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Mid-term review. priorities General theories and names  1. Freud  2.Erickson  3.Maslow  4.Rogers  5.Bandura/Skinner  6.Adler,Kiersey,Eysenck,Cattell.

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Presentation on theme: "Mid-term review. priorities General theories and names  1. Freud  2.Erickson  3.Maslow  4.Rogers  5.Bandura/Skinner  6.Adler,Kiersey,Eysenck,Cattell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mid-term review

2 priorities General theories and names  1. Freud  2.Erickson  3.Maslow  4.Rogers  5.Bandura/Skinner  6.Adler,Kiersey,Eysenck,Cattell  7.Watson

3 Name and theory Be able to match person with big theory they fall under  See handout given out in this review Be able to match the correct name with the person’s theory and or theories  See handout given out in this review for help

4 Confusable items Neuroticism/psychoticism = Eysenck Neurosis/psychosis = Freud Self esteem = Skinner Self theory = Rogers, did not use the term self esteem

5 Inferiority = Adler is primarily known for inferiority  Freud also discussed inferiority  Erickson had industry v inferiority

6 Psycho-sexual Vs Psycho-social stages Stages/structures Libido/eros

7 Questions through examples Know examples of defense mechanisms Know examples of id, ego, super ego, behavior Know examples of behavior in each psycho- social stage Know examples of behavior in each psycho- sexual stage Know examples of archetypes

8 Freud Erickson comparisons Will be questions comparing and or contrasting the two stage theories to each other.( ex) The genital stage would correspond with which psycho-social stage? Would a child in the anal stage strive for autonomy or initiative?

9 General theory help Trait – clusters of characteristics Psychoanalytical – unconscious mind, born bad Post freudian – unconscious and other factors Humanism – free choice, choose behavior, self, born good Behaviorism – no choice in behavior, shaped by others, born blank

10 Opposites and similarities General theories – humanism and behaviorism opposites Psychoanalytical and post freudian most similar Which theory best describe an example of behavior? Which theory would best explain a family that has an overachiever and an underachiever?

11 Defense mechanisms Sublimation—channeling, appropriate Denial-refusal Isolation-separating, but not emotions Intellectualization- over thinking, no emotion Regression- Returning or going back to a behavior Rationalization – self deception Imagination - fantasy

12 Displacement – transfer Repression – don’t admit to awareness Reaction formation – do the opposite Projection – your faults in others

13 Stages, lists, levels 3 levels of consciousness 4 temperaments 16 pf 3 structures of pers Psychosexual stages Big 5 Psychosocial stages 4 functions of the mind 5 internal factors of the social learning theory 4 elements of learning 7 needs of self actualization 3 selfs to the fourth 2 types of unconscious

14 Test tips Watch for not and except Watch for both a and b and none of the above, etc Read questions completely and carefully Traditionally blind guesses should be b or c Eat a nutritious breakfast including fruits and whole grains Think positively “I am going to do well on this test”

15 Get a sufficient amount of sleep in the nights before Use the test to answer other questions Stick with first answers, don’t change Have a # 2 pencil with you

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