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Scientists want to gain knowledge about the world around them. A scientist is a person who asks questions about the natural world. 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientists want to gain knowledge about the world around them. A scientist is a person who asks questions about the natural world. 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientists want to gain knowledge about the world around them. A scientist is a person who asks questions about the natural world. 1

2 Scientists collect observations in an organized way to investigate. Scientists make observations in different ways! 2

3 3

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7 Scientists work together to interpret their data and form explanations. A good explanation uses: 1.Observations 2.Inferences 3.Prior Knowledge (what you already know) 4.Measurements 5.Data from experiments 7

8 Scientists investigate in different ways. Sometimes scientists: 1.Use models 2.Use surveys 3.Do experiments 8

9 Models 9

10 10 A survey is a list of questions or choices. Scientists may have many people take a survey and learn from their answers.

11 11 An experiment is an investigation that requires scientists to follow a set of specific steps!

12 Scientist use a set of steps to experiment. These steps are called THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD! 12

13 The scientific method is like a map that scientists use in order to understand how and why things work. 13


15 Remember Making Observations Leads to Questions! 15

16 Scientists carry out experiments to find out answers to scientific questions. 16

17 The Scientific method 17

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19 Step 1: Question Science cannot answer ALL questions! Questions should not be about people’s opinions 19

20 1.Read each pair of questions. 2.Which question is the testable question? 1.Which brand of paper towel has the prettiest designs? 2.Which type of paper towel absorbs the most water? 20

21 1.Read each pair of questions. 2.Which question is the testable question? 1.Which brand of popcorn tastes the best? 2.Which brand of popcorn pops the most kernels? 21

22 1.Read each pair of questions. 2.Which question is the testable question? 1.Does the flavor of the cherry gum last longer than the flavor of the peppermint gum? 2.Which flavor gum is more refreshing and delicious- cherry or peppermint? 22

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24 Step 2: Hypothesis Sometimes it is necessary to find out more information before you form a hypothesis. 24

25 Step 2: Hypothesis Forming a Hypothesis: This is when you use what you know to predict what the answer to your question is. It is what you believe the outcome of the experiment will be. 25

26 Step 2: Hypothesis You must state the hypothesis BEFORE you start the experiment. 26

27 Writing a Hypothesis Use the words if and then to write your hypothesis. If...(this), then…(that). 27

28 Does the temperature outside affect how loudly the crickets chirp? If it is warmer outside, then crickets will chirp loudly. 28

29 Question: Will more birds use the red birdfeeder or the blue birdfeeder? If ______________________________________________, then_____________________________________________. Hypothesis: the birdfeeders are red or blue more birds will use the red birdfeeder 29

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31 A.This step is when you plan test to see if your hypothesis is correct.  This test is called the EXPERIMENT! B.Write clear and exact procedures to carry out the experiment. –Make sure to only change ONE variable. C.Collect all tools and supplies you will need to follow the procedure. D.Keep records of what you do and observe during the experiment. E. Step 3: Experiment 31

32 Step 4: Results A.Keep records of what you do and find during the experiment. D.Records can be notes, pictures, charts, or graphs. E.Carefully examine your data. 32

33 Step 5: Conclusion Does the data support your hypothesis? What can you infer from the data? 33

34 Important Reminders! It is important to complete the test more than once. Each time you complete the test it is called a trial. 34

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