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Economics Network L&T Project 6 th September 2011.

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1 Economics Network L&T Project 6 th September 2011

2 Project Outline – What is CBA Builder? Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) Builder. Project is to develop and implement a web-based teaching and learning resource. Focus on interactivity. Addresses 1 st L&T Development Project theme, Innovative and interactive approaches to teaching, learning and assessment in Economics education of the teaching.

3 Background and Rationale Need identified through teaching CBA to students on Economics degrees within NBS, and Quantity Surveying and Construction Management in the School of the Built Environment. Students commented that grasping key concepts such as discounting future values to present values can be quite difficult. Working through examples using this form of electronic teaching and learning resource would help students to understand the relevance of the different concepts, and to gain practical experience.

4 In addition, CBA is used widely in industry in both the public sector and in the private sector (e.g. DfT COBA, GES). Improving the quality of teaching and learning of this subject, and student engagement with it, may therefore help to improve student employability. Some other resources available, but industry focused and often charged. Also, most lack depth and breadth of proposed resource.

5 Project Aims 1.Create a free to use web-based resource for t&l of CBA. 2.Create an interactive resource for teaching CBA which provides: (i) an in-depth online CBA textbook; (ii) flash examples; (iii) the ability to create your own simple and advanced CBA, and; (iv) downloadable exercises/worksheets. (v) links to referenced books etc, and other resources. 3.Create a resource for formative and non-formative assessment. 4.Improve student engagement with CBA. 5.Improve student employability through improved knowledge.

6 Outputs Online Resource: Case Study: builder. builder

7 Feedback Dissemination of the project has taken two forms: (1) feedback sessions with students, and; (2) staff involvement through workshops held at NTU. Student feedback sessions included two sets of feedback from students at NTU. In addition, external feedback sessions were held with Business and Finance students at University of Leeds (facilitated by Dr Surender Munjal), and two separate trials were held with Health and Economics students at Frederick University, Cyprus (facilitated by Dr Despena Andrioti).

8 Very good software, much more interactive approach. Thoroughly enjoyed the session as brought theory to life. The resource is very useful, especially the [flash] examples on how to use the discount rate etc. when constructing cost benefit analysis. It is an excellent tool, well constructed, and sufficient for use [by] non-economists and accountants.

9 The resource is good. More animations would make it better. Example was good. Would like to see it extended to further topics. The CBA [Builder] Simple is too similar to the CBA Builder Advanced.

10 Strongly agreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagree 1. Online Textbook Materials (a) I found the content of the online textbook easy to understand27%53%17%3%0% (b) The material stimulated my interest for the subject24%65%8%3%0% (c) The sections of CBA material are well linked16%61%23%0% (d) Examples included are clear and interesting29%59%9%3%0% (e) There is missing material or subjects which are not covered0%11%21%57%11% 2. Flash Animations (a) The flash animations improved my understanding of key concepts11%70%19%0% (b) The flash animations are easy to use19%58%23%0% (c) The examples used in the flash animations are interesting22%57%21%0% (d) More flash animations are needed18% 39%25%0% 3. Links and References (a) I found the list of references to texts and journal articles useful8%71%21%0% (b) I would use the links to download journal articles/purchase texts4%71%21%4%0% (c) There are missing references or texts which should be included15%8%46%31%0% 4. CBA Builder Simple and Advanced (a) CBA Builder Simple is useful for constructing CBAs35%65%0% (b) CBA Builder Advanced is useful for constructing CBAs28%72%0% (c) The templates include all the elements I need to construct a CBA12%56%32%0% (d) There are missing features on the CBA Builders0%28%34%31%7% 5. Overall (a) I would recommend a student to use this resource56%44%0% (b) Using the resource improves my understanding of CBA26%74%0%

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