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Published byGladys Wade Modified over 9 years ago
The on-sky NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator for EAGLE Tim Morris Durham University
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Talk overview MOAO with EAGLE CANARY concept Optomechanical design Subsystem performance System performance System calibration tasks
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator MOAO with EAGLE With the current baseline design, EAGLE will: use 6 LGS and up to 5 NGS to map the turbulence above the E- ELT use 6 LGS and up to 5 NGS to map the turbulence above the E- ELT correct up to 20 x ~2” diameter science fields anywhere within the central 5’ diameter field using open-loop AO correct up to 20 x ~2” diameter science fields anywhere within the central 5’ diameter field using open-loop AO 250Hz frame rate 250Hz frame rate E-ELT has a deformable ‘secondary’ that will be used as a closed-loop woofer (GLAO-like DM) EAGLE is both a closed and open-loop system EAGLE is both a closed and open-loop system 30% ensquared energy with 75mas (H-band) required performance
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator MOAO with EAGLE: big questions Can we achieve tomographic reconstruction to the required accuracy over such wide fields? Can we reliably control a DM in open-loop? How do we calibrate the system? How accurately do we need to measure the Cn2 profile to optimise performance? What is the impact of running the system with both open and closed loop DMs? How do we compensate for LGS specific effects that can impact MOAO performance? What are the principle performance drivers required when designing an MOAO system? What is the best way to combine both NGS and LGS WFS signals to measure tomography? Answer as many of these questions as possible as soon as possible to feed into the EAGLE design Some can be (and have been) answered in simulation or using a lab system such as SESAME Some can be (and have been) answered in simulation or using a lab system such as SESAME
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator CANARY concept
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator CANARY Aims Perform NGS then LGS based tomographic WFSing Perform open-loop AO correction on-sky Develop calibration and alignment techniques Fully characterise system and subsystem performance Create a single MOAO channel EAGLE as closely as possibly using the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope Effectively a 1/10 th scale model of E-ELT using a 10km Rayleigh LGS Effectively a 1/10 th scale model of E-ELT using a 10km Rayleigh LGS
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator CANARY phased development Based around a set of reconfigurable optical modules to allow ‘easy’ changes between three CANARY phases Phase A: Low-order NGS-only MOAO (2010) Phase A: Low-order NGS-only MOAO (2010) Phase B: Low-order LGS MOAO (2011) Phase B: Low-order LGS MOAO (2011) Phase C: High-order LGS + NGS MOAO (2012) Phase C: High-order LGS + NGS MOAO (2012) All phases will include an extensive calibration and diagnostics package
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Diagnostics and Performance monitoring On-axis NGS WFS behind AO corrected focal plane (Truth Sensor) On-axis NIR imaging camera (Science Verification Camera) High-order high-bandwidth DM figure sensor SLODAR analysis performed using open-loop WFSs External turbulence profilers SLODAR SLODAR MASS-DIMM MASS-DIMM Telescope simulator Turbulent phase screens Turbulent phase screens NGS and LGS alignment and calibration sources NGS and LGS alignment and calibration sources
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Phase A : NGS MOAO Components: Low-order 8x8 DM Low-order 8x8 DM 3 x L3CCD open-loop NGS WFSs 3 x L3CCD open-loop NGS WFSs Open-loop optimised Fast Steering Mirror Open-loop optimised Fast Steering Mirror Hardware accelerated Real Time control system Hardware accelerated Real Time control system NGS MOAO Calibration Unit NGS MOAO Calibration Unit WHT Nasmyth Calibration Unit NGS Pickoffs 3 x NGS WFS NGS FSM Low-order DM Science Verification Truth Sensor Figure Sensor GHRIL Derotator Phase A: NGS MOAO NGS WFS 10" Truth sensor & IR camera FOV 2.5’ Derotated WHT field
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Phase B: Low-order LGS MOAO New modules include: Electronically shuttered LGS WFS CCD Electronically shuttered LGS WFS CCD Modified GLAS launch system Modified GLAS launch system LGS dichroic and relay system LGS dichroic and relay system LGS MOAO Calibration Unit LGS MOAO Calibration Unit WHT Nasmyth Calibration Unit NGS Pickoffs 3 x NGS WFS NGS FSM Low-order DM Science Verification Truth Sensor LGS Pickoffs 4 x LGS WFS GHRIL Derotator Figure Sensor GLAS Laser LGS Rotator GLAS BLT Diffractive Optic LGS FSM LGS Dichroic Phase B: Low-order LGS MOAO LGS WFS 1.5’ Diameter LGS asterism
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Phase C: High-order LGS MOAO Closest resemblance to proposed EAGLE MOAO implementation Largest upgrade here is to the RTCS. From Phase B we have: ~ 2 times increase in pixel bandwidth ~ 2 times increase in pixel bandwidth ~ 5 times increase in slope bandwidth ~ 5 times increase in slope bandwidth ~ 17 times increase in actuator bandwidth ~ 17 times increase in actuator bandwidth WHT Nasmyth Calibration Unit NGS Pickoffs 3 x NGS WFS NGS FSM Low-order DM Science Verification Truth Sensor Figure Sensor LGS Pickoffs 4 x LGS WFS GHRIL Derotator MEMS DM GLAS Laser LGS Rotator GLAS BLT Diffractive Optic LGS FSM LGS Dichroic Phase C: High-order woofer-tweeter LGS MOAO (woofer closed loop)
