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Individual Book Read Due April 24 th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s a Thursday!!!!!!!!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Individual Book Read Due April 24 th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s a Thursday!!!!!!!!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Individual Book Read Due April 24 th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s a Thursday!!!!!!!!!!

2 Assignment Read one book In-class assignments Reading at home Assignments at home, due every Friday

3 Requirements The novel is… Within your SRI or Lexile score 200 pages or longer Not longer than you could complete in the time allotted Appropriate for your age level- you will be presenting this to the class A series Challenging and interesting to me Different from previous months A book you have never read before You will fill out a form and turn it into me for approval prior to the first day of reading.

4 Genres Classic Biography/Autobiography/Memoir Contemporary Historical Fiction Mystery Fantasy Award Winner (Newberry etc.) Science Fiction

5 How to search for a book Library: card catalog on computers ◦Search by: author, genre, section ◦Stick to where the catalog sent you w/ ISN # ◦Look through the Young Adult section And go to

6 To succeed you need… Brain Effort and hard work Support at home helps- but you need to support each other! Folder to hold all your reading papers To do homework- Semester 1 was easy Time to step it up

7 Projects

8 Presentation stylee Book Review Artistic Representation Character Diary Rap/Poem/Song Act out a scene Other: if you come up with a unique idea and give me a proper rubric- I may approve another stylee (worth 100 pts)

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