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The New Metropolis 1. Henry George: “Poverty Amid Progress” “as savings in production and exchange are made possible by denser settlement” [regarding.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Metropolis 1. Henry George: “Poverty Amid Progress” “as savings in production and exchange are made possible by denser settlement” [regarding."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Metropolis 1

2 Henry George: “Poverty Amid Progress” “as savings in production and exchange are made possible by denser settlement” [regarding communities with little progress]“while you won’t find wealth in all its effects, neither will you find beggars-” 2

3 City Organization Districts Ethnic enclaves Suburbs Transportation Planning – Eg: Chicago 3

4 What social and political institutions helped poor & immigrant newcomers adapt to urban life during the Gilded Age? Terms: Ethnic ”ghettos”, Immigrant newspapers, Ward Politics, Reform Judaism, Ethnic Catholic Parishes, YMCA 4

5 Technology Fosters Urban Growth Steel Skyscrapers Electricity Tenements 5

6 Entertainment – Vaudeville – Nickelodeons – Amusement Parks – Spectator Sports Music – Ragtime – Blues – Musical theatre Sex & the city High Culture – Museums – Opera halls – Public Libraries Urban Life & Society 6

7 Carnegie Hall 1891 7

8 Standard of Living = Leisure 8

9 Big Picture Question: How did the wealthy and middle classes of Gilded Age differ in their expressions of social status? Terms: Nob Hill & 5 th Avenue, NYC Metropolitan Opera House, McAllister’s Social Register, “white-collar” jobs, “streetcar suburbs” 9

10 Shame of the Cities… Political Machines – Definition.. – In practice – Service – beneficiaries – Corruption Ex: Tammany Hall, St Louis, Memphis, San Francisco Successes – Immigrant services – Voter registration – Parks – Utilities – Facilities – Chicago v. Berlin In the absence of government service, private interests… 10

11 How effectively did urban leaders face crowding, safety & transportation challenges in major American cities during the Gilded Age ? Mass Transit, Skyscrapers, Electricity, Chicago Fire, San Francisco Earthquake, Streetcars, Urban Environmental Hazards, Dumbbell Tenements, "City Beautiful” Movement, Chicago vs. Berlin 11

12 Machine Politics Problems reveal limits – Crises: Galveston-hurricane Cleveland labor strikes Chicago fire (1871) SF Earthquake (1906) – Economic Depression (1890s) – Overpopulation Reforming Politicians – Tom Johnson (Cleveland) – Josiah Quincy (Boston) – Hazen Pingree (Detroit) 12

13 What factors encouraged American cities grow significantly during the Gilded Age? Terms: Sister Carrie, Causes of Urbanization, Pittsburg, Pullman & New York 13

14 Problems Revealed by Muckrakers Lincoln Steffens Jacob Riis Ida Tarbell Julius Chambers Ray Stannard Baker Reforms – Public health – Prostitution – Settlement houses 14

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