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Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry First Quarter Team Interdisciplinary Project (TIP)

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1 Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry First Quarter Team Interdisciplinary Project (TIP)

2 Important Information Due Date: October 7, 2013 Value: 15% of overall quarterly grade in each core subject class (Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, Reading) Total points possible: 100 All 5 parts must be completed in order for students to be eligible for quarter final exam exemptions. No late projects will be accepted!

3 “At-Risk” Student Reminders Be mature. Do not stereotype. Use correct terminology. Be respectful of all races and members of society remembering that there is really only one race! The events depicted in the novel are historical fiction based on events that really occurred. It is everyone’s responsibility to make sure that they never happen again.

4 “At-Risk” Reading Students will create a bio-cube showing the similarities between a famous Civil Rights leader and a character from the book.

5 Bio Cube Planner

6 Science Students will be learning about the scientific method while conducting an experiment in class that involves growing plants. (This experiment will be set up in class on Tuesday, September 2 nd.) They will complete many of the steps during class in a science lab with the assistance of their science teacher that will prepare them for the expectations of the second quarter Science Fair TIP project. The conclusion of the experiment and graph will be finished and completed at home.

7 Language Arts Students will work in groups during class to create a script for a new scene that fits in with the feeling and mood of the book. Students will present their scene to the class

8 Math Students will choose from a list of careers in the 1930’s. Based on the yearly salary for that career, they will calculate their weekly and hourly salary. They will also create a food budget and menu.

9 Social Studies Students will learn about the history of Segregation and Jim Crow Laws. There will be a background lesson and related Civil Rights video presented in class on Tuesday, September 2 nd.

10 Social Studies Poster Campaign Students will create a poster demonstration against segregation. This poster must include: -A symbol of what it means to be segregated -Several reasons why segregation is wrong -An example of a segregation law -A slogan that conveys their message

11 Any questions??? Please contact your student’s team teachers regarding specific details or assignments related to their content area part of the project. You may also contact one of us:

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