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Adolescent Alcohol Use and Academic Achievement Nelson R. Hamblin, Jr. Eastern Michigan University.

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Presentation on theme: "Adolescent Alcohol Use and Academic Achievement Nelson R. Hamblin, Jr. Eastern Michigan University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adolescent Alcohol Use and Academic Achievement Nelson R. Hamblin, Jr. Eastern Michigan University

2 Background and Research Problem Alcohol trends moving in the right direction Society recognizes teen drinking as problematic Levels of use are still very high 2012, Monitoring The Future Adolescent drinking and Academic Achievement ?

3 2009: Extrapolation of findings suggests a link (Balsa, Giuliano, and French) 2007: Binge drinkers had lower grades (Cox, Zhang, Johnson, and Bender) 2007: Drinking’s effect on GPA is negative (Wolaver) 2008: Drinking had no influence on GPA (Paul) Secondary Collegiate

4 1.Secondary level- suspected elusive relation 2.Collegiate level- inconsistent findings Justification for study

5 Research Question Does alcohol use impact the academic achievement of high school adolescents?

6 Review of the Literature Placed study into a context Revealed variables to consider Consideration of a conceptual framework

7 Initial Path Analysis

8 Secondary Initial Path Analysis

9 Conceptual Framework: Bandura’s Social Learning Theory Behaviors are a result of expectations Behaviors are a result of mimicking social norms (1971)

10 After the study sample was surveyed… Exploratory factor analysis using a rotated component matrix. 19 Variables were emerged: 12 Manifest 7 Latent

11 Level I Manifest Variables Female Sophomore Junior Senior Parent Education Level Divorce of Parents Age of First Drink Level I Latent Variables Parental Expectations Home Drinking Environment Level II Manifest Variables Athletic Hours Work Hours Drinking Friends Perceived Popularity Grade Importance Level II Latent Variables Pro Social Behavior Religious Activity Bullied Level III Latent Variable Drinking (Behaviors and Attitudes) Level IV Latent Variable Academic Achievement Four Level Path Analysis Used in Study

12 What factors impact alcohol use or abuse? Secondary Research Question

13 Explanations of Latent Variables








21 Path analysis model. Multiple regressions. Included previously listed variables Answering the research question…

22 Open to all students Class visits Video announcements Student consent Parental consent Recruitment Response Rate 10.6%

23 The School Secondary, 9-12 One of three high schools High test scores Post-secondary placement Oakland County, MI

24 SampleSchool Students1781679 Gender (Female)61%51% Demographics SampleSchool Freshmen31%30% Sophomores16%23% Juniors24%22% Seniors29%25% Mean Sample Age: 16.0 years Ethnicities 2%+SampleSchool Caucasian89%92% Hispanic3%2% African America2%4% Asian2% Multiracial2%

25 Oakland County State of Michigan Caucasian73%76% Black14% Asian6%3% Hispanic4%5% Multiracial2%

26 Behaviors of the Sample Academics and Drinking

27 Academic IndicatorSample Cumulative High School GPA 3.286, (Range,.330-4.330) GPA during term prior to Survey 3.220 (Range,.000-4.141) ACT Score (when available) 23.25 (Range, 14-35)

28 Drinking BehaviorsSample Mean Age at first drink14.21 years Drinking days over the last month 1.71 days Most drinks taken on one occasion over last two weeks 2.58 drinks Number of occasions where 5+ drinks were taken at once over last two weeks 1.42 occasions

29 Cigarette and Marijuana Use Sample Mean Use of cigarettes over last month 13% Use of marijuana over last month 25%

30 Path Analysis and Linear Regressions (19 Study Variables) Numbers represent: Regression Coefficient, Significance




34 Primary Study Question Secondary Study Questions Study Question Results

35 Path Analysis and Linear Regressions Drinking Behaviors and Attitudes


37 T. Eitle D. Eitle (2007) Swahn, Bossarte, West, & Topalli (2009) Kim-Godwin, Clements, Bullers, Maume, & Demski (2007) Drinking: First Drink

38 Mayeux, Sandstrom, and Cillessen (2008) Dawkins, Williams, and Guilbault (2011 ) Drinking: Drinking Friends Mrug, Borch, & Cillessen (2010) Steinman, Ferketich, & Sahr (2008)

39 Paxton, Valois, and Drane (2006) Drinking Friends: Gender

40 Path Analysis and Linear Regressions Academic Achievement


42 Barry, B. Chaney, and J. Chaney (2011) Fredricks and Eccles (2006) T. Eitle D. Eitle (2007) Academic Achievement: Parent Education AND Grade Importance

43 Rusby, Forrester, and Metzler (2005) Ramisetty-Mikler, Goebert, Nishimura, and Caetano (2006). Academic Achievement: Bullied

44 Implications for Research No link between drinking and academic performance Adolescent drinking research variables Drinking and social consequences Racial minorities, and the LGBT community

45 Implications for Practice Educational stakeholders and assumptions Gender, age of first drink, and friendships

46 Implications for Theory Researcher bias Social variables Academics Two new variables

47 Personal Growth of the Researcher Appreciation of following statistical results Time and energy Doctoral students should heed advice of the faculty Parents, spouses, children, partners, and friends Future use of research

48 Thank you for your consideration of and attention to my study. Adolescent Alcohol Use and Academic Achievement Nelson R. Hamblin, Jr. Eastern Michigan University

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