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Stem-changing verbs in the preterite Bad news: there are some Good news: there aren’t as many as in the present tense!

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Presentation on theme: "Stem-changing verbs in the preterite Bad news: there are some Good news: there aren’t as many as in the present tense!"— Presentation transcript:

1 stem-changing verbs in the preterite Bad news: there are some Good news: there aren’t as many as in the present tense!

2 ¡Repasito rapidito! What is the stem?  not the ending (i.e. -ar, -er, -ir)  the part of the verb that (normally) does not change  contains the meaning of the verb Why are there stem-changers?  blame Latin/early Spanish What changes in the present tense?  o  ue and e  ie, among a few others  “in the shoe/boot”

3 When does a verb stem-change in the preterite? Great news! only -ir verbs have stem changes, and only in Ud., él/ella, Uds., and ellos/ellas formsforms they change in the “sole” e  i; o  u  competir: ella compitió  dormir: él durmió

4 PretéritoPretérito de -ir e  i; o  u -í-imos -iste-isteis -ió-ieron

5 ¡A practicar! página 179, actividad 11

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