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2008-01-15Lydia Roos CNRS/IN2P3/LPNHE1 France China Particle Physics Laboratory 中法粒子物理实验室 FCPPL.

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1 2008-01-15Lydia Roos CNRS/IN2P3/LPNHE1 France China Particle Physics Laboratory 中法粒子物理实验室 FCPPL

2 2008-01-15Lydia Roos CNRS/IN2P3/LPNHE2 Sino-French cooperation in Particle Physics: a longstanding history 1988: Michel DAVIER first contribution to BEPC 1987 to 1997: ~ 10 accelerator physicists from IHEP for one-year stay at LAL Orsay (e.g. GAO Jie) 1990: Charling TAO at IHEP 1/2 year on Dark Matter 1999: IHEP/LAPP collaboration on AMSII ECAL 2005: IHEP and Shandong U. collaboration with CPPM (Marseilles) within ATLAS 2006: IHEP/IPN Lyon first contacts on CMS 2006: Tsinghua U./LAL Collaboration on LHCb 2006: IHEP/IN2P3 MoU on Grid Computing for LHC 2000: Huazhong Normal U. /IN2P3 work on Alice 2006: CEA/IHEP/NAOC/.. start the SVOM Experiment ILC Detector optimization & Particle Flow Algorithms (Tsinghua U./LAL/Clermont)

3 2008-01-15Lydia Roos CNRS/IN2P3/LPNHE3 Agreement on the creation of the FCPPL signed on April 10th, 2007 in Paris, by Catherine BRECHIGNAC (CNRS), Arnold MIGUS (CNRS), Alain BUGAT (CEA), and LU Yongxiang (CAS). Only 4 months after the first round of discussions in Beijing during the First Sino- French Workshop on LHC physics and associated grid computing when CEA decided to join the CNRS/IN2P3 initiative. Chinese partners: Chinese Academy of Science (IHEP and University of Science and Technology of China) AND Chinese Universities: Tsinghua U., Peking U., Shandong U, Huazhong Normal U., Nanjing U., Dalian U. Technology French partners: CNRS/IN2P3 (12 laboratories and their host universities involved) AND CEA/IRFU FCPPL is a network including the major partners in Particle Physics in both countries

4 2008-01-15Lydia Roos CNRS/IN2P3/LPNHE4 What is FCPPL? A Laboratory “without wall” (but not virtual) –CPPM and IHEP are the administrative location of FCPPL –One yearly call for proposals –One yearly workshop Ruled by a 8+8-member Steering Committee decides on the programme, selects the projects on the basis of reviewer reports. One yearly meeting: –First meeting on June 15, 2007 –Second meeting on January 18 in Marseilles Lead by two co-directors in charge of the preparation of the budget, organization of meetings, workshops, communication…

5 2008-01-15Lydia Roos CNRS/IN2P3/LPNHE5 Steering Committee: Chinese members CHEN Hesheng, Director of IHEP, CAS QIU Juliang, Deputy Director General of International cooperation Bureau of CAS WANG Yifang, Deputy Director of IHEP, CAS YAN Baoping, CNIC, CAS YANG Zongkai, Vice-President of Huazhong Normal U. CHEN Gang, Head of Computing Center of IHEP, CAS KUANG Yuping, Academician, Professor @ Tsinghua Univ. Kuang-Ta CHAO, Academician, Professor @ Peking Univ.

