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Unit 3: Then and Now Theme 5: Times Have Changed

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3: Then and Now Theme 5: Times Have Changed"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3: Then and Now Theme 5: Times Have Changed

2 diversity- many kinds of people, things, or ideas If a city has cultural diversity, it means that people from various cultures live there.

3 languages- method for communicating with others Most languages today can be spoken and written down.

4 neighboring- objects that are near one another You might play sports against teams at neighboring schools.

5 settlement- a new village or group of people living together A settlement can grow into a city as more people build houses and businesses there.

6 territory- a large area of land The explorers moved deeper into uncharted territory.

7 expand- to make something bigger A bag of popcorn will expand in the microwave.

8 shift- a change in something The path of the hurricane has shifted.

9 timeline- an arrangement that shows dates of events A timeline is a good way to show events that have taken place in the past.

10 appreciate- to understand the value and importance of something I appreciate all the hard work you have done for the fundraiser.

11 factory - a large building where things are made Cars are produced in large factories.

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