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The Scientific Method Chapter 1 Section 2 Checks for Understanding 0807.Inq.1 Design and conduct an open- ended scientific investigation to answer.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Method Chapter 1 Section 2 Checks for Understanding 0807.Inq.1 Design and conduct an open- ended scientific investigation to answer."— Presentation transcript:



3 The Scientific Method Chapter 1 Section 2

4 Checks for Understanding 0807.Inq.1 Design and conduct an open- ended scientific investigation to answer a question that includes a control and appropriate variables. 0807.Inq.2 Identify tools and techniques needed to gather, organize, analyze, and interpret data collected from a moderately complex scientific investigation.

5 I can identify the steps used in the scientific method. I can establish a testable hypothesis. I can explain how the scientific method is used to answer questions. I can explain how the scientific method is used to solve problems.

6 The scientific method A way to answer questions and solve problems A way to answer questions and solve problems

7 Step #1 Ask a Question ? Scientist often ask questions after Scientist often ask questions after making an observation

8 Using the scientific method requires that one be a good observer. observationinference involves a logical conclusion drawn from available evidence and prior knowledge uses the five senses to gather information

9 Measurements Observations made with tools such as meter sticks, graduated cylinders, thermometers and stopwatches Observations should be accurately recorded so that scientists can use the information in future investigations

10 The Skeptical Chemist Robert Boyle Published “The Sceptical Chymist” scientific speculation …stated that scientific speculation was worthless unless it was supported experimental evidence by experimental evidence. scientific method This principle led to the development of the scientific method. (in 1661)

11 “My mother the eye doctor” Observation or Inference? One player is holding a bat.The player holding the bat is talking.One of the teams is called the “Reds.” One player is wearing a catcher’s mask. One player is a catcher.Names are written on the uniforms.The players in the picture are on opposite teams.The adult is the umpire.The piece of paper is a note from the mother of the batter.The adult is holding a piece of paper.The mother of the batter is an optometrist or opthalmologist (an eye doctor).

12 Step #2 Research the problem Learn more about Learn more about your subject your subject Scientist specialize in an area and have learned a great deal of knowledge about it Scientist specialize in an area and have learned a great deal of knowledge about it

13 Step #3 Form a Hypothesis Possible explanation or answer to a question Possible explanation or answer to a question Predicting what you think your experiment will show Predicting what you think your experiment will show

14 The If-Then Format Scientist usually state predictions in an “If…, then…,because…., format Example: If you compare hand brakes and coaster brakes on the same bicycles, then the hand brakes will be more effective at stopping the bikes quickly, because they apply pressure directly to the wheel hubs.

15 Step # 4 Design an experiment to test your hypothesis Find out if you are correct Find out if you are correct

16 A Scientific Experiment procedure the order of events in an experiment; the “recipe” Experiments must be controlled; they must have two set-ups that must differ by only one variable. The conclusion must be based on the data. variable any factor that could influence the result

17 A Controlled Experiment?

18 Step # 5 Record and analyze your data

19 Data Pieces of information acquired through experimentation Observations are also called data. There are two types of data. qualitative data quantitative data descriptions; measurements; no numbersmust have numbers

20 Step # 6 State a conclusion Was your Was yourhypothesiscorrect?

21 Drawing Conclusions Results support hypothesis Results do not support hypothesis More information is needed Depending on your conclusion, you might ask a new question and gather more information or change the procedure

22 Step # 7 Communicate Results Share your results accurately and honestly with others so they can reproduce and verify your data Share your results accurately and honestly with others so they can reproduce and verify your data communicate.htm

23 The Metric System Used by scientists all over the world! Developed by France and known as the International System of Units (SI) Units are based on the number 10 Help all scientists share and compare their observations and results

24 PrefixSymbolMeaning kilo-k1000 hectoh100 deka-da10 deci-d0.1 or 1/10 centi-c0.01 0r 1/100 milli-m0.001 or 1/1000 Common SI Prefixes: Measuring Length--the common SI measure of length is the meter (m). One meter = 39 inches (approx.) Common conversions include: 1 km = 1000 m, 1 m = 100 cm, 1 m = 1000 mm, and 1 cm = 10 mm Scientists use a meter stick to measure length or distance.


26 modified by Liz LaRosa 2009, from original posted at: Observation & Inference

27 Observations Any information collected with the senses. Quantitative – measureable or countable »3 meters long »4 marbles »50 kilograms »35 degrees Celsius Qualitative – describable, not measureable »red flowers »smells like fresh baked cookies »Tastes bitter The skill of describing scientific events

28 Inference Conclusions or deductions based on observations. The process of drawing a conclusion from given evidence. Practice: Observations: I hear people screaming I smell cotton candy, popcorn, and hamburgers I see a lot of people Inference = ?

29 Look at these two sets of animal tracks. List 3 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE

30 Now what do you think? Make 3 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE

31 Now what do you think? Make 3 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE

32 Activity Page In your science notebook, write your conclusion.

33 Source of graphic:





38 Tools Used by Scientist To get the best measurements scientists need to use the proper tools Stopwatches, metersticks, balances, thermometers, spring scales and graduated cylinders are some of these tools Today you will learn how to properly measure volume

39 Scientific Tool For Today Today you will learn how to accurately measure volume Measured in liters (usually milliliters) Measured with a Graduated Cylinder Need to measure in the middle – at the meniscus Video

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