6 2008-01-15Lydia Roos CNRS/IN2P3/LPNHE6 Steering Committee: French members Michel SPIRO, Director of CNRS/IN2P3 or his representative Francois LE DIBERDER, Deputy Director Jean ZINN-JUSTIN, Director of CEA/DSM/IRFU or his representative Didier VILANOVA, Roy ALEKSAN  Eric KAJFASZ, CNRS/IN2P3, Director of CPPM, Jean-Eudes AUGUSTIN, CNRS/IN2P3 Dominique BOUTIGNY, CNRS/IN2P3, Director of the CCIN2P3, Bertrand CORDIER, CEA/DSM/IRFU/SAp Michel DAVIER, CNRS/IN2P3, representing Universities, Bruno MANSOULIE, CEA/DSM/IRFU/SPP

7 2008-01-15Lydia Roos CNRS/IN2P3/LPNHE7 Mandates Michel DAVIER, CNRS/IN2P3 and CHEN Hesheng, IHEP/CAS have been appointed as co-chairmen JIN Shan (IHEP) & L.R have been appointed as co-directors up to April 2009

8 2008-01-15Lydia Roos CNRS/IN2P3/LPNHE8 Other important people “Coordinators”: –Particle physics: Emmanuel MONNIER (CPPM & CERN) –Astroparticle and Cosmology: Charling TAO (CPPM) and Olivier MARTINEAU-HUYN (LPNHE) –Theory: Michael KLASEN (LPSC) Administrative issues: –Fanny LESSOUS (CPPM)

9 2008-01-15Lydia Roos CNRS/IN2P3/LPNHE9 The Call for Proposal Organized on a yearly basis Synchronized with the French Fiscal Year (Jan. to Dec) so that the French teams can get the money as early as possible No dedicated budget on the Chinese side (yet): each team has to fund its participation itself Funding from both sides must be equivalent

10 2008-01-15Lydia Roos CNRS/IN2P3/LPNHE10 2007 Call for Proposals: 26 appl! LHC Physics –Atlas (2)/CMS/LHCb/Alice Linear Collider –Calorimeter (2) –ATF2 final focus at KEK –positron source –High power couplers Physics at BES –QCD and  physics –BESIII and CKMFitter Theory –Lattice QCD –Exotic hadrons –new physics at colliders Astrophysics & astroparticles –AMS –Dark Energy and Dark Matter –The SVOM experiment Related technologies and applications –Grid & network infrastructures –Bioinformatics grid services –Read-out ASIC –Computational Structural Mech. –Superconducting Technologies –CMOS sensor

11 2008-01-15Lydia Roos CNRS/IN2P3/LPNHE11 2008 Call for Proposals: 25 appl. LHC Physics –Atlas (1new)/CMS(1new) /LHCb/Alice Linear Collider –Calorimeter (2) –ATF2 final focus at KEK –positron source –TPC Theory –Exotic hadrons –new physics at colliders –Lattice QCD –Higgs & Susy physics Physics at BES –QCD and  physics –BESIII and CKMFitter Astrophysics & astroparticles –Dark Energy and Dark Matter –Radiodetection of Cosmic Rays –POLAR Related technologies and applications –Grid & network infrastructures –Bioinformatics grid services –Read-out ASIC –Computational Structural Mech. –CMOS sensor

12 2008-01-15Lydia Roos CNRS/IN2P3/LPNHE12 Project Review All projects have been reviewed by 1 French and 1 Chinese reviewers (among the Steering Committee or from outside) Next Friday Steering Committee meeting –Report from the reviewers –Budget allocation

13 2008-01-15Lydia Roos CNRS/IN2P3/LPNHE13 Other sources of funding Bilateral programs: CNRS/CAS, CNRS/NSFC FCPPL can provide a support to prepare the application The PhD Grant Program from the French Embassy: only 25 new grants this year  Eiffel Doctorat Program (French Ministry of Foreign Affairs) DID YOU APPLY ? Sino-French “College Doctoral”: PLEASE CHECK WITHIN YOUR UNIVERSITY Funding to send French Students or post-doc to China is not a (big) problem

14 2008-01-15Lydia Roos CNRS/IN2P3/LPNHE14 Communication The web site: Intranet authorized to member only (twiki registration) The mailing list: Members automatically added to the list. archives: Any other questions ask: JIN Shan (, Fanny LESSOUS (, or my-self (

15 2008-01-15Lydia Roos CNRS/IN2P3/LPNHE15 Thank you 谢谢 Merci !

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