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 Sending TONS of email.. implies you expect that Parents have access  Good Progress Images, Assignments, BB, WebForms … but not reflected in overall.

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Presentation on theme: " Sending TONS of email.. implies you expect that Parents have access  Good Progress Images, Assignments, BB, WebForms … but not reflected in overall."— Presentation transcript:

1  Sending TONS of email.. implies you expect that Parents have access  Good Progress Images, Assignments, BB, WebForms … but not reflected in overall PC Usage -.. Success could be school specific Factors and Statistics Bulletin Web Form Email Since Sept 2012 Parent Connect This yr Images Added (not REP CalendarAssignments Added This yr SD72 7/0 worse than PY 98,307 +50,000~ 1,874154Timberline12187 DELTA 115/80 -112/+23 741,294 +220,000~ 9,715 -90~ 6229 +4 52,035 +17,000~ SD22 43/2 -21/-1 296,858 +96,000~ 3,453 +1,000~ 4,1516 +2 21,958 SD83 12/100 +5/+97 108,448 +50,000~ 880 +200~ 5,214None829 MLAKE 50/15 +43/+14 3,146 +200~ 526 +250~ 3,0843 +3 8,625 S OAKS 8/7 -4/+7 143,138 +60,000~ 1,931 +700~ 9785 +4 122

2  Continue your mission to Educate Parents and Students on Parent Connect and Student Connect.. Benefits  All incoming students - must use Pick Courses to Register  Prizes for Parents that Signon and respond to a webform  ParentConnect sessions at School Public Nights  Advertising Cards available in the office, on the Newsletter etc!  Stop printing Report Cards (Elem and High School)  Ensure Teachers are spreading the word  Continue to promote them there and ensure that they feel the benefits and savings! - Bulletin board, Webforms, calendar, information ….  ENSURE - Parents only (no students) to ParentConnect Confirmation of Activities

3  Switch to Random password - had to do - sorry for that pain!  Improved Popup Blocker Messaging  Enhanced messaging helping them with errors in password etc.  SUPER IMPORTANT to get there if you have are still on the traditional method! (pen/met/birthdate – too easy to find out)  KNOW THAT – if password has been done dgmmddyy … system will automatically expect them to change password.  Discussion of parent complaints (what Take Two has heard)  One person from SD72 (signon complaint)  One person on pick courses  Lots initially on random password change  Any others? Connect Changes

4  Changes to Pick Courses – added priorities, pre-requisites highlighted, other non format courses appear  New ability to store additional attachments with report cards (was always in ELEM - now also in High School)  Much better views for students in multiple buildings (grades, schedule, attendance)  New RED ALERT - report card has been posted  New RED ALERT - Owe Fees (and smart for next year)  Smarter to update last signed on for all students that parent looks at within the one.  Today’s calendar events now show on bulletin board Connect Changes

5  Discuss new PARENTCONNECT Signon with Email !!!.. Meaning they would not need to know the PEN/MET#  Connects emailaddr+loc+postal code to parentID and student(s) Connect Changes Email Address: _____________________ Location: _____________________ (pull down) Postal Code: ____________ (accepts upper or lower and space or no space)

6  Cosmetic changes to view … have heard some people think it is ugly!  Allow parents to edit health text details  Allow parents to edit the call sequence fields  Allow parents to Add absences and/or edit reasons …???  Parent/Teacher Signup? - more specifically nice view for parents to select times to visit appropriate teachers  Online payment of Fees.. Integration with School Fees and School Books? Has $$$ implications On the List

7  Setup In CORE:  Per Teacher (copy): Interview Days, Times, and Length of Session  Cutoff times, Notes for parents …..  Reporting in Core free time, scheduled etc.  In PC allow parents to schedule their times  Show them their teacher(s).. Allow them to see any other teacher  Student: ___________ Time: _______ Teacher:  In TC Show Teachers their schedules  Consider at Elementary Environment First ?? Parent/Teacher Select Allow them to select any other student that has their same ParentID Allow them to select any teacher (no issue) and only show other teachers as available/non available

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