules

18 Feedback ◦ This tool allows you to gather feedback about anything you wish. ◦ Participants can either be anonymous, or have their username shown…your choice. Administrative and Teacher Functions: Moodle Modules

19 Forums ◦ It is in forums that most discussion takes place. ◦ Forums can be structured in different ways, and can include peer rating of each posting. ◦ The postings can be viewed in a variety of formats, and can include attachments. Administrative and Teacher Functions: Moodle Modules

20 Glossary ◦ This activity allows participants to create and maintain a list of definitions, like a dictionary. ◦ The entries can be search or browsed in many different formats. Administrative and Teacher Functions: Moodle Modules

21 Hot Potatoes ◦ This module allows teachers to create multiple-choice, short- answer, jumbled sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill quizzes using Hot Potatoes software. Administrative and Teacher Functions: Moodle Modules

22 Journaling ◦ Free response opportunities for students to reflect on the lesson, etc. Administrative and Teacher Functions: Moodle Modules

23 Lesson ◦ A lesson delivers content in an interesting and flexible way. It consists of a number of pages ◦ Each page normally ends with a multiple choice question. ◦ Navigation through the lesson can be straight forward or complex. Administrative and Teacher Functions: Moodle Modules

24 Quiz ◦ This module allows the teacher to design and set quiz tests, consisting of multiple choice, true- false, and short answer questions and more. ◦ Each attempt is automatically marked, and the teacher can choose whether to give feedback or to show correct answers. Administrative and Teacher Functions: Moodle Modules

25 Stamp Collection ◦ This module allows teacher to give "stamps" (i.e. picture with a comment) to students so they "collect" these stamps. ◦ The activity can be used in many ways, such as motivative bonus marks, absence marks, certification records etc. Teachers can enable this module to show stamps to all students, just show stamps to the individual student to whom it was awarded or to hide them completely Administrative and Teacher Functions: Moodle Modules

26 Storytelling ◦ this module aims to facilitate the creation of a storytelling activity to children (from 6 to 12 years old). ◦ This module assists kids in the creation of writing stories that they can keep private (only for their eyes), share with friends (course share) or be public (to every moodle site user's). Administrative and Teacher Functions: Moodle Modules

27 Survey ◦ Gathers feedback from students using pre-packaged questionnaires. Administrative and Teacher Functions: Moodle Modules

28 Wiki ◦ The Moodle wiki module enables participants to work together on web pages to add, expand and change the content. Old versions are never deleted and can be restored Administrative and Teacher Functions: Moodle Modules

29 To find out more about Moodle, or to download Moodle for your school go to

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