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2013-2014 Curriculum Night for Chinese Immersion Kindergarten Chou Lao Shi, Zhang Lao Shi & 23 Involved Families.

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Presentation on theme: "2013-2014 Curriculum Night for Chinese Immersion Kindergarten Chou Lao Shi, Zhang Lao Shi & 23 Involved Families."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013-2014 Curriculum Night for Chinese Immersion Kindergarten Chou Lao Shi, Zhang Lao Shi & 23 Involved Families

2 Educational Philosophy Children-centered Environment Motivation is the key. Multiple Intelligence Differentiated Instructions Educational Goal: A Whole Child Teachers’ Role: 经师人师 We are not only teaching them the academic knowledge at the kindergarten levels but also develop the foundational life-long interest of learning.

3 Supplement of Positive Learning Develop Daily Routines: enough Sleep time, healthy food, responsibility of cleaning after oneself, good habits of taking care of materials. Fine Motor Skills Training: holding pencils, using scissors and glue sticks, buttoning /zipping up clothes, or tying shoes, etc. Self Management: disciplines, concentration, participation, and team-working skills. Home-School Communication

4 Thank you, room parents Amy Hulse (Mom of Jacob Hulse) Wen Yen ( Mom of Nathaniel Lin) Snack Schedules Volunteer Schedules – after 10:30 a.m. Math, Centers, tutors Reminders: Emergency Contact cards, health assessments, and special needs

5 Homework Reading Logs—15-20 minutes daily Math worksheets Chinese character writing- Starting Q2 Kindergarten monthly activities— returning on the last school day of each month Extra Practice toward specific concepts from class activities. Homework requirement: Due on the next day after assigned unless specific date addressed. Neatness counts—Please monitor your child to write neatly and keep the work clear/clean.

6 Chinese Literacy Develop the full language skills orally ( listening/speaking ) and literally ( reading/writing ) Mini-books integrated with topics in math/science/ social studies. Oral proficiency is the primary focus in Q1 Basic 50 Chinese characters in addition to Chinese names

7 Student Profile for Chinese Language Art ListeningSpeakingReadingwriting 1st quarter Beginning Imitate the teacher ’ s body language ( classroom procedures, commands, action) Maintain eye contact with the teacher when given instruction. Be able to understand basic vocabulary that are introduced in subjects, such as numbers, colors,shapes, animals, etc. Respond in native language or nonverbally by gesture. ( e.g. pointing, nodding) and by imitate sounds and actions. Imitate short responses to questions. Recite simple nursery song, rhymes, and chants Indicate where to start reading. Mini-books- Read pictures Understand Chinese print directions. Be able to identify the parts of the mini-books: Cover page, authors, and the texts.. 2 nd quarter Beginning Understand and follow one – and two- step oral directions given for classroom procedures and academic tasks with visual aid or repeated gestures. Repeat short phrases after the teacher. Show limited comprehension through facial expressions, body language and gestures. Begin to follow group discuss by responding to questions in primary language. Imitate short responses to questions. Recite simple nursery song, rhymes, and chants Express personal needs using words only. Use simple sentence patterns to generate a sentence. ( This is ___. I like ___. My name is ___.) Recite text. Recognize introduced Chinese characters. Recognize their own Chinese names. Write Chinese numbers. 3 rd quarter Intermediate Understand and repeat simple and short sentence patterns. Understand and follow multiple-step with visual aid or repeated gestures Understand and follow multiple-step with visual aid or repeated gestures. Show inconsistent understanding of content. Respond with one or two, or in short phrases. Recite simple nursery song, rhymes, and chants Express personal needs using classroom routine language in short phrases. Generate questions with prompts. Identify introduced characters. Read phrases or simple sentences made by learned characters. Write their own names in correct stoke order with prompts. Trace/ write the introduced characters. Use recognized/ learned characters to make sentences. 4 th quarter Expected Performance Understand and follow multiple-step with visual aid or repeated gestures Understand and follow multiple-step with visual aid or repeated gestures. Show sufficient understanding of content. Respond in one complete sentence. Express personal needs in one complete sentence. Spontaneously describe people, places, things, and actions with appropriate Chinese language. Apply recognized characters while reading texts. Be able to read about at least 50 introduced characters with correct tones Write their own name in correct stoke order independently. Be able to write about 25 characters with correct stoke orders independently. Apply the introduced characters in writing.

8 Mathematics Textbook/Practice: Investigation Teacher developed worksheets Alignment of North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCOS) and Common Core. Number operation with 100, Calender & measurement, Geometry, Algebra, Data Collection& analysis, and Visual thinking are the focused categories.

9 Science Kindergarten Science Curriculum Connections Four Competency Goals connected to the appropriate lessons, examples, pages and connectors The competency goals of each quarter: Q1—Animals Q2—Properties of common objects Q3—Weathers Q4—Tools and measurements

10 Social Studies Cultural awareness: similarities & differences, cultural festivals, and customs The competency goals of each quarter: Q1—Myself and Others (family, school, Friends) Q2—Character education and ethnicities Q3—places to places, map skills Q4—community helpers

11 Reference and Discussion  Standard Course of Studies and Common Cores—NCDPI  http://ncpublicschools. org/curriculum http://ncpublicschools. org/curriculum  Chou Lao Shi’s wiki  http://chou-chinese- kinderland.cmswiki.wik http://chou-chinese- kinderland.cmswiki.wik  Questions?

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