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Module 10 Fitness Unit 3 Language in use fitness do sports take exercise healthy food junk food disadvantage behave put on weight ban,give up persvade.

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2 Module 10 Fitness Unit 3 Language in use

3 fitness do sports take exercise healthy food junk food disadvantage behave put on weight ban,give up persvade educate weight training develop, improve tasty sugar

4 4. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Write answers with the words in the box. body develop exercise fat healthy heart hurt improve library problems put on sports centre stronger tired unfit

5 How much do you know about health and fitness? 1 What kind of things can help your health best? 2 What can happen when people are unfit and fat? 3 When you are trying to get fit,what may become stronger? Exercising and eating healthy food. They can put on weight, and often get tired. The heart and body.

6 4 What do you sometimes have to do in order to get fit? 5 Where do some people go to get fit? 6 What happen to some people after they exercise for the first time? You have to do exercises. They go to a sports centre. They get very tired.

7 1 Jamie Oliver is a cook whose ideas encouraged teenagers to eat more healthy food. 2 I think junk food should not be allowed in schools. persuaded unhealthy 5. Rewrite the underlined words in the sentences,using the words in the box. banned improve persuaded tasty train unhealthy banned

8 3 If you study harder, your English will get better. 4 If you want to join in the football team, you have to come to practise every day. 5 Jamie Oliver showed teenagers that healthy food can be nice to eat, too. improve train tasty

9 8. Complete Linda’s diary with the correct form of the phrases in the box. body exercise give up had better think about unhealthy

10 Monday I’ve put on so much weight after the summer holidays! I should(1)_______ more, instead of watching so much TV and eating(2)__________food…I don’t want to get fat and have health problems. So I(3) ___________start a fitness programme. I’m(4)_____________joining the gym at the sports centre. But I’m really not looking forward to it! had better exercise unhealthy thinking about

11 Thursday Guess what? I’ve started enjoying going to the gym! At first, my first whole(5) _______hurt, and I felt so tired after my first class, I nearly (6)________! But I knew I would go on. body gave up

12 这一模块我们来学习用 whose 引导的定 语从句 : 首先,我们来试着翻译下面这个句子: 他是我们班唯一一个爸爸是警察的学生。 He is the only student in our class whose father is a policeman. Attributive clause 引导词

13 这里的定语从句为什么要用 whose 呢?在前几模块的学习中我们了解 到: 定语从句的引导词与两点有关,一是 先行词,二是引导词在定语从句中充 当的成分。如果引导词在定语从句中 作定语,就要用 whose 。

14 He is the only student in our class whose father is a policeman. Attributive clause =the student’s 作定语 修饰 father

15 先行词为无生命的物体时也可以用 whose 引导定语从句。如: The book whose cover is green is mine. 那个绿皮书是我的。 No one now lives in the room whose windows are broken. 窗子坏了的那个房间现在没人住。

16 1. Complete the instructions for the game, using who or whose. Find someone in the class... 1 ______favourite hobby is watching TV. 2 ______favourite exercise is running. 3 ______never eats junk food. 4 ______wants to go to a sports school. 5 ______father is a good cook. whose who whose

17 2. Join the sentences with whose. 1 Linda goes to a table tennis club with the girl. Her mother is the teacher. 2 They Went back to help the man. The man’s car broke down. Linda goes to a table tennis club with the girl whose mother is a teacher. They went back to help the man whose car broke down.

18 3 Susan was the teacher. Her work had amazing results. 4 Daming’s father trains with a man. The man’s son is in Daming’s class. 5 Darning knows a boy. The boy’s brother is training for the basketball team. Susan was a teacher whose work had amazing results. Daming’s father trains with a man whose son is in Daming’s class. Daming knows a boy whose brother is training for the basketball for the basketball team.

19 1. --Does the teacher know everybody ___ planted the trees? (04 年哈尔滨 ) --Yes, he does. A. which B. whose C. where D. who 2. The letter _______ I received from him yesterday is very important. (04 年常州 ) A. who B. where C. what D. that

20 3. --Where is the scientist _______ gave us the talk yesterday? --He has gone back to Qinghua University. (04 年扬州 ) A. whom B. who C. whose D. which 4. I hate people _______ talk much but do little. (04 年益阳 ) A. whose B. whom C. which D. who

21 1 the place advertised is a___________. 2 the advertisement is for people who__________________________ _________________________. health club have tried to lose weight but haven’t been successful 6. Listen to the advertisement and complete the sentences.

22 7. Listen again and complete the table. 1 who works there 2 the first thing we do for you 3 what we do for you next 4 what we do for you every week 5 Opening hours special fitness trainers develop a healthy food programme make a personal exercise plan check your weight during the day and in the evening seven days a week

23 Module task Finding ways of keeping fit

24 Fill in the questionnaire about your health habits on the P87.

25 Work in groups. ◆ Compare your answers to the questionnaires. Do you have a lot in common? ◆ Discuss things you can do to be healthier. ◆ Make a list of 10 things every can do to be healthy. ◆ Read your list to the class—do they agree? ◆ Try to do things on the list for one week. Then meet again and see how well you did!

26 Exercise


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