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Video Event Recognition Algorithm Assessment Evaluation Workshop VERAAE ETISEO – NICE, May 10-11 2005 Dr. Sadiye Guler Sadiye Guler - Northrop Grumman.

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Presentation on theme: "Video Event Recognition Algorithm Assessment Evaluation Workshop VERAAE ETISEO – NICE, May 10-11 2005 Dr. Sadiye Guler Sadiye Guler - Northrop Grumman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Video Event Recognition Algorithm Assessment Evaluation Workshop VERAAE ETISEO – NICE, May 10-11 2005 Dr. Sadiye Guler Sadiye Guler - Northrop Grumman IT/TASC Mubarak Shah, Niels da Vitoria Lobo - University of Central Florida Rama Chellappa, Dave Doermann - University of Maryland US Government Champions: Terrence Adams-NSA, John Garofolo, Rachel Bowers - NIST Advanced Research and Development Activity

2 Page 2 TASC Proprietary May-05 Problem  Comparative study of Video Event Recognition (VER) algorithms to assess applicability, usefulness and limitations of different approaches  Motivation: - Several promising VER algorithms exist - The algorithms have varying degrees of success with different types of event detection - No largely accepted criteria or data set (with ground truth) exist for VER evaluation (few emerging studies..) - The performance of VER algorithms is highly dependent on the results of object detection and tracking, rendering fair comparison of just the “event recognition” very difficult

3 Page 3 TASC Proprietary May-05 Workshop Goals  Produce realistic operational video event data set representing scenarios for surveillance domain  Ground truth the video event data for VER and map to suitable Event Ontology developed in previous workshops  Annotate the data set with object detection and tracking metadata that serves the needs of all participating/expected event recognition algorithms  Develop evaluation criteria and metrics for quantitative evaluation of VER algorithms and software tools for evaluation  Assess different VER approaches for the applicability to operational scenarios by their learning/explanation/ recognition capabilities

4 Page 4 TASC Proprietary May-05 VERAAE Approach Evaluation methodology Video Event Recognition Algorithms object metadata Event Ontology event metadata Technology Assessment Video Data IC Event Scenarios Annotated Video Data Evaluation methodology Video Event Recognition Algorithms object metadata Event Ontology event metadata Technology Assessment Video Data Event Scenarios Annotated Video Data

5 Page 5 TASC Proprietary May-05 Content Extraction Event Detection Event Recognition Video data Object features, tracksBehaviors, actions, events Abnormal and suspicious events Trends, correlations.. Signal Raw Information Semantics, Ontology Knowledge, Intelligence Video Event Recognition and VERAAE VERAAE Evaluation Provided

6 Page 6 TASC Proprietary May-05 VERAAE Domain VERAAE domain focus: surveillance realistic scenarios of interest Events and activities existing algorithms can detect Realistic high level or complex events end-users want to detect Workshop event scenarios Data Set

7 Page 7 TASC Proprietary May-05 Data Set Planning  Primary factors that determine the data requirements: - Fixed camera views, no PTZ - Color, B&W and IR - Realistic operational scenarios  About 10 events with varying complexity, at least 10 samples per event - The collection parameters that address the functional capabilities of the algorithms - Annotation will include the object track data required by the participating algorithms (automatically and manually generated) e.g.:  Silhouettes of tracked objects  Bounding boxes and centroid of objects (U Maryland ViPER tool)  Object category e.g. vehicle, person, box, animal,…  Ground truth for video events will be generated using the event ontology work -Frame numbers (time offsets) for Event Start and End, identified simple sub events

8 Page 8 TASC Proprietary May-05 Event Ontology (Event Taxonomy workshop)  Simple event Domain independent action descriptors e.g. abandoning an object  Compound (complex or multi-threaded) event Multiple simple events taking place in time and space constraints to achieve complex activities. e.g. planting suspicious object, (if considered with below simple events moving in the wrong direction parked car at the curb-side no one exiting parked car getting in the car  Domain specific high level event -Semantic interpretation of events in a particular context, over multiple-views and multiple data type events e.g. sabotaging public facility

9 Page 9 TASC Proprietary May-05 Recognizing Surveillance Events Surveillance Event types from the user’s point of view  Violation of some rule -wrong direction (in thru the out door) -abandoned object ( suitcase left unattended for t>T)  Suspicious or Interesting activity -non exit from a parked car -repeated visits to a store shelf  Abnormal activity -approaching several cars in the lot -several somewhat suspicious events in close proximity Naturally represented by rules and constraints Users can easily describe them Highly context dependent, even context from other camera views Users can not easily describe but know when they see it Naturally represented by probabilistic models and learning Users build a sense of “normalcy”

10 Page 10 TASC Proprietary May-05 Recognizing Surveillance Events  Knowing what can be detected we describe the events using not only observable, but also detectable actions  Example: Shoplifting Camera 1 in the store Repeated visit to an area Running in the store Camera 2 in the parking lot Car in front of emergency exit No one exits from car

11 Page 11 TASC Proprietary May-05 Rule Based Event: Violation by an activity constraint – car parked in the driveway

12 Page 12 TASC Proprietary May-05 Rule Based Event: Violation by an object class constraint

13 Page 13 TASC Proprietary May-05 Suspicious Event: “testing” the exclusion zone

14 Page 14 TASC Proprietary May-05 Abnormal Event: Vehicle casing the building

15 Page 15 TASC Proprietary May-05 Abnormal Event: Large Vehicle at the Gate

16 Page 16 TASC Proprietary May-05 Workshop Timeline Evaluation tools development, Evaluation results, Final report Workshop Dry-Run Meeting October (3 rd week) In Boston Data, Evaluation criteria generation, distribution Planning, invitations communications First Workshop Meeting June 20/21 With CVPR Scenario Focus Meeting Evaluation Criteria Focus Meeting Workshop Final Meeting May 05 Final report December 05 This is a “seedling” workshop to investigate feasibility

17 Page 17 TASC Proprietary May-05 Workshop Approach -First Workshop Meeting (2 days, June):  Purpose: - Workshop goals and vision; - Presentation and determination of algorithms to participate in the workshop; - Presentation of example data sequences.  Outcome: - Outline of the data requirements (object tracking, data exchange protocols etc.) - Draft a rough set of evaluation criteria - Solicit feedback on scenario complexity and realism

18 Page 18 TASC Proprietary May-05 Workshop Approach  Evaluation Criteria Focus Meeting (2 days, July):  Purpose: to determine evaluation criteria best suited for VER.  Outcome: - Evaluation Criteria will be interactively developed in workshop meetings leveraging Event Ontology, VEML and ETISEO workshop findings  Evaluation metrics at the component and system level will be defined based on - Recognition rate - Learning rate  Recall and Precision rates  True/False positives, True/False negatives and relevance of false detections  Event decomposition (based on the ontology defined sub event recognition rate)

19 Page 19 TASC Proprietary May-05 Workshop Approach  Workshop Dry-Run Meeting ( 2 days, October 05)  Purpose and Outcomes: Participant’s feedback on processing the sample data sets. Evaluation tools and methodology presentation Evaluating the “evaluation criteria” and finalizing all metrics to be used. Planning of evaluation format Discussion of interpretation of results

20 Page 20 TASC Proprietary May-05 Workshop Results -Raw and annotated (with object detection and tracking data) video sequences for realistic operational scenarios -Event Recognition ground truth data based on surveillance Event Ontology -Re-usable and extendible Evaluation Criteria suitable for VER -Software tools for event detection evaluation - The groundwork for a formal VER evaluation process

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