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Optomechanical design
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Phase A optical design Input Focal Plane Output focal planeTruth Sensor focal plane Science Verification Camera focal plane
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Phase B optical design LGS TT mirror NGS WFS placed at corrected focal plane Acquisition camera moved to input focal plane
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Phase C optical design concept Possible locations of MEMS MOAO DM LGS WFS(s) moved behind closed-loop DM
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator NGS WFS Assembly
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Telescope Simulator
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Subsystem performance
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Open-loop DM Control 4% open-loop error with hard PZT DM demonstrated in laboratory with SESAME 40nm RMS error if a 1000nm RMS DM surface is requested 40nm RMS error if a 1000nm RMS DM surface is requested Figure sensor could be used to control any long term drifts in DM surface shape Will introduce some additional latency Will introduce some additional latency Has been used with a Xinetics DM and produces a similar surface error to the hard PZT DM Has been used with a Xinetics DM and produces a similar surface error to the hard PZT DM Open loop control of a DM doesn’t seem to be a problem for CANARY low-order DM High-order MEMS DM open-loop control has already been demonstrated High-order MEMS DM open-loop control has already been demonstrated
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Subsystem performance: LGS Launch Test system installed on WHT and tested in May Uses DOE in GLAS launch system to create a 4 star asterism (MMT approach) Several possible asterisms available by changing DOE 10 to 90” diameter asterisms (takes about 15 minutes) 10 to 90” diameter asterisms (takes about 15 minutes) 80% of light into 4 diffracted LGS beams but altitude is lowered c.f. GLAS Still want an upgraded laser to increase WFS SNR Still want an upgraded laser to increase WFS SNR Software problem with LGS detector meant range gated images couldn’t be obtained Non-gated image of ~40” LGS radius asterism at 6.7km DOE mounted in rotation stage at GLAS BLT entrance
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator RTCS Hybrid FPGA-CPU Realtime Control System FPGA pixel processing developed for HOT and SPARTA FPGA pixel processing developed for HOT and SPARTA Reconstructor in CPU Reconstructor in CPU DM control in CPU DM control in CPU Currently runs at Phase A/B at 300-400Hz using a single threaded reconstructor pipeline Latency and jitter to be measured Latency and jitter to be measured Upgrade required to cope with high-order LGS WFSs and DM in Phase C Parallelise reconstructor Parallelise reconstructor GPU acceleration GPU acceleration
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator RTCS overview
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator System performance
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Phase A Performance Monte-Carlo simulations performed using independent codes in Durham and Paris Single open-loop DM 8x8 actuators 8x8 actuators DM (and science path) on-axis DM (and science path) on-axis 3 x NGS WFSs Off-axis (30” to 90”) Off-axis (30” to 90”) 7 x 7 subapertures 7 x 7 subapertures 0.1e- read noise 0.1e- read noise Mv = 8 to 14 Mv = 8 to 14 250Hz frame rate 250Hz frame rate Representative summer La Palma turbulence profile used Representative summer La Palma turbulence profile used 1 r 0 = 12cm r 0 = 12cm 45% @ 0km 45% @ 0km 15% @ 2.5km 15% @ 2.5km 30% @ 4km 30% @ 4km 10% @ 13.5km 10% @ 13.5km 1 Fuensalida et al, RevMexAA, 31, 84-90 (2007)
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Simulated Performance Source of error WFE (nm rms) WFS open-loop estimation 63 (from YAO) WFS noise (quantum + readout) 40 at m R =10 80 at m R =12 190 at m R =14 Tomographic reconstruction (30’’ radius) 260 (GLAO least-square) 220 (tomographic least square) 170 (L&A MMSE) (Vidal et al) DM fitting 140 DM open-loop error 48 Tip-tilt open-loop error 26 Temporal and aliasing 113 Residual high-orders from optics 50 TOTAL m R =12 : 285 to 340
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Error terms Principle term is tomographic reconstruction error 30” radius means metapupils at highest turbulent layer are almost completely separated 30” radius means metapupils at highest turbulent layer are almost completely separated 30” is still pretty small to find a 4-star mv = 12 asterism 30” is still pretty small to find a 4-star mv = 12 asterism Have identified several suitable targets within a 2.5’ diameter FOV observable between June- October Will be even worse with the 10km Rayleigh LGS at Phases B and C Requires the external turbulence profiling to determine how much of the turbulence is above the LGS Requires the external turbulence profiling to determine how much of the turbulence is above the LGS The Truth Sensor will be used as the principle system diagnostic Science camera can be used when the turbulence cooperates Science camera can be used when the turbulence cooperates >60% turbulence in the ground layer is often observed at the WHT >60% turbulence in the ground layer is often observed at the WHT
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator System Calibration
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Phase A calibration Interaction matrix measurement using a reverse path calibration source On-axis point source pointing backwards at output focal plane can be observed by each NGS WFS in turn On-axis point source pointing backwards at output focal plane can be observed by each NGS WFS in turn Requires stable pupil image at lenslet array across full FOV Requires stable pupil image at lenslet array across full FOV Or use TS to measure DM influence functions Observe ground-layer only turbulent sources within the telescope simulator with NGS WFSs and TS Observe ground-layer only turbulent sources within the telescope simulator with NGS WFSs and TS Translate TS measure influence functions to each DM Translate TS measure influence functions to each DM Or measure matrices on-sky Learn and Apply method from Fabrice Vidal first thing this morning Learn and Apply method from Fabrice Vidal first thing this morning From telescope From reverse path calibration source To WFS NGS WFS pickoff prism
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Other calibration tasks Field dependent aberrations Pupil image stability is <1/100 th pupil diameter Pupil image stability is <1/100 th pupil diameter Monitoring and compensation changing field aberrations Monitoring and compensation changing field aberrations Non-common path error compensation Deployable point sources in most focal planes Deployable point sources in most focal planes Some pointing backwards for reverse path calibration Some pointing backwards for reverse path calibration WFS linearity/gain optimisation (for WCOG etc.) Use sources in NGS focal plane Use sources in NGS focal plane NGS pickoff positioning accuracy Confirm with full field acquisition camera Confirm with full field acquisition camera Detector calibration At Phase B/C: LGS WFS offsets/centroid gain LGS WFS offsets/centroid gain Range gate setting and optimisation Range gate setting and optimisation LGS WFS interaction matrix LGS WFS interaction matrix To be developed further during the Integration and Testing phase Runs from October 09 – April 10 Runs from October 09 – April 10
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator Conclusions Already answered some of the big questions that MOAO with EAGLE raises Open-loop DM control Open-loop DM control Several calibration schemes proposed Several calibration schemes proposed CANARY will have the capability to answer the remaining ones by demonstrating and testing wide-field LGS tomographic AO Critical subsystems are being testing and the initial integration phase is about to begin We’re on track to go on-sky mid 2010 with the Phase A NGS tomography experiment Phase B design to be reviewed at the end of this year
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator The CANARY team Durham Richard Myers, Gordon Talbot, Nigel Dipper, Deli Geng, Eddy Younger, Alastair Basden, Colin Dunlop, Nik Looker, Jonny Taylor, Mark Harrison, Tim Butterley, Dani Guzman, Laura Young, Simon Blake, Sofia Dimoudi Obs. Paris Zoltán Hubert, Gerard Rousset, Eric Gendron, Fabrice Vidal, Damien Gratadour, Aglae Kellerer, Michel Marteaud, Fanny Chemla, Phillipe Laporte UKATC Andy Longmore, David Henry, Stephen Todd, Colin Dickson, Brian Stobie ONERA Thierry Fusco, Clelia Robert, Nicolas Vedrenne ING Jure Skvarc PUC Santiago Andres Guesalaga Herriott-Watt Alan Greenaway, Heather Dalgarno Engineering and Project Solutions Ltd Kevin Dee
Tim Morris et al AO4ELTs, Paris 2009CANARY: NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator CANARY capabilities CANARY can: Perform, calibrate and characterise accuracy of open-loop LGS tomography on-sky Perform, calibrate and characterise accuracy of open-loop LGS tomography on-sky Measure/monitor everything to make sure we understand performance of each component as well as the system as a whole Measure/monitor everything to make sure we understand performance of each component as well as the system as a whole Develop alignment and calibration techniques Develop alignment and calibration techniques Combine several off-axis NGS and LGS WFSs to map the turbulence Combine several off-axis NGS and LGS WFSs to map the turbulence Eventually use a closed-loop woofer and open-loop tweeter Eventually use a closed-loop woofer and open-loop tweeter Emulate arbitrary LGS intensity profiles and elongation Emulate arbitrary LGS intensity profiles and elongation CANARY cannot: Reach EAGLE performance goal Reach EAGLE performance goal Match the total number of subapertures/actuators within EAGLE Match the total number of subapertures/actuators within EAGLE Match the exactly LGS/NGS FOV afforded by the E-ELT Match the exactly LGS/NGS FOV afforded by the E-ELT Take advantage of the multiplex normally afforded by MOAO – only a single channel Take advantage of the multiplex normally afforded by MOAO – only a single channel
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