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English Proficiency 3 PART 3 Listening Skills 26-40.

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1 English Proficiency 3 PART 3 Listening Skills 26-40

2 Question 26 (A) A play (B) A sports game (C) An opera (D) A movie 26. (D) The question asked was, "What did the man go see?" The correct response is (D)-A movie. The woman asks, "Was it any good?" The man then proceeds to explain how he waited in line for it. The listener can infer from the conversation that he did go to see the movie

3 Question 27 (A) He wanted to walk out on it. (B) He liked it a lot. (C) He would not wait for a ticket. (D) He hated it. 27. (B) The question asked was, "What did the man think of the movie?" The correct response is (B)-He liked it a lot. He told her, "The acting was fantastic and the plot had me on the edge of my seat." To be "on the edge of your seat" is to be waiting with anticipation for the events that are about to occur.

4 Question 28 (A) An hour (B) Two hours (C) He did not wait. (D) Just a few minutes 28. (A) The question asked was, "How long did the man wait in line?" The correct response is (A)-An hour. He told the woman, "I had to wait in line over an hour to get a ticket."

5 Question 29 (A) Two hours (B) One hour a (C) There was no one in front of him. (D) He did not wait in line. 29. (A) The question asked was, "How long did the people in front of him wait in line?" The correct answer is (A)-Two hours. The people in front of him waited on line for an hour before he arrived, and you have to add to that the hour he waited on line before they began to sell the tickets.

6 Question 30 (A) Monday or Tuesday (B) Wednesday or Thursday (C) Saturday or Sunday (D) Tonight 30. (C) The question asked was, "When will the woman go to see the movie?" The correct response is (C)-Saturday or Sunday. The woman told the man, "I think I will try to go this weekend." The weekend is normally considered to be Saturday and Sunday. The other answer choices are all weekdays.

7 Question 31 (A) Their families (B) High school graduation (C) University graduation. (D) Business. 31. (C) The question asked was, "What are these people talking about?" The answer is (C)-University graduation. In the conversation, the woman said that she missed her high school graduation so this was to be a big event for her. The man said, "I am the first one in the family to graduate from a university...," which hints of a college graduation.

8 Question 32 (A) No, because she is not sure if her parents can attend it. (B) Yes, because this is a very important occasion in her life. (C) No, because she thinks high school graduation is more fun. (D) Yes, because she has waited too long to get her degree. 32. (B) The question asked was, "Is the woman looking forward to her graduation?" The answer is (B)-Yes, because this is a very important occasion in her life. When the man asked, "Aren't you excited about it?", she replied, "Of course, I am. I couldn't attend my high school graduation, so this is a really big event for me."

9 Question 33 (A) Because they look upon him as a bright student. (B) Because they like people with degrees. (C) Because he is the first one in the family to get a degree. (D) Because they have to travel only 30 miles. 33. (C) The question asked was, "Why is the man's graduation important to his family?" The answer is (C)- Because he is the first one in the family to get a degree. The man said, "I am the first one in the family to graduate from a university so they are all looking forward to it."

10 Question 34 (A) Texas (B) New York (C) Virginia (D) Georgia. 34. (A) The question asked was, "What state do the woman's parents live in?" The answer is (A)-Texas. The woman said, "...They live in Texas."

11 Question 35 (A) In a month (B) Tomorrow (C) Next week (D) Tonight 35. (C) The question asked was, "When is the graduation?" The answer is (C)-Next week. The man said, "I can't believe it is only a week from now!" The woman asked, "What?" And he replied, "Our college graduation... "

12 Question 36 (A) Make yardsticks (B) Build a farm house (C) Make some gardening tools (D) Make a fence 36. (D) The question asked was, "What is the man planning to do with the wood?" The answer is (D)-Make a fence. When the woman asked "...What is all this wood for?." the man answered. "I am planning to make a wooden fence for my yard."

13 Question 37 (A) Because he has his own house. (B) Because he was brought up on farms. (C) Because he loves fresh vegetables. (D) Because he never had a chance to go to school. 37. (B) The question asked was, "Why does the man have an interest in gardening?" The answer is (B)-Because he was brought up on farms. When the woman was surprised to learn of the man's gardening experience, the man's response was, "1 grew up on farms." What he implied was, "It is natural, because I grew up on farms."

14 Question 38 (A) Vegetables (B) Rose plants (C) Seeds (D) Oil 38. (C) The question asked was, "What is the man's father going to send?" The answer is (C)-Seeds. In the conversation, the man mentioned that he was going to get some seeds for vegetables from his father.

15 Question 39 (A) In the man's yard (B) In the woman's house (C) On the street (D) In the garden shop 39. (A) The question asked was, "Where did this conversation probably take place?" The answer is (A)-In the man's yard. The conversation took place in the man's yard because the woman remarked upon the pile of wood which was to be used to build the new fence.

16 Question 40 (A) To get some money for helping in the garden (B) To get some guidance in gardening (C) To ask him to work for their garden (D) To ask him to keep a watch on their yard 40. (B) The question asked was, "Why would the woman go to Mike if John agreed to have a garden?" The answer is (B)-To get some guidance in gardening. Towards the end of the conversation, the woman said, "...and if he agrees to have a little garden in our yard, I will come to you for gardening tips." Tips here means guidance or suggestions and not money